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Pak-Afghan Unification

My mistake, but when did you save us from the Mongols?
Sultanate of Delhi muslim ruler Ghias ud din Bulban defeated MONGOLS......
Ghiyas ud din Balban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ghiasuddin Balban

I don't think we would be able to live with the Iranians as they always ride a high horse. With Afghans, we share everything and it makes sense.
Iranins are busy in Daydreaming of Lost Persian Empire, i found their members dont wont to accept new realities of modern world
Are you retarded bro? Clearly I wrote the IVC was a greater civilization imo but no doubt Persian civilization has influenced Pakistan as well. You Indians tend to forget half of our nation is full of Eastern Iranic peoples (Pashtuns and Baluch).
Iam Punjabi Persian Descendant, more than half of our population are mixed Arab,Turk,Central asian stuff....& yes Indians too
Indian members try to use Indian Trump Card against us, which have no significant value in pakistan. I get annoyed whenver they claim us...your ruled by Mughals of Uzbeks, sometimes they say we Delhi ruled your area (instead of saying your ancestors ruled all India)):rofl::rofl:
You are a self hating idiot who is not willing to look beyond his bastardized history. We are the ones who flourished Buddhism, Islam and Sikhism from our lands. You have adopted structures we created or fostered. So go and sleep in that little self loathing barrel of history where your insignificant and defeated culture belongs. We destroyed you, ruled you and changed your way of life the way we saw fit. You are civilizational midgets with no identity of your own. You hate yourself so much that now you are having to seek refuge in the western Judo-Christian culture as you don't have a culture of your own.
Unfortunately Hindus kicked out Buddhism from india with passage of time, and Open the Gate for us to Brand our Foot Prints in India...:sniper:
Muslims acted as Catalyst of East & West, they developed new knowledge, translated ancient Greek, Indian, chinese knowledge and preserved it for centuries, Moreover they enhanced and contributed greatest of all of them collectively
Indians must understand that we are the People who brought civilization at your door step, otherwise they were the most naked population of the EARTH:woot: (Men,Women)
All Cultural Behaviours Norms of Society, Food, Clothes, Meeting & Greetings,
We're the People who gave the Concept of UNITED INDIA.......;)

Hannibal being Turkish now that is a strange one since
Your History Knowledge is Superb....
Turkish Concept invented in 1300's, when Arab employed loyal turkish slaves, later they started interference in day to day matters .
Turkish as Nation concept invented in 1300 under the reign of Ottomans empire

Stop living in the past and thumping your back on past glories.
Af was the only country that opposed the entry of Pakistan to the UN. It has a disputed border too. This is childish fantasy thread and everyone is going ballistic with their perceived history.
... and Hello ? Forefathers ???
Read the title of The Thread, we're going to solve Border Dispute once for all:cheers:

Thanks for the history lesson. But right now do you really expect Re-Unification? Would it be as realistic as rebuilding the Caliphate?
Caliphate is Spiritual head of all Muslims, Please dont confused it with Border-less Administration

You have an uneducated opinion about the Caliphate. Maybe you have been watching FOX a bit too much. Caliphate is our religious right and we will achieve it. Christians already have a Caliph also known as the Pope. What FOX tells you is that the Islamic Caliphate is a state entity which is of course propaganda. A Caliph would be the spiritual head of all Muslims and no it doesn't mean unification of 58 or so Muslim nations which is not possible.
In regards to Afghanistan and Pakistan, we are the same country with two different names. There is virtually no border between us. We share language, culture, religion, history, tradition, cuisine, economy, stability, politics, dresses, past and we will share the future. It doesn't have to be a full blown Union. It can be a regional alliance like the Schengen, EU, GCC, UAE, United States and so on.
Thanks God, we've effective people like you otherwise i cant be articulate like yours:smitten:
Afghan living in Germany?
Germans.....ab apni Khair manay...:suicide:
You seem to be a great fan of the Arabs, but unfortunately, Arabs treat you guys as third rate citizens. Have you seen the plight of Pakistanis in Arab nations? You guys are treated as scum. But you get down on you knees each time you see an Arab - whom you treat as your lords and masters - the ultimate race on planet Earth!

You guys are overawed by their holy presence, even teaching Arabic in schools and translating the Koran too! Clutching at straws to find an identity! Some of you have even insisted that you guys are of Caucasian decent!! Jeeez! :rofl:

Many Hindus in Arab nations as well, why not warn them first? They openly call Hindus gypsy's, witches, and warlocks. :lol:

Btw the Quran is also translated in India and teaching Arabic in schools as an alternative language is done by many countries even over here. :crazy:
Suicidal for Pakistan.

I would want this to happen but this will be a suicidal attempt.Putting Pakistaniat into the people of Afghanistan will take alot of time or they might never become true patriotic ever as the present Pakistani are,forcing Pakistan to disintegrate in long term.
what is this nonsense? why bring filthy attitude into proper discussion ?
i can also say that turks are the forefathers of pakistan will that sound good?

We are not deny thing that, happily accept the Turkic side with pride.

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