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Painter MF Husain dies in London MF Husain passes awayANI - 41 minu

The exact thing happened when someone painted Muhammad Paigambar's cartoon. but does anybody see it in an artistic way? No. There were some Fatwas to kill the one who did that. This is the same thing. If someone hurts some religious sentiments then we should not encourage those guys.

Do you see a difference between such idiots and us? Start behaving like those idiots and you will erase that difference.

BTW, those cartoons had a political and religious agenda. MF Hussein's work had none. You need to differentiate that and think maturely and rationally.
Do you see a difference between such idiots and us? Start behaving like those idiots and you will erase that difference.

BTW, those cartoons had a political and religious agenda. MF Hussein's work had none.

No dear, there's no difference. These people have hurt religious sentiments. Do you really want to support these kind of people? No religion teaches that. You just respect other religions and get the same in return.
There, right there is Hypocrisy. Did MF Hussein had a political or religious agenda?

So your hypocrisy is correct while my ethics are questionable, only because I criticized your hypocrisy. Isnt that exactly what the RSS and BD goons do? Moral policing?

You are pissed off only because it was a Muslim painter who painted Hindu goddesses. There are many more Hindu painters who painted Hindu goddesses in the nude and yet they are not targeted. Look at paintings of Goddess Kali or Lord Krishna stealing clothes of women bathing in the river.

Are those paintings titillating? If so, surely my friend, you need to have your head checked. Fvcking prudes and religious bigots.

If you think Hindus oppose MF Hussain just because he is a muslim, you are very wrong. Hindus are not against nude paintings. As you yourself have said, hindus didnot oppose nude paintings done by Hindus. It's the manner in which they were painted. Godess Durga In union with a tiger!!! WTH is that? Show me one Hindu painter who resorted to such cheap tactics to gain publicity. And What about the painting in which Godess Sita is sitting nude in the lap of Ravana? Does it not hurt the sentiments of Hindus as it is completely against Ramayana which Hindus considered most sacred. Now, with a clear mind, think who a "fvcking" bigot is.
M F Husain Controversy

A nice rebuff to the pervs, prudes moral police out there....

An excerpt:
This article is about a very versatible and enigmatic photogenic icon of India, Maqbool Fida Husain (MFH). MFH is one of the founders of the Progressive Arts Group , formed on the eve of India' Independence. Inspired by Western Expressionism, the PAG aimed to create a new form of national aesthetic for India. Forbes magazine recently declared him the Picasso of India.

I recently came across a campaign to "punish" Husain for his "blasphemous" painting which apparently "denigrates" Hinduism. The website for the campaign is Sanatan.org. Among many other things, the website claims that the paintings depict Hindu Gods and Goddesses in nude forms, bestiality and crosses all limits of decency. One of the Sanatan.org readers has even pledged a reward of Indian Rs. 100,001.00 to anyone who "teaches Mr. Husain a lesson".

After doing a bit of background check on this issue, I hope to express my take on the matter here. First and foremost, the painting captions on the website are taken from another book titled Anti Hindus by Prafull Goradia. They are not the original M. F. Husain captions and are there only to mislead people and channelizing their emotions so as to reach the conclusion which Sanatan wants. You can read many of Prafull's articles here and form your own opinion about him.

Source: Artswithoutborders.com. Title: Sita Rescued

If there is anything called perversion, it is the interpretation of Husain's paintings by Prafull, who even goes to the extent of interpreting the above painting titled "Sita Rescued" by MFH to be a depiction of Sita masturbating on the long tail of hanuman. Indeed, pornography lies in the eyes of the beholder! Looks like Prafull is one of the few lucky guys in the evolution chain on planet earth who need not spend a penny on pornography. He can see one in every image.
"Sita Rescued" most probably represents a scene from Valmiki's Ramayana in the Sundara-Kanda chapter. Here is Sandeep Dougal's version:
the image it conjures up in my mind is the scene in the Sundara-Kanda of Valmiki's Ramayana, where Hanuman after tracing Sita in Ashoka grove of Ravana's Lanka, suggests to her: (all quotes from the Ramayana of Valmiki, trans. P.Lal)
"Climb on my back, devi, and I will take you back to Rama. I will fly over the ocean. No one in Lanka will dare pursue us."
And Sita says:
"I now see that you are indeed capable of carrying me away from here. But I must think of the consequences. I do not think that it is right that I should go with you. Supposing your wind-swift speed makes me giddy and I tumble off your back into the shark-and-crocodile-infested sea? I cannot go with you. You will be in danger. The rakshasas will rally and attack you, and when you engage in combat with them, what will happen to me? What will I do?"

Now, is it not possible to view this painting under question as an apt illustration for this incident? Couldn't Sita be clutching onto the tail out of sheer, to use her words, giddiness?

Second point is that the picture description offered by Sanatan is taken from another group called the Sanskar Bharti. This is a group based in India which has in the past worked closely with other radical groups like Sangh Parivar, VHP which has in the past protested (sometimes violently) the celebration of Valentine's Day, shooting of Deepa Mehta's film "Water", ransacked beauty pageants, stoned theatres screening "Fire". In all these cases, it has acted as a "moral police" to protect Indian culture. In one case, the VHP even destroyed an exhibition on Ayodhya as it depicted the Jain "Dasharatha Jataka" verion in which Rama and Sita are siblings. The painting description which Sanatan gives are all what Sanskar Bharti offered them.

Both the above points makes me wonder what the true intentions of Sanatan are. My personal take is that Sanatan is just yet another mouthpiece for those who think that India is a Hindu Rashtra and not a plural secular democracy. Husain adopted the entire spectrum of vast Indian material (Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Tribal, Provincial). His works with Hindu materials proved him a Muslim who could transform art into this plural category, Indian. Refusal of Husain is a refusal of the secular project which underlies the very fabric of India.

The following is a MFH painting.

Source: Asianart.com. Title: Hanuman V

The picture description for "Hanuman V" at Sanatan.org is
"Lord Hanuman with His genitals pointing towards a woman The title of the painting is Hanuman - V. It is done in water colour on paper. It shows a three faced Hanuman, and a nude couple (male & female). The identity of the woman is not in doubt. The erect genital of Hanuman is bent in the direction of the female. The obscenity is too obvious. Would it not injure the feelings of Hindus ?"

Really ? Is the "obscenity" so obvious ? I dont think so. The inspiration for this Hanuman paiting by MFH is well described below (Note its similarity with Nikos Kazantzakis' theme on the eternal struggle between flesh and spirit):
"In the "Hanuman" series we encounter this selfless servant of Rama and Sita in a new light. Selflessness may be a noble virtue, but it is achieved at great cost to one's person. In a particularly moving picture, Husain fills the entire canvas with the figure of Hanuman. He is seen sitting in a meditative position, attempting to train his noble mind on distant, impersonal and spiritual thoughts appropriate for contemplation. Husain appears to stress the point, made by several Indian philosophies, that action is not incompatible with contemplation--rather, they complement each other. While the brave and valiant Hanuman tries to concentrate on his meditation, the naked figures of Rama and Sita can be seen in the foreground. Although they occupy only a small space in the painting, they are painted in deep hues and drawn with much sensual detail that show the male figure eagerly pursuing the female. The self-absorbed couple play out their happy role in the presence of Hanuman, whose devotion and loyalty makes him entirely "invisible" to them. But Hanuman does see, although his mind wrestles against the feelings generated by the erotic scene. Husain's Hanuman is affected by desire, by the sexual carryings on of the semi-divine lovers before him. Does he cast a desiring eye on Sita? Husain portrays exceedingly well the struggle Hanuman undergoes as he strains to look beyond the immediate surrounding and into an impossibly distant other place. The noble servant tries not to be moved by the scene in front of him in which a private act is performed before him as if he did not exist. The desire provoked in him is unlawful, and to look at the this scene of lovemaking is forbidden to him; he must, eunuch-like, behave as if he is not touched by it. His meditation is hampered, but it is the meditative mind that he most needs in order to calm his strong and confused feelings. The energetic and youthful servant has suddenly grown old, his face is tight and drawn, his whiskers have turned white. "
Source: Asianart.com.

Compare the two paragraphs and conclude for yourselves who the "pervert" is, Sanatan.org or Husain. If Sanatan.org is to be taken seriously, we will have to burn our Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita Govinda, Kalidasa etc. All of these texts have various forms of imageries and stories with sexual themes, both in the context of "normal" human beings and between Gods.
If you think Hindus oppose MF Hussain just because he is a muslim, you are very wrong. Hindus are not against nude paintings. As you yourself have said, hindus didnot oppose nude paintings done by Hindus. It's the manner in which they were painted. Godess Durga In union with a tiger!!! WTH is that? Show me one Hindu painter who resorted to such cheap tactics to gain publicity. And What about the painting in which Godess Sita is sitting nude in the lap of Ravana? Does it not hurt the sentiments of Hindus as it is completely against Ramayana which Hindus considered most sacred. Now, with a clear mind, think who a "fvcking" bigot is.

All the quote for those paintings you find offensive are conjured up by bigots from Sanatan.org. Why isnt anyone raising a voice against nude paintings of Hindu goddesses by Hindu artists. Goddess Durga in union with a tiger? Who came up with that phrase to explain one of the paintings? Did you see the painting? If you interpret that painting in such a despicable manner, one really needs a mental checkup. Freud would have been very interested in deciphering this messed up Oedipus complex. Read the previous post carefully.

I am right in pointing the hypocrisy exhibited here that MF Hussein is targeted only because he is a Muslim. Nothing more.
Not everyone can understand art. One needs a certain amount of intelligence to interpret and understand the complexity of human nature and emotions to truly appreciate art. Rest of the humanity, work like drones/herds!
MF Hussain thrived on controversies , rather than resolving it , he always choose to create more.

He kept conspicuous silence and didn't communicate with others who are hurt due to his paintings.

Lastly ,he shed his indian citizenship for Qutar's nationality , a country where freedom of expression is never a consideration.
Lets not forget most of us know Hussein due to his controversies.

Otherwise how many contemporary painters get the limelight like MF Hussein received ??
Are they any less talented than Hussein??

How many people know the name of the arguably the greatest painter of India ,Raja Ravi Varma compared to MF Hussein if not for the controversies??
May his soul rest in peace. Sad that he couldn't spend his last days in his motherland.
Lets not forget most of us know Hussein due to his controversies.

Otherwise how many contemporary painters get the limelight like MF Hussein received ??
Are they any less talented than Hussein??

How many people know the name of the arguably the greatest painter of India ,Raja Ravi Varma compared to MF Hussein if not for the controversies??

Agreed!! personally not a great fan of modern art. For me this is art:


God bless Raja Ravi Varma. His creations are eternal unlike controversial painters like M.F. Hussian who thrive on controversies.
Hussain was a good painter if not the best from India (My all time favorite is Raja ravi Verma) who made a continuous concious attempt to stick to his way of expressing his artistic freedom even after the sentiments of a section of the society were hurt.

Pls dont use the term hypocrates only for the people who oppose Hussain. Dont forget Hussain himself was the biggest hypocraite or clever :undecided: in Painting only "Hindu Gods" in naked form.

May his soul RIP, because it desparately needs peace as his chosen path during his lifetime was not so peaceful.
All the quote for those paintings you find offensive are conjured up by bigots from Sanatan.org. Why isnt anyone raising a voice against nude paintings of Hindu goddesses by Hindu artists.
For your answer, read what you have quoted.
Goddess Durga in union with a tiger? Who came up with that phrase to explain one of the paintings? Did you see the painting? If you interpret that painting in such a despicable manner, one really needs a mental checkup. Freud would have been very interested in deciphering this messed up Oedipus complex. Read the previous post carefully.
Yes. I have seen those paintings and was deeply hurt. And who needs to tell me what feelings/thoughts I must get? You must know that not only people from Hindu radical organizations hold the mytholgical characters in reverence.
Not all people whose feelings are hurt are affiliated to some radical hindu organization. If there is a feeling/thought for one person, it's personal. But when it arises for thousands of people, then there must be some thing which has caused it. And I am against it. And I am NOT against paintings drawn in nude by hindus because they dont have any sinister idea behind that. ANd when I talk about sinister idea, I guess you are aware of the fact that MF Hussain him self gone on record saying that he draws somebody in nude to cause humiliation. Now what will you call that? Hypocrisy?

I am right in pointing the hypocrisy exhibited here that MF Hussein is targeted only because he is a Muslim. Nothing more.
If you think you are right, then judge for yourself. Anyways...everybody thinks they are right and others are wrong.
He was born in British India and died in Britian. Thank God this Scumbag didnot get his last wish fulfilled. And yes...a person who left his motherland and took other countries citizenship deserves this.
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