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PAF's possible answer to MRCA


Sir F-18's were offered to PAF by US way back in 80's along with f-16's PAF had test flight both aircrafts but at the end PAF opted for f-16' instead of f-18's because PAF doctrine is based upon single engine fighters easy to maintain and operate . So i doubt PAF will go for them even if they are offered by US
But that were F18 Hornets, without AESA radar, F16 and F18 already uses the same weapons, so the advantage would only be more range, but higher costs on the other side. F18SH around 2015, alongside J10Bs would be a different story and a good combo imo.

Btw, don't call me sir, Sancho is more than enough.
Regarding PAF, I know several Pakistani members wants to reduce the dependence on the US, but on the other hand they are also more than happy about new F16 Block 52s.
So now lets pretend IAF will go for an European fighter in MMRCA and the US would offer F18SH, possibly as a replacement for older Mirage fighters, would that be interesting?

Excellent strike capabilities, long range AESA radar, twin engine fighter with long range and maritime patrol capabilities. It is not deniable, that it would fit to J10Bs and numbers of JF 17 and F16s behind them. Not to forget, that from all twin engine fighters in the MMRCA competition, the F18SH is the cheapest one that would be available for PAF.

It is my assessment that the PAF is all for acquiring advanced western systems, sub-systems and components, in order to enhance the capabilities of the JF-17s and the FC-20s ... as part of their on-going plans and also as a counter to the IAF MMRCA acquisitions. Preferably with TOT. Or ... they may end up getting the same sort of systems from China... albeit slightly later-on.

However, I don't see the PAF going for any new western Fighter, after the F-16 Block-52 deal. Not at least till around 2025 or so. Unless they are faced with an extraordinary offer (from the west) with limited or no strings. Which, for now seems unlikely.

Also if we go back a few years we find the previous ACM expressing that we were always considering the F-16 as a bonus option for the PAF in the years to come, if we get it great otherwise it would be FC-20 and JF-17 in revised numbers.

I believe that they are looking to maintain their credible minimum deterrence levels primarily via the bolstering of their indigenous production capabilities and thru the induction of equipment that carry no strings and are sanction proof.

So I expect to see an increased level of Chinese collaboration & assistance well into the foreseeable future. Due to this, it is even possible, that we might even see the J-XX or some stealthy variant type based on the FC-20 or JF-17 to counter the PAK-FA sometime b/w 2018-to-2023.

Just my 2 cents.
But that were F18 Hornets, without AESA radar, F16 and F18 already uses the same weapons, so the advantage would only be more range, but higher costs on the other side. F18SH around 2015, alongside J10Bs would be a different story and a good combo imo.

Btw, don't call me sir, Sancho is more than enough.

But why to go for an aircraft which can use same weapons and belongs to same country of origin?its just waste of resources and also we dont want to get burdened with US systems as we did in 80's , as far as AESA is concerned f-16 radars can be replaced by an AESA radar in somewhere around 2012

But as far as um concerned i have a gut feeling that after MRCA deal we might see something out of blue,if Rafale's got rejected than may b we can sneak into it.As far as price tag is concerned i dont think its as big issue as we have made if we can buy 40million f-16's than Rafale is a possibility, Army can also divert there funds to PAF as they have done before ,But this is my own perception no one needs to agree with me neither i want arguments

BTW i called u sir coz i was giving you the respect lol but i think u couldnot digest it :rofl:
But why to go for an aircraft which can use same weapons and belongs to same country of origin?its just waste of resources and also we dont want to get burdened with US systems as we did in 80's , as far as AESA is concerned f-16 radars can be replaced by an AESA radar in somewhere around 2012

But not for PAF right? The older F16s gets MLU now and the newer will get a new radar only with the next major upgrade, which takes some more years. Not to mention that it hardly will be as good as the AGP 79, so there are indeed some advantages they would offer. I just was curious, because many Pakistani members wants a twin engine figher even and it wouldn't be a bad idea.

But as far as um concerned i have a gut feeling that after MRCA deal we might see something out of blue,if Rafale's got rejected than may b we can sneak into it.As far as price tag is concerned i dont think its as big issue as we have made if we can buy 40million f-16's than Rafale is a possibility, Army can also divert there funds to PAF as they have done before ,But this is my own perception no one needs to agree with me neither i want arguments

The F16s cost nearly twice that much, not to mention how expensive the Rafales are, that's why I said F18SH would at least be more cost effective.

BTW i called u sir coz i was giving you the respect lol but i think u couldnot digest it :rofl:

I know what you meant, but it just makes me feel so old. ;)
F-15E Strike Eagle,euro-fighter,or Saab gripen ng will be best decision against mmrca
But why to go for an aircraft which can use same weapons and belongs to same country of origin?its just waste of resources and also we dont want to get burdened with US systems as we did in 80's , as far as AESA is concerned f-16 radars can be replaced by an AESA radar in somewhere around 2012

But as far as um concerned i have a gut feeling that after MRCA deal we might see something out of blue,if Rafale's got rejected than may b we can sneak into it.As far as price tag is concerned i dont think its as big issue as we have made if we can buy 40million f-16's than Rafale is a possibility, Army can also divert there funds to PAF as they have done before ,But this is my own perception no one needs to agree with me neither i want arguments

BTW i called u sir coz i was giving you the respect lol but i think u couldnot digest it :rofl:

You didn't buy those F-16's rather US provided the same as a part of its war on terror mission. By the way, have you got any idea about Rafale's price tag? if you had any then you may not have made such comment. Heck India need to shell out close to $2 Billions to upgrade its Mirage-2000 fleet. Having a willingness of having your favourite jet in your airforce doesn't help concerned authorities to work out possible budget especially when it comes high price tag Rafale.
You didn't buy those F-16's rather US provided the same as a part of its war on terror mission. By the way, have you got any idea about Rafale's price tag? if you had any then you may not have made such comment. Heck India need to shell out close to $2 Billions to upgrade its Mirage-2000 fleet. Having a willingness of having your favourite jet in your airforce doesn't help concerned authorities to work out possible budget especially when it comes high price tag Rafale.

Um sick of of continuously providing same answers to stupid questions and i have provided so much links for that .This is last time um saying that we are purchasing these f-16's with our money yeah Hell we signed a deal of 5 billion dollars with US to provide new f-16's c/d block52 and related equipment plus MLU of our existing fleet.

You fanboy just go through the thread you will find it and if dont wana go through thread check out some neutral sources like Janes defence or even f-16.net.Next time dont come up with stupid claims

N yeah i know the price tag of Rafale and why ur a$$ is itching,the money is our problem not yours so stop yelling ,nuts
You didn't buy those F-16's rather US provided the same as a part of its war on terror mission.

No actually we did contrary to what most Indians believe or should i say like to believe.
Here is from another thread:

Pakistan officials paid $1.4 billion for the 18 new aircraft, in addition to $1.3 billion in upgrades to its existing F-16 fleet, which are to begin being delivered in 2012, Major Robbins said.

Here is the link to the thread and in itself to the article:

Yeah, unfortunately for the infinite time, I am hearing an Indian saying that we got F-16 from aid and this definitely won't be the last time I will be hearing this.
i feel that we should put more resources into developing our own rangeof aircraft. i know it will take a lot of time and money but it's better to start now than later.
we have the brains for it, we just need the will. i also support more defense systems like radars and SAMs rather than aircraft. it can hold the line until we get our own hardware out.
I think MMRCA question/answer can be put to one side for now. SIMPLY BECAUSE indians have not ordered the MMRCA as yet.

How can PAF answer the question if the indians are stil dithering which MMRCA. ????

but on a serious note.

PAF needs to answer 272 su30mki. This is no joke the indians are already feilding 120 today as we speak.

To date the only combat plane in PAF inventory that comes even close to going 1v1 IS the 18 x F16.52s which are just arriving as we speak.

The remaining 44 F16s are very basic falcons block 15/30 even with MLU they are no where near SU30MKI...

i CANT UNDERSTAND WHY PAF have ordered so few F16/52s surely they need 120+
i CANT UNDERSTAND WHY PAF have ordered so few F16/52s surely they need 120+

You cant or you wont? There is a difference. PAF knows what threat the country faces and contrary to your misinformed and lack of information F-16s after MLU will not remain very basic as you would like to see them and besides contrary to your believe F-16 isnt the only jet capable of handling the mighty MKI. This isnt a dog fighting era anymore and i have repeatedly said there are many other factors involved in the battle theater that would change the out come of the aerial war.
So for the last time quit comparing on 1 to 1 basis. It gets annoying reading the same thing over and over again.
Ice cold Wat other PAF fighter is equal to F16/52 and close to the SU30MKI in all round multi role capability
the su-30 is a formidable aircraft indeed. at the moment only the block 52 is capable of taking it head-on.

but in the bvr arena PAF has a bigger choice since our mirages and jf-17 are also able to engage in bvr combat so the su-30 may not be such a big threat after all.

btw the su-30 is a bit large so the f-16 will always be a better dogfighter.
PAF is defensive force, and for defensive purpose Paf must be looking for More F-16 blk 52+ , possible Westren upgrade of Jf-17 , and 100 + j-10b's ,

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