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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

An air war will be about deployment of all assets in a cohesive strategy to balance out ones weaknesses with ones strengths.

The war shall not be one on one duels where snazzy cobra maneuvers shall defy death time and again...it shall be nasty and ugly with extremely lethal missiles making life miserable for the pilots.
AEW&C support shall make it even more difficult to overcome the enemy on both sides.
Exactly. The point that many fanbois fail to realize or take into consideration.

If SU-30 is the only big bad wolf barring F-22 in the whole wide world, then surely Indian needs to roll out more of these since they are manufactured in-house.
Why give your money to USA and not spend it on your own industry?
Its not that we are giving away money to US. IAF needs a dedicated multirole strike aircraft. Su-20MKI in IAF is a 1st line air-superiority fighter followed by MiG-29. The fact that Su-30MKI numbers have gone up form the original 40, IIRC, is a testament to the fact that IAF have found this aircraft worthy for the role they have assigned it.
MMRCA is for a strike fighter.
It is a foolish notion that Pakistan has no answer to IAF, our answer is the PAF. PAF is fully capable to hold its own against IAF via force multipliers and modernization programs which it has been carrying out.

PAF is going towards improved operational efficiency and flexibility in order to be more cost effective and still pack a good punch.
Its aim is not to dominate the Indian Skies 24/7 but rather to deny air superiority to IAF.
Of course. Thats what PAF is there for. But its a deadly cat and mouse game of technological oneupmanship. IAF with its deep coffers is surging ahead technologically and numerically to deny its adversaries (ideally any, practically whatever it can) advantage.
However despite its numerical inferiority, PAF has always managed to carry out lightning strikes within Indian Airspace, nothing suggests that this shall not be done in future if war breaks out, especially the anti radiation missiles shall be put to good use...that much is certain.

There are many things which PAF has been working on.
Networking, Advanced air to air missiles, anti radiation missiles, AEW&C, mid air refueling, low maintenance aircraft, high availability of all assets during war etc.

Now SU-30 is a very capable aircraft but no real war scenario has been encountered.
It is not a stealth fighter, so technically it shall not only be seen by PAF but fired at with all the advanced missiles at its disposal which are good enough to bring it down.
You are just contradicting the first part of your post. You are talking going against the IAF, not some obscure central African AF with a couple of 2nd gen aircraft.
#3. ISI hand .. I dont know.. but its obvious INDIA do have some Hand in JF17 Avionics Denial.

I guess many bhartis are still stuck in the past. The JF 17 deal is still on, according to ACM.
Kya Irfan Bhai... Comedy k mood me hoo.. ??? lol...

of course
I know sod all about aviation. just make my presence felt and shore up my number of posts I am giving my thinking cap some rest
well why stand back when the thread has been talked to death
by the way. your avatar is of Saron from lord of the rings?

wahi to...after all these pages..so much man hours wasted..
ya the avatar is SAURON from LOTR..big fan actually
The best track for PAF is to continue with its plan so that it may complete its current projects in time as these projects are more crucial than countering MMRCA deal. When it is free, then it can concentrate on the developments in region at that time. So First things first pls
You are just contradicting the first part of your post. You are talking going against the IAF, not some obscure central African AF with a couple of 2nd gen aircraft.

Same holds true in case of IAF as well.
Lest you forget, PAF is not an obsolete or under trained air force.
F-16, JF-17 are modern fighters and not a 2nd generation ones.
Also the FC-20 will bring a much more high end strike package for Pakistan.

PAF is certainly not some green air force which lacks in air to air or air to ground missiles, radar coverage, modern fighters and most importantly a proven record of hitting hard and fast.

The things that shall matter most will be electronic warfare capability and modern missiles, that is the least visible part of PAF's road map.
What is visible is good enough to hold its own in a war.

Furthermore, the rapid advancement of Chinese technology in electronics and associated advanced software is something which PAF shall have access to in order to throw in a couple of surprises in the coming decade.
Having some awareness of the rapid pace at which Chinese have progressed in electronics and EM radiating systems...there is a lot of potential which has not yet come into play nor is visible to most of the onlookers.

At the end of the day, simulation and war is quite different.
War has many aspects to it, strategic vision, bravery, dogged execution and most importantly luck.
As long as an enemy fighter is not stealth and there is ample radar visibility and capable weapons at your disposal...you can bring it down.

The stealth fighter is a game changer, in my opinion.
So for PAF to counter all non stealth options of IAF, the plan is to just keep on modernizing as envisioned.
MRCA will not force PAF to make drastic changes since it already is advancing by leaps and bounds in its capabilities.

PAF has decently covered all angles in its modernization program for this decade and will have enough strength to dish out a lot of damage.
That is all what is asked of PAF, to ensure that it becomes a modern air force which covers all the aspects of air war with reasonable systems, systems which are quite good even if not the best.
So the conclusion is

PAFS answer to 272 su30mki is around 78-91 F16/52

And to mmrca x 126 PAF will acquire in 2015 36 fc20

Overall with the mki & potential MMRCA F18/SH/RAFAEL being a better plane then both F16/52 & FC20 AND IAF having a 3-1 numerical advantage in these respective new high end fighters ,,,i see the AIR GAP WIDENING FROM 2-1 today to at least 4-1 in india,s favour.
So the conclusion is

PAFS answer to 272 su30mki is around 78-91 F16/52

And to mmrca x 126 PAF will acquire in 2015 36 fc20

Overall with the mki & potential MMRCA F18/SH/RAFAEL being a better plane then both F16/52 & FC20 AND IAF having a 3-1 numerical advantage in these respective new high end fighters ,,,i see the AIR GAP WIDENING FROM 2-1 today to at least 4-1 in india,s favour.

No, I dont know how do you draw such conclusions. The point is that PAF will maintain a multirole fleet (Vipers and JFTs) which will be agumented by Air Superiority fleet consisting of FC-20/J-10B (which has enhanced A2A capability than baseline J-10A) so CAS,MTS,PS,SoS will be achieved by multirole fleet while interceptions,CAPs and escorts will be done by FC-20.
So the conclusion is

PAFS answer to 272 su30mki is around 78-91 F16/52

And to mmrca x 126 PAF will acquire in 2015 36 fc20

Overall with the mki & potential MMRCA F18/SH/RAFAEL being a better plane then both F16/52 & FC20 AND IAF having a 3-1 numerical advantage in these respective new high end fighters ,,,i see the AIR GAP WIDENING FROM 2-1 today to at least 4-1 in india,s favour.

being far larger(land + money) and able to buy from west and russia, india will have a larger AND (for its higer end)better fleet. however india will not be able to use all of its fleet on pakistan(pakistan not being surrounded by threats can focus on its western side), realistically they have to keep some back to demonstrate it still has aerial coverage against china and others(india being so large and all), if paf can hold out against say 2 to 3 disadvantage in numbers then it will have ensured india does not gain air superiority overall.
So the conclusion is

PAFS answer to 272 su30mki is around 78-91 F16/52

And to mmrca x 126 PAF will acquire in 2015 36 fc20

Overall with the mki & potential MMRCA F18/SH/RAFAEL being a better plane then both F16/52 & FC20 AND IAF having a 3-1 numerical advantage in these respective new high end fighters ,,,i see the AIR GAP WIDENING FROM 2-1 today to at least 4-1 in india,s favour.

You bought 272 Su30mki and mmrca 126 AC's. When did that happen? :crazy:

After 883 posts we were expecting something better from you...
Areesh in reply to you

How Many F16/52s are there in PAF and how many FC20s are in service today???

There are 130 SU30MKI today in India as we speak

The Thread was possible answer to MMRCA not current IAF V PAF fighter fleet compliments
Areesh in reply to you

How Many F16/52s are there in PAF and how many FC20s are in service today???

There are 130 SU30MKI today in India as we speak

The Thread was possible answer to MMRCA not current IAF V PAF fighter fleet compliments

We are behind in current inventory but rest assure, by 2015 we'll be pretty well equipped
Overall with the mki & potential MMRCA F18/SH/RAFAEL being a better plane then both F16/52 & FC20

How do you know that MKI and MMRCA will be better than FC20.....its a very immature statement, to make as you don't know the specs of FC20. Your making assumptions with no credible evidence.
No, I dont know how do you draw such conclusions. The point is that PAF will maintain a multirole fleet (Vipers and JFTs) which will be agumented by Air Superiority fleet consisting of FC-20/J-10B (which has enhanced A2A capability than baseline J-10A) so CAS,MTS,PS,SoS will be achieved by multirole fleet while interceptions,CAPs and escorts will be done by FC-20.

And all this J-10s and its species will join PAF fleet tommorrow to challange IAF. Common on, let's leave this boring joke, PAF first need to pieace together proper budget to bring such jets to see light of the day. How many times are we gona see adjurnment of J-10 deliveries.

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