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PAF's MBDA-SPADA 2000 Surface to Air Missile System.

Spada 2000 is a modern SAM,ith good electronic endurance.Main weakness is short range -max 25 km.Which means it will have to be used in conjunction with longer ranged sams to be truly effective.
Against MKI provided used in a layered defense to overcome short range it can give very good results due to big RCS.
Against rafale its outmatched due to Spectra EW suite which defeated even s-300 in recent NATO exercise MACE XIII.

its tech is said to be superior to s-300

@dear participants

I have had to remove or edit off topic posts because they were totally irrelevant to the thread. not that I disagree with comments made but this is just not the place
if we continue with that then every thread and every section will look the same.


think of a sports team like hockey or football.. there are different roles and responsibilities and their coordination and teamwork does the job

same is the concept of an organised force. it has many elements from tactical to strategic level. one compensates the other.
this missile system forms the part of entire Pak Air defence system where on one hand you have the most basic machine gun and then going up to high altitude missile systems both known or "not disclosed" ones+ the air crafts.
they all are essential, they all are important and they all cover for each other and their coherent application and usage makes the system work.

sir u should know when it comes to coordination, we have long way to go.
Number of batteries in this particular case was irrelevant simply because s-300 was electronically outclassed by spectra and its phantom radar signature returns.All the other nato aircraft suffered heavily to s-300 in the exercise.
Spectra is latest EW tech,while s-300 is 80s tech.Th reason why russia now phasing it out with s-400/500 and vityaz.

And no spada doesn't provide a layered defense on its own,because Standoff PGMs will outrange it and it will be be easy prey for ARM will longer range than meager 25 km on its own.If combined with longer range sams then yes it will provide layered defense.
As for interceptor aircraft and sams operating together,both usually don't operate in the same sector simultaneously due to freindly fire kills by sams so ur point is moot.Layered air defence needs variety of SAMs not mixture of sr sam and aircraft.
then why in the time no fly zone over libya the NATO navies first bombed libyan s-300 then sent in their fighters:azn:
Apnei @Hyperion Sahib - Would you like to comment on how effective this system is for us ? :unsure:
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then why in the time no fly zone over libya the NATO navies first bombed libyan s-300 then sent in their fighters:azn:

What libyan s-300?Libya didn't have s-300.Spectra EW suite is only matched by raptor's atm.Its that good, with operational data fusion tech.
Yara, not bad, but like any AD system, can't provide ALL INCLUSIVE coverage. Limited in scope by range and integration with future systems (that is if we get any).

Problem here is, we always want the best of the best. Best of the best costs money, which we unfortunately don't have.

Apnei @Hyperion Sahib - Would you like to comment on how effective this system is for us ? :unsure:
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Yara, not bad, but like any AD system, can't provide ALL INCLUSIVE coverage. Limited in scope by range and integration with future systems (that is if we get any).

Problem here is, we always want the best of the best. Best of the best costs money, which we unfortunately don't have.

Can't we build one at home ? Even a rudimentary one - Them Indians have built that Akash or something like that Short-to-Mid Range SAM ! :unsure:
We can build a huge GULLAIL and call it "Ganja's sling", thats' all we can do... :D

P.S. Most of the portable SAM's / MR SAMS have very basic integrated seekers, and here we are talking about an integrated missile defense system. Completely different things. I mean COMPLETELY... it's like comparing a bicycle to a truck.

Can't we build one at home ? Even a rudimentary one - Them Indians have built that Akash or something like that Short-to-Mid Range SAM ! :unsure:
We can build huge GULLAIL and call it "Ganja's sling", thats' all we can do... :D

Oh come on, Khan Sahib - Its a serious question ! :pissed:

If the Indians can do it & the Turks are doing it - Can't we at least build an '80s era SAM ? Or perhaps go for a Jf-17 like collaboration with the Chinese on a family of Short, Medium & Long Ranged SAM systems ? :what:
Do a ToT on the Radar, and I'll build you one. Main item here being the radar. The Indians COPIED 100% of it, they call it ToT, same case Turkey.

EL/M-2080 Green Pine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Green Pine------->Swordfish

India had acquired and deployed two Green Pine radars around July 2002 and another one in August 2005.[36] The Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar of the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation is an acknowledged derivative of the original Green Pine.[37] The Indian government has sought to purchase the complete Arrow system since 1999,[3] but in early 2002 the U.S. vetoed Israel's request to sell the Arrow 2 missiles to India,[4][36] exercising its right as a major funding contributor.[38] U.S. officials argued that the sale would violate the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).[4]

Oh come on, Khan Sahib - Its a serious question ! :pissed:

If the Indians can do it & the Turks are doing it - Can't we at least build an '80s era SAM ? Or perhaps go for a Jf-17 like collaboration with the Chinese on a family of Short, Medium & Long Ranged SAM systems ? :what:
Oh come on, Khan Sahib - Its a serious question ! :pissed:

If the Indians can do it & the Turks are doing it - Can't we at least build an '80s era SAM ? Or perhaps go for a Jf-17 like collaboration with the Chinese on a family of Short, Medium & Long Ranged SAM systems ? :what:

Buy an off the shelf SAM system from the Chinese, should be more cost effective?

The Akash only works because it is an integrated grid. Thankfully the babus are now increasing the interceptor range. A proper ADGE requires an underlying network for data sharing, interface and cohesion, so that the enormous amounts of data generated can be cogently presented in an actionable manner. For example the Af-net ( fully secure and reliable network and gigabyte digital information grid) cost us upwards of 2 billion dollars and that's just the underlying grid on which the IAF IACCS (which integrates all ground-based and airborne sensors, AD weapon systems and C2 nodes) rides which is even more costlier.
Do a ToT on the Radar, and I'll build you one. Main item here being the radar. The Indians COPIED 100% of it, they call it ToT, same case Turkey.

EL/M-2080 Green Pine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Green Pine------->Swordfish

Khan Sahib, unchaa na bolnaa apnaa @Dillinger would have his knickers in a twist ! :fie:

Achaa can't we copy it ? :what:

And why didn't our Military Planners think of doing a JV on this with the Chinese ? :undecided:

And - Can't we just buy one of them Chinese Radars & do the Missile part ourselves ? :what:

Or maybe just put together a platform where the Radar is Chinese & we use the SD-10B to make a Medium Range Radar that we can rely on - No Spares aur Sanction walaaa maslaaa ! :unsure:
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Yara, you are comparing so many things that aren't even related to one another. Can a microscope become a binocular - by just flipping and rearranging a few lenses? Similarly, to copy something you need working model, and someone on the inside who can open it without breaking the whole thing.

Chinese radars? Let's not go there.... loads of Chinese on this forum will beat the crap out of me.... :D

Khan Sahib, unchaa na bolnaa apnaa @Dillinger would have his knickers in a twist ! :fie:

Achaa can't we copy it ? :what:

And why didn't our Military Planners think of doing a JV on this with the Chinese ? :undecided:

And - Can't we just buy one of them Chinese Radars & do the Missile part ourselves ? :what:

Or maybe just put together a platform where the Radar is Chinese & we use the SD-10B to make a Medium Range Radar that we can rely on - No Spares aur Sanction walaaa maslaaa ! :unsure:
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Yara, you are comparing so many things that aren't even related to one another. Can a microscope become a binocular - by just flipping and rearranging a few lenses? Similarly, to copy something you need working model, and someone on the inside who can open it without breaking the whole thing.

Chinese radars? Let's not go there.... loads of Chinese on this forum will beat the crap out of me.... :D

This is the classic BMD scenario isn't it, the interceptor knocks out every incoming high speed inbound so the BMD must work. Sadly that is not the case, unless you want to defend a ship or an airbase against SRBMs. The same thing applies to the ADGE, the question is HOW MANY radars, C2 nodes, ground stations, aerial stations, aerostat mounted sensors can you field, can you ensure an adequate number of gap-filler radars? Are you sure that your opponent's inbound air crafts can't beat the ADGE or exploit gaps in it by using something as simple as a very high combat radius, in effect coming in from very different angles or taking circuitous paths to overwhelm a SAM system/network? @Armstrong these are the things that matter, for example you see the Iranians salivating on the S-300, ask Hype how helpful a battery or two of those will be against a determined attack from an opponent willing to absorb attrition.
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What libyan s-300?Libya didn't have s-300.Spectra EW suite is only matched by raptor's atm.Its that good, with operational data fusion tech.

watch the early news of Libyan Uprising n NATO campaign in utube it was bbc who said that.
It was the only AD Libya had.
watch the early news of Libyan Uprising n NATO campaign in utube it was bbc who said that.
It was the only AD Libya had.

No libya had no s-300 lol.U got ur facts muddled up.
The Libyan Air Defense System. Libya’s Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Network | Global Research

All they had were soviet era obsolete SAMs which were totally outclassed.
Why do u think so much hue and cry over russia supplying s-300 to assad?It far more lethal platform and in nato exercise simulations,all aircraft includng f-series fighters suffered heavily to s-300 batteries of slovakia except rafale.SPECTRA=PWN.Currently only raptor has similar operational system with data fusion,eurofighter,pak fa and f-35 will have it in future.
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