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PAF's Exercises from around the World.


...and PAF thought that pictures and accounts of this exercise will remain confidential:D

Good photo BTW!
...and PAF thought that pictures and accounts of this exercise will remain confidential:D

Good photo BTW!

is there a better resolution version of this pic available? what is the source on the web for this pic?

Was Mirage a better air superiority fighter than the F-4 or were we better trained in air combat than the F-4 crews we had engaged? Even the F-4 crews were surprised at our dexterity. Informal discussion with the F-4 squadron pilots revealed that the particular squadron we were dealing with had reconnaissance and strike as their primarily roles. Air combat manoeuvres were restricted primarily to defensive manoeuvring. No wonder, we had outperformed that lot of F-4 pilots in the air combat role.

Now a word of advice and caution from an old sinner to my younger colleagues. Exercise Midlink was one of the very few occasions when I had deliberately violated the rules and was fortunate to get away with it. In my 28 years of active service with the PAF where I flew practically all the fighters in the PAF inventory for about twenty years, I was not involved in a single accident, major or minor. Either I was fortunate or I really was not a habitual rule breaker. The fact that I was and will always remain a fighter pilot at heart and that we were engaging the world’s premier air force pilots in combat led me to believe, wrongly I realise now, that PAF’s honour had to be protected at any cost. Perhaps we were fortunate or perhaps we had the necessary skill to engage in low level combat without flying into the ground. A bit of both I think and the fact that I had just completed the Combat Commanders’ Course where we had trained for low level combat. My fervent appeal therefore to my young friends is not to indulge in any activity for which you have not been specifically trained, or which is strictly forbidden.
I took part is Shahbaz 78. I was commanding a radar in Karachi and was controlling our own fighters.
I took part is Shahbaz 78. I was commanding a radar in Karachi and was controlling our own fighters.
Do share your experience and personal comments. What are your opinion on exercises with Pakistan as compared to other Air Forces?
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