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PAF Wrecks Havoc On Millitants

:D whenever we take one step forward, it follows by two step backwards.

Hope situation will improve. Sorry if I sounded harsh. I didn't want to. :angel:

Yes, that's the design - lobbies are invested in more than 60 years of hostility, it won't change overnight - each of these are problem solving challenges, so long as the determination is to solve and not exacerbate problems
Not much -- so how will Justice be done or seen to be done?? Perhaps more emotion in the press and media?? Certainly more emotion will help the case of political movements and parties that may think they can do a better job??

Ok, seriously, how then can Indian get some sense of Justice? The whole US will act for us thing, is just fantasy - to get Justice or be seen to be getting Justice, our Indian friends should think how best to get Pakistan and Pakistani public opinion on their side - BTW one way that will not happen, is by calling for any Western power to be punitive - Pakistan don't play that!
If the Pakistani judiciary prosecuted the wrong doers in a correct and proper manner then justice would be done, no? There is sufficient evidence available to the Pakistani judiciary to act- the will is just not there.
We already have Bangladeshis. We can't take Pakistan's headache. We are trying to build Afghanistan so that Millions can come back from Pakistan to Afghanistan. It will benefit you the most.

Sir, the main accused is in Pakistan. Hafeez Saeed. For justice, we want him. Why won't Pakistan send him. They can't find evidence against him. Would you allow our investigators in Pakistan ? What should we do ?

If WMD reason failed, should we ignore all UN declarations ? hould we call of UN Military Group on LOC ?

Pursuit of justice means if you are helpless and neighbor is not cooperating or unable to tackle the real threat, not shutting down terrorist organizations declared by UN, one may have take desperate measures.especially a safe one. By asking Super Power to do the work as we can't do it in Pakistan. Justices has to be taken by hook or crook.

Ya, like we tried the Samjhota express.

This ain't your India thread. Read the title again.

PESHAWAR: At least seven suspected militants were killed early on Wednesday when army jets pounded militant hideouts in the northwestern tribal regions of Orazkzai and Khyber.

Assistant political agent Muhammad Rafique told Dawn.com that three militant hideouts were destroyed in the bombardment, adding that seven militants had reportedly been killed in the strikes.

The jets struck suspected militant hideouts in the Ublan area of Orakzai tribal region and Khyber tribal region’s border area.

Earlier on Tuesday, security agencies had claimed to have killed 33 militants affiliated to the outlawed Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in multiple jet strikes conducted in the remote Tirah valley of Khyber and in the Mamozai area of Orakzai.

Jets blitz suspected militant hideouts in Khyber, Orakzai; seven killed | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

I already told you... Ansarul Islam is an ally not an enemy of the establishment/military. The fighting is taking place in the Tirah valley. TTP has offered LI help in eliminating Ansarul Islam which is a sworn enemy. I hope the jets hit militants rather than anyone else.
So when there is a drone strike you could say its killing civillian and when PAF bombs the area how do you know there are no civilian there?

Very good point.

So its not about civilian casualties. These are crocodile tears that many Pakistanis cry over Civilian casualties.

What it actually is that America doing drone strikes on Pakistan. If Pakistan was doing these drone strikes, not a peep would be heard.

Pakistanis have been brainwashed from childhood to the invincibility of their Military fed by Pakistani Warrior Race and Jihadist Islam. Now that the Jew-Christian Americans are droning the Tribal Areas, the Pakistanis condemn that and make a big fuss and cry over it. When PAF does it, they cheer lead it.

So I guess the solution is simple.

Paint PAF symbols on Drones and throw out a news release with Pakistani Army agreeing that Drones have been transferred under Pakistani control.

That will quite down all this drama about civilian casualties.
So all this drama over dragging US to International court was just dramabazi by Pakistanis.

Now I see they are all lotas.
PAF should play a big role here & they should frequently bomb terrorists & terrorists hide out. I hope Pakistan acquires Armed Drones ASAP, this will reduce a heavy burden off our troops.
Might is right ? They invaded because of terrorist attack on their soil.

You agree with Pakistan Army bombing the terrorists that killed their people, why can't they kill these who killed their people if they have ability .

with due respect I repeat

Might is right
and history (HIS Story) is written by the victor who has the power.
Israel just bombed Syria and has a bag of reasons and countless patriots and willing volunteers to flood the web to justify that strike. like America Israel is another country that considers all the bla bla and yede yada of morality & sovereignty worth not more than a piece of paper its written on.

you mentioned Abbotabad raid and mentioned Military academy and associated Pak army with the American guilty by association principle (you visited a Shopping Mall, and Abdul Jabaar also visited the shopping Mall, Abdul Jabaar was a terrorist sypathiser and got picked up by NSA and you also because you were also seen at the Mall).

but you failed to recall or remember the account of our soldiers who fought taliban and Al qaeda fighters in tribal areas till the last bullets killed scores of them and fought hand to hand until they were overwhelmed , had their eye gouged out and tied to explosives and blown up alive by the terrorists due to the amount of resistance they put and losses they had inflicted on the terrorists.
you and Mr know it all in Virginia excessively use the same copy pasted articles that Pakistanis are helping terrorists to infiltrate into Afghanistan but fail to mention the violent encounters we have had with them loosing up to generals in the conflict (which dispells the notion that generals are using ordinary soldiers & junior officers as fodder)

Karan very selectively mentioned Kashmir, Kargil etc with relation to use of proxies by Pakistan army.. but has been too modest to omit the role of RAW in Balochistan and East Pakistan and the eventual invasion of Indian army once their proxies had paved the way for them. such tears are meaningless in comparison when we had to accept the loss of our eastern wing due to insergency which had active and direct support of Indians (spare me the reasons, we have many for Kashmir likewise)

if you dont know Michael_Scheuer then I strongly recommend you to get to know him better. he is an Ex CIA agent and headed the Bin Laden unit and now is a think tank and a professor & an analyst who talks from experience ... people have asked him to comment about the disagreements, suspicions and hostilities between Pakistan & USA regarding war on terror to which he says that
US government tends to forget that Pakistan's interests cant be US interests, it is wrong to assume and force Pakistan to ignore its own issues and its own threats and divert its resources to US only threats when it will be left to pick up the pieces when Americans will leave Afghanistan"

he is very eloquent, knowledgeable, is very blunt and dont use the typical cowboy slang (bomb to stone age) to support his argument. Michael Scheuer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its a shame that we didnt find Osama ourselves but its also a shame that Al Libbi was able to escape from American custody (we handed him over to yanks) in one of the most secure facilities in Afghanistan and escape into Pakistani tribal areas (he got dronned later on but that hellfire could have been saved for another terrorist if Americans wouldnt have allowed him to escape in the first place.)
PESHAWAR: Nine suspected militants were killed and three hideouts demolished in airstrikes conducted by Pakistani security forces in the upper Orakzai tribal region, DawnNews reported on Thursday.

According to assistant political agent Rafiq Mohmand, the airstrikes took place in the Arghanjo area of the upper Orakzai tribal area.

An ongoing military offensive against suspected militants in the tribal agency appears to have gained momentum, with security forces claiming to have killed dozens of militants and destroyed their hideouts in the past week.

Security officials claim that up to 92 per cent of Orakzai agency has been cleared of militants in the ongoing military offensive in the restive tribal region.

Orakzai is one of Pakistan’s seven semi-autonomous tribal regions in the northwest, where Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda-linked militants are said to have carved out strongholds.

The area was the original base of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud before he moved to South Waziristan to take up the Taliban leadership after the death of his predecessor, Baituallah Mehsud.
Unlike the six other tribal agencies, however, Orakzai does not border Afghanistan. The rugged mountainous territory provides a crucial link for militants operating in other tribal regions, as it borders the regions of Khyber and Kurram on the Afghan frontier. It also borders Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Pakistan’s main northwestern city, as well as the garrison town of Kohat.

Nine suspected militants killed in Orakzai airstrikes | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR: Nine suspected militants were killed and three hideouts demolished in airstrikes conducted by Pakistani security forces in the upper Orakzai tribal region, DawnNews reported on Thursday.

According to assistant political agent Rafiq Mohmand, the airstrikes took place in the Arghanjo area of the upper Orakzai tribal area.

An ongoing military offensive against suspected militants in the tribal agency appears to have gained momentum, with security forces claiming to have killed dozens of militants and destroyed their hideouts in the past week.

Security officials claim that up to 92 per cent of Orakzai agency has been cleared of militants in the ongoing military offensive in the restive tribal region.

Orakzai is one of Pakistan’s seven semi-autonomous tribal regions in the northwest, where Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda-linked militants are said to have carved out strongholds.

The area was the original base of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud before he moved to South Waziristan to take up the Taliban leadership after the death of his predecessor, Baituallah Mehsud.
Unlike the six other tribal agencies, however, Orakzai does not border Afghanistan. The rugged mountainous territory provides a crucial link for militants operating in other tribal regions, as it borders the regions of Khyber and Kurram on the Afghan frontier. It also borders Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Pakistan’s main northwestern city, as well as the garrison town of Kohat.

Nine suspected militants killed in Orakzai airstrikes | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Looks like news didn't went well with our hindu TT!

PAF shall show us more action.
Firstly, did your parents knew how you would turn out to be (No punt intended). :D
If you are referring to the Talibans, .....the ones allegedly created by Pakistan must be in their 70s.
BTW, albeit, you supposedly never created the Naxal Maoists, why do they give you a bloody nose at every opportunity.

Good point. I'd go as far as to say that US needs to share intelligence with Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. The terrorism is in the region, be it in the shape of Alqaeda, Talibans, LeT, RSS, Shiv Sena, BJP, etc. Any country that supports groups who kill humans and do terrorism should root it out on their own. Grab their leaders, put 'em in the jail or kill them (before they kill innocent civilians) and take care of the business. Every one should be a part of the solution. One country or nation can't just point fingers to others and stay quiet when their own people commit terrorism!
Good point. I'd go as far as to say that US needs to share intelligence with Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. The terrorism is in the region, be it in the shape of Alqaeda, Talibans, LeT, RSS, Shiv Sena, BJP, etc. Any country that supports groups who kill humans and do terrorism should root it out on their own. Grab their leaders, put 'em in the jail or kill them (before they kill innocent civilians) and take care of the business. Every one should be a part of the solution. One country or nation can't just point fingers to others and stay quiet when their own people commit terrorism!

Alqaeda, Talibans, LeT, RSS, Shiv Sena, BJP?:cheesy: dumb comments flow continues from an "American".. :D

All emotion - entirely unworthy - most disappointing -- FEELINGS ARE LIKE SO MUCH WIND -THEY PASS

Dont underestimate the power of wind (or of feelings for that matter).. Ask the people of New York who were around when Sandy hit ;)
Dont underestimate the power of wind (or of feelings for that matter).. Ask the people of New York who were around when Sandy hit ;)

You with your childish soft trolling with a ;) at the end. Grow up buddy. Be mature. You have left that age far behind where you say to your mom. Ammi ho gaya, aa kar dhula dain. :D
You with your childish soft trolling with a ;) at the end. Grow up buddy. Be mature. You have left that age far behind where you say to your mom. Ammi ho gaya, aa kar dhula dain. :D

Did your abbu not teach you to not interrupt when adults are talking.

Interesting that you believe in the concept of Ammi dhula dein till the age when you can form those long sentences :woot:
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