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PAF will not go 5th Generation anytime soon(2030)

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PAF will not go 5th Generation anytime soon(2030)

:crazy: then what is this:p:P


lol, just joking:smokin:

LOL nice one should post in the PAF 2015 2020 thread too if F-35 is here in 2010 then by 2015 should have F-60
Nope...I am just making you guys happy. I dont want you guys start crying .

OK thanks for the jesture but for you post i was crying buckets ....

everything that chinese does is super tech and whatever russia does is bad and low ....good point,
when US is on your side their toys are world beaters when they are selling to india then its cheap and bad quality stuff .....

see who is crying.....now all over the forum ...
get over sour phenomenon its no good trying to just satisfy oneself by downplaying the others the reality of your thinking is Since pakistan is not getting russian tech so its bad they stop those JF-17 engines too they are crap why are you using them where are your superior chinese engines .....radar, suite and tech ...why do you need shopping from euprote then ...LOL crying who now? incase your need cheap. crappy russian radar and tech dont forget to ask once it goes in touch with your products its becomes super tech and world beaters

lol to the cry
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LOL nice one should post in the PAF 2015 2020 thread too if F-35 is here in 2010 then by 2015 should have F-60

I am eying F117 soon, may be in 2012, lol :smokin::smokin:
Son, If america give u F-35 and u make copy of that will US give you any weapon again....Thats the reason why russia shares its stealth tech with india only

First of all, do not be all sonny boy with me.
Mind yourself here.

Second of all, F-35 is not sought by Pakistan for obvious reasons.
It is not worth the investment even if we had the money to spare, the fact that we do not have cash to spare makes the decision even easier at this point.

Third of all, Russia needs some support on the financial aspect as well and would seek partners just like USA sought on F-35.
The kind of money China has been spending on R&D in past decade is quite enormous so i would not dismiss their potential as easily as many people do.

Fourthly, China has enough confidence to stop buying most of its equipment from other countries, dismissing this huge achievement on part of China by resorting to the usual copy/steal rant is a very uneducated and pointless argument.

It was very simple in the end----the serbs had spotters outside the aviano air base in italy, from where the plane flew out---it would take it an x amount of hours hours to fly to a certain location in the target area---the spotters would calll in by cellular phone---once the number of hours of flight time was determined---it was decided that any anamoly on the radr would be the F 117---thus fired upon and taken down.

Anyone with a different version is welcome.

The F117A did not have a radar (or even a radar warning receiver as per some).
By operating radars on unusually long wavelengths the Serbs are believed to have had rare radar spottings of F117As and thus some idea of the paths being frequented for the attack.
By using spotters with infrared and night vision equipment and predicting the paths based on radar/visual spotting, the batteries were positioned accordingly.

Most likely scenario seems a SAM launch based on visual spotting.
Some say that the particular F-117 had developed moisture on surface which helped in detection.
Cant say anything for sure.

At the end the complete truth can not be known without USA revealing what happened at their end, however if the theory about radar warning receiver absence is true then the pilot would only have had seconds to evade after he would have seen the missile (if he had seen the missile that is).
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If India is going to acquire 5th generation jets then Pakistan had already initiated the process a couple of years back to acquire stealth detecting radar called as Veera Radar from Czech Republic, I don't know if Pakistan has it or not but it's just a proof to show that Pakistani policy makers are not sitting idle as claimed by this preposterous article based on indian dogmas & wishes

It was very simple in the end----the serbs had spotters outside the aviano air base in italy, from where the plane flew out---it would take it an x amount of hours hours to fly to a certain location in the target area---the spotters would calll in by cellular phone---once the number of hours of flight time was determined---it was decided that any anamoly on the radr would be the F 117---thus fired upon and taken down.

Anyone with a different version is welcome.

Another example of how no technology is superior than simple ingenuity of human mind.
some how most of these jet plane threads end up resembling a discussion between 2 teenagers about who has a hotter car. ;)

Just a jet plane (even a F 22 ) doesnt mean a thing unless it is positioned in a doctrine that succeeds. If technology was everything, USA wouldn't have lost Vietnam.
If India is going to acquire 5th generation jets then Pakistan had already initiated the process a couple of years back to acquire stealth detecting radar called as Veera Radar from Czech Republic, I don't know if Pakistan has it or not but it's just a proof to show that Pakistani policy makers are not sitting idle as claimed by this preposterous article based on Indian dogmas & wishes

How enlightening!!! You should know what your policy makers are doing. I have never heard of something like "stealth detecting Radar" with Czech republic.

Secondly, It's not an article, but many around here are incompetent to deduct the simple fact and started traducing Indians for no reason what so ever. (including some senior members).

If some fan boy comments are taken as articles by many Pakistanis here, I should post youtube comments on this thread (by Pakistani's), this thread will become an abuse like that.

How enlightening!!! You should know what your policy makers are doing. I have never heard of something like "stealth detecting Radar" with Czech republic.

There is a first time for every thing, glad i could add some thing to your knowledge
Secondly, It's not an article, but many around here are incompetent to deduct the simple fact and started traducing Indians for no reason what so ever. (including some senior members).
what ever that is it is written by an Indian which very much reflects his/her hallucinations.

If some fan boy comments are taken as articles by many Pakistanis here, I should post youtube comments on this thread (by Pakistani's), this thread will become an abuse like that.
If the comments are a page long then be my guest :cheers:
Making JF-17 stealthy.. thats the new one.
I hope someone develops a radar that can even detect the stealth planes.

Any one have an idea how serbs were able to shoot down an American F-117 ?

One F-117 has been lost in combat with the Army of Yugoslavia. On 27 March 1999, during the Kosovo War, the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade under the command of Colonel Zoltán Dani,[38] downed an F-117A, callsign "Vega 31", AF serial number 82-0806, with a Yugoslav-improved version of the Soviet Isayev S-125 'Neva' (NATO name SA-3 'Goa') anti-aircraft missile system.[39][40] According to NATO Commander Wesley Clark and other NATO generals, Yugoslav air defenses detected F-117s by operating their radars on unusually long wavelengths, making the aircraft visible to radar for brief periods.

Parts of the downed F-117 on display in the Military Museum in Belgrade.

Reportedly, several SA-3s were launched from approximately 8 miles out, one of which detonated near the F-117A, forcing the pilot to eject. Though still classified, it is believed that the F-117 has no radar warning indicator, so the pilot's first indication of an incoming missile was likely seeing its flame. At this distance and combined speed the pilot had about six seconds to react before impact. According to an interview, Zoltán Dani kept most of his missile sites intact by frequently moving them, and had spotters looking for F-117s and other NATO aircraft. He oversaw the modification of his targeting radar to improve its detection.[40] The commanders and crews of the SAMs guessed the flight paths of earlier F-117A attacks from rare radar spottings and positioned their SAM launchers and spotters accordingly. It is believed that the SA-3 crews and spotters were able to locate and track F-117A 82-806 visually, probably with infra-red and night vision systems. He claimed that his battery shot down an F-16 as well.[40]

The F-117 pilot survived and was later rescued by U.S. Air Force Pararescue personnel. The wreckage of the F-117 was not promptly bombed, due to possible media fallout from news footage of civilians around the wreckage. The Serbs are believed to have invited Russian personnel to inspect the remains, compromising the then 25-year old US stealth technology.[41] The F-117's pilot was misidentified. While the name "Capt Ken 'Wiz' Dwelle" was painted on the canopy, it was revealed in 2007 that the pilot was actually Lt Col Dale Zelko, USAF.[42][43]

Some sources claim that a second F-117A was damaged during the same campaign, allegedly on 30 April.[44] Although the aircraft returned to base, it supposedly never flew again.[45][46]

It was very simple in the end----the serbs had spotters outside the aviano air base in italy, from where the plane flew out---it would take it an x amount of hours hours to fly to a certain location in the target area---the spotters would calll in by cellular phone---once the number of hours of flight time was determined---it was decided that any anamoly on the radr would be the F 117---thus fired upon and taken down.

Anyone with a different version is welcome.

i find ur version better ...very plausible
as you say sir. . . :P

Its not what I say. Its what I have seen, heard and read.

To give you an example, lets take JF-17. Whatever I have read from across the border, they label JF-17 as a can of tin, an all metal airframe and Chinese cheap avionics and stuff like that, while glorifying their LCA. Its not just one source, multiple sources.

A few months back was reading something on that Indian defence analyst run livefist blog, something written about JF-17, he or whoever wrote that piece was all praises for LCA, while JF-17 was crap, without even thinking that the JF-17 has become operational, while the LCA even after decades of development is still in testing and other stuff and hardly 20 ordered, JF-17 getting attention from export potential clients, while LCA well no need to say further.

So this is the mentality which we and I are talking about. All on this side of the border crap, while on your side of the border, awesome.
Its not what I say. Its what I have seen, heard and read.

To give you an example, lets take JF-17. Whatever I have read from across the border, they label JF-17 as a can of tin, an all metal airframe and Chinese cheap avionics and stuff like that, while glorifying their LCA. Its not just one source, multiple sources.

A few months back was reading something on that Indian defence analyst run livefist blog, something written about JF-17, he or whoever wrote that piece was all praises for LCA, while JF-17 was crap, without even thinking that the JF-17 has become operational, while the LCA even after decades of development is still in testing and other stuff and hardly 20 ordered, JF-17 getting attention from export potential clients, while LCA well no need to say further.

So this is the mentality which we and I are talking about. All on this side of the border crap, while on your side of the border, awesome.

yes thats the difference bw IAF and PAF ....you can not ignore that ur present jf17 need improvement in every aspect but u still buy them and on the other hand IAF dont want o include LCA into their fleet wherever it will not become as per 4.5 gen standard ...
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yes thats the difference bw IAF and PAF ....you can not ignore that ur present jf17 need improvement in every aspect but u still buy them and on the other hand IAF dont want o include LCA into their fleet wherever it will not become as per 4.5 gen standard ...

the radar tested on recent test LCA was nt AESA.
so your first 20 LCA will nt be a 4.5th generation aircraft.
when Su mki,f-35 are nt in 4.5th generation aircraft becasue of AESa radar then how comes your LCA 4.5th generaion

wher as jf-17 is reality and LCA a dream
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