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PAF vs. IAF Analysis- Air Combat Over the Subcontinent

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An Independent American Websites says the following are the top 10 air forces in the world: (And Pakistan is not even listed in top 10).

1--US. Just no argument here. With a good pool of war-trained pilots, the unmatched ability to project power globally, and excellent hardware, the US is the one to beat.

2-France. France has one fleet carrier (despite its problems) and a proven history of knowing how to use them. They also have a strategic bomber force--sure, it's Mirage 2000s armed with cruise missiles, but it's there. Both the Aeronavale and the Armee de l'Air have a reputation for competence. They also have AWACS.

3-UK. Just behind the French because of questions regarding air defense (the Tornado F.3 still has problems) and the uncertain future of the Harrier carriers. Other than that, they also have very skilled pilots with combat experience, along with AWACS support (don't forget the Sentry AEW.1s, Strategist).

4--Russia. Slowly coming back from near collapse, the Russians have proven they can still project power in Europe and Asia, and are one of only three nations (the others being the US and China) with strategic bombers. Also armed with quality designs, where the Russians are hurt is lack of pilot training, though they do have a thin edge of elite pilots.

5--Israel. With the reputation of aerial skill rivaled only by the US (the Israelis haven't lost air superiority since 1948), the Heyl Ha'avir is constantly adding new technology. They are in the number 5 position only because they lack the ability to project power like the US, France, UK, and Russia.

6--India. The IAF is also rapidly getting new tech and becoming the air force to beat in Asia. They also have a carrier, and if things continue in this trend, could surpass Israel in the near future.

7--People's Republic of China. I'd have ranked them lower, but the PLAAF is steadily revamping their pilot training program, adding new tech, and downsizing a bloated bureaucracy. The PLAAF is getting scarier every year, and rank below Israel and India only because they have yet to prove themselves in modern combat.

8--Japan. The JASDF is getting a much-needed update, and also have a good reputation. They also have a superb tech base.

9--Brazil. No one's really been paying much attention to Brazil, but the FAB isn't half bad. They too have a carrier, even if it's old, and the AMX is an excellent aircraft. Their Mirages are getting a little long in the tooth.

10--Italy. Hey, don't forget the AMI. They're only slightly smaller than France's air force, and they haven't undergone the same sort of budget slashing that the RAF and the Luftwaffe (who would be number 11) have. Replacing their leased Tornado F.3s with F-16s was a pretty good move, as it allowed them to finally replace their ancient F-104s, and gives Italy a viable air defense while they wait for the Typhoon.


Wikipedia has also not listed Pakistan in 10 Ten Armed Forces:

1.US,2.Russia,3.China,4.India,5.France, 6.Germany,7.UK,8.Japan,9.Israel,10.Spain

Another website deagel.com

1. USA, because ... well I don't think I should explain why because it is obvious.

2. China, because they have the numbers and if I remember well they have the most advanced versions of the Su-27 (Su-30MKK)in service worldwide and in great numbers, I believe some 300 or so and are still building the J-11 the home made version of thies fighter, and have plans for the J-XX which they claim to be an equal to the F-22(a thing that I do not particulary believe)

3. Russia, because they have the technology and knowledge to build advanced fighters.

4. France, because they have more fighters than either the UK or Germany

5. UK because of their Typhoons, and doctrine

6. Israel, because of theiradvanced avionics on US built fighters

7. India, because of the mix of their fighter force (although this may poase serious logistic problems)

8. Japan, because of the fighters they build now (F-2, and maybe they will buy the F-22)

9. Germany, manly because of their Typhoons

10. Italy, also manly because of their Typhoons

One more website:

USA first (for air force and navy)

Then Russia still

France, Israel (difficult to say which one would be the stronguest)

Japan, RAF (too much reduction in number and lacking of air superiority fighters), Germany, India, China (by numbers)

Sweden, Greece, South Korea (access to top technology, NATO level training and equivalent of 300 modern planes each)

Spain,Nederland, Australian ,Taiwan

Other US/western equiped Middle east air force lack of some advanced technology (like on ECM), training and are totally dependant of western support.(Turkey, Egypt , Saudis...) with software lock implemented in their equipements.

and.....This is what it says about Pakistan:

The Pakis definitely rate right up there - maybe not in the top 10, but definitely somewhere up there. Their fighter pilots are just as aggressive as anyone else, and a lot more bloody-minded. While their on-paper training schedule is not that impressive, most people are unaware there are hundreds of Pakistani Air Force fighter-pilots in Saudi, UAE and Jordanian air-forces keeping their skills sharp. They also have informal access to modern technology US and France sell to "incompetent" but oil-rich countries. Their weakness stems mainly from disconnect to their own society, and a suicidally aggressive doctrine. A deadly combination of passion born from poverty and hatred born from fanaticism keep their skills sharp, and back-door acess to modern technology can make them one of the deadliest air forces out there.

These all rankings are made by fools, i dont think we were on top 10 in 1965, and after 15 years of independece that time was very painfull for pak govt bcoz of refugees less trained officers and blockage of funds from india, and didn't got any ordinance factory, and india had 1000s year old industry at that time, and every one knows what we did in 1965 war!!:pakistan:

And about Israel, its ranked among the top air force, every one knows PAF's pilots killing ratio in arab wars, Israel didn't killed single PAF jet, we killed 8 or 12!!

You keep happy with these fool ranking, time will prove who's better!!:pakistan:
ok RAJSPARIDE see please give me sources to your links...i have realised all indians are very got at arguing for links for proof for facts to be backed up by more facts....so i am going to play it like u i think PC is wasting his time trying to explain to u....so please back your FACTS with a link....and please don't give me bollywood stories about SWAT u and i both know how india is involved in SWAT....and yes u got involved in our Civil war in 1971 and by grace of allah we will avenge it when we can....sorry people i am losing my cool but sometimes the audacity of indians shock me.... i mean how naive can u be... and yes let's not forget your RSS that says hum pakistan kee chaalis tukree kareingee and you will ask for a link take it here you go

sorry i am off the topic but it annoys me when indian boys start copy pasting "FACTS" without proof...
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today i learned a lot about awacs i use to have a little knowledge about it my uncle came from canada a week a ago in year 1969 he went to russia on scholarship from government of pakistan to get knowledge about battle cummunication in russia he also now these days he is living in c anada and he is canadian since 1997 any way lets come on the topic today i asked him about AWACS i also know he has a lot of information of awacs when i asked him what is a major difference between E3 Sanatry and ERIEYE he said that ERIEYE radar can detect targets at 340 Degress but E 3 sanatry can detect targets 360 degres why paf gone to ERIEYE he also said me ERIEYE is good no doubt about it but the probleum is it is not as superior as phalcon he also said me if paf wanted to counter phalcon why paf did not choose E 3 santry this is the only system which we can say that it is similar to Phalcon

We tried to buy it western countries refused to give us, bcoz of indian lobby!!
What a BS...

About 1971 War:

listen kid! if you wanna play in our arena then you gotta live by our rules.. this place is not your usual trash can BR. first of all learn how to use the features in this forum properly... click the freakin quote link! its annoying to read the same copy paste stuff in order to read 1 or 2 line reply of yours. about 71 war.. like seriously? do you not have a intellectual comprehension to think that wikipeedia is just a opinion base source? and that every edit regarding pak india conflicts are done by none other then indians! what you have provided is a copy paste job done poorly by some losers in BR...

now here are some reality checks for you...

"Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like 1/3rd the Indian
Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say
that Pakistani pilots have claimed even higher kills than this; but
the Pakistani Air Force are being scrupulously honest in evaluating
these claims. They are crediting Pakistan Air Force only those
killings that can be checked from other sources."

Roy Meloni,
American Broadcasting Corporation
September 15, 1965.

“For the PAF, the 1965 war was as climatic as the Israeli victory over the Arabs in 1967. A further similarity was that Indian air power had an approximately 5:1 numerical superiority at the start of the conflict. Unlike the Middle East conflict, the Pakistani air victory was achieved to a large degree by air-to-air combat rather than on ground. But it was as absolute as that attained by Israel.

USA - Aviation Week & Space Technology - December 1968 issue.

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets
and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the
figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and
counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive
dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was
damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "
(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the

^ Chuck generalized indian fighters as "migs" which was a mistake.

And Su30MKI is a 4.5 Gen, and all u have for a defence is JF17...LOL....

We will have by the end of this year MLU F-16s with AMRAAM advance electronic warfare capabilities and Erieye which will be enough to roost MKI immature pilots.

Chengdu J-10 Vigorous Dragon Indigenous 4.5th generation multi-role fighter with technology implemented from cancelled J-9 project.
The J-10B is a fifth generation future upgrade with 3D thrust vectoring and other possible features.

what the fudge you are talking about? J-10 based on J-9? do you even know that J-10 was developed before J-9=FC-1=JF-17! and btw it was based on canceled Isreali 4.5 generation fighter program! and hate to brake your heart but PAF FC-20 will have TVC engine, AESA radar, long range AAM stealthy features and it should arrive at the end of 2010.

JF -13 or JF-XX is a chinese 5th Gen Aircraft on which PAK is relying heavily..
are you just going to play dumb robot who keeps repeating same old c**P?

The only reason why India didn't wage a war is coz the Pak gov didn't deny its involvement and hence the consequences will be more far fetched in the international perspective...
and just cuz our gov says so?

.. The best line of Defence for Pak is Terrorism...and is clearly evident for what you are saying hence stop talking about u air force and leave it to India and see how we will finish of LeT & Taliban in the near future...

and that we have achieved for the past 10 years now... what are you gonna do kid? just walk away..

Its easy to dweal ino perceptions just based on patriotism and compassion for ones own country but a balanced analysis is the order of the day...

This is how you started hence I paid attention but......

Now its been discussed about F16 & JF10, JF17 & JF13 will compete against Su30MKI, HAL Tejas, PAK/FA and 126 Air Superiority Fighters in the range of F 18/Super Hornets, Typhoons, Rafale & others which are being considered...

You just had to crap.....I have a lot of Indian friends on whom I would depend more any day then some of my Pakistani friends but mate honestly some of you are delusional because:

Most Important: PAF is equipped for defense which neutralizes any numerical advantage that IAF enjoys over PAF because our SAM sites come in to play along with our AWE&C systems. Then:

1) I have been hearing about the MRCA (or MMRCA) since early 2006 yet there is no indication to suggest actual delivery of the Aircraft to begin before 2012 as there are still trials to be held as well as selections, negotiations, clearances, political implications, deals etc. To compound matters further it is suggested that India might opt for F-16IN or F-18 Super Hornets........a move certainly poised to tick Russia off potentially opening a door for Russia to offer Fighter Jets to Pakistan directly and dude wouldn't I just love to get some of those cheap but comparable Jets from a reliable country! For any of those Jets PAF's answer would be J-10's (which too will be upgraded accordingly!)

2) Your Government is forcing IAF to purchase HAL Tejas which has been under development for over 2 decades yet it is not able to impress IAF enough to replace the Mig-21's by LCA! In sharp contrast JF-17 was developed in a record time of 4 years and has already entered active service....by the time LCA is inducted it is highly likely that JF-17's would have gone through the first set of upgrades. Future upgrades may include TVC, more powerful engine, AESA Radar, Stealth material or coating to further minimize RCS etc. At the end of the day JF-17's will always stay 2 steps ahead of your LCA.

3) SU-30MKI is a beast I agree but all its advantages are neutralized the moment our F-16's are upgraded to Block 52+ with AN/APG 68(V9) Radars along with seamless integration with SAAB AEW&S and AIM-9C Sidewinder. Not to mention PAF's training and use of the Jet etc.

4) PAK-FA and J-XX......How can we even compare 2 Jets that have yet to fly? Given Sukhoi's experience it is safe to assume that PAK-FA would fly before 2012 (It's flight has been delayed twice from 2007 to 2008 and then to 2009) but at the same time we were all surprised when J-10's were introduced to the world as that 4.5th generation Jet was already in active service by then such is the level of secrecy of our Chinese friends. Secondly I'm sure we are all aware of the Chinese spy that was apprehended albeit too late for passing on the B-2 Spirit stealth technology to the Chinese. I'm confident that PAF will acquire a decisive answer to the PAK-FA as well :)

Just to a balanced analysis..how the hell would a Gen 4 Crafts would compete with a Gen 5 aircraft with Stealth Tech and State of art Radar Systems...

I believe I have answered your concern above in regards to generations vis a vis Jets countering Jets. In simple words we have 4th Gen Jets to counter 4th Gen Jets and will acquire 5th Gen Jets to counter 5th Gen Jets.

Lets keep the HAL Tejas out of picture.....u have 8 JF 17 as of today and in total 12 till end of 209 ....No report of JF 10 & JF 13, so keep them out of consideration....So if a war has to hapeen in a months time U have JF 17 (8), Mirage III & !V upgraded to Rose Program which if u ask any guy with common sense about war crafts will says that they are far less superior then Mirage 2000-5 upgrade which Indian made recently... 44 F16 of the cold war era which are still competent enough and other interceptors match up with 116 Su30 MKI in use and other 40 being added this year Su30 MKIs (Gen 4.5), 178 Jaugars, 61 Mirage 2000-5, 104 Mig 29 Falcons, 60+ Mig 27 and lets leave alone Mig 21 (Around 250+)....

Good thing you stopped me making fun of the headache called Tejas by keeping it out of the picture. PAF will have inducted atleast 36 J-10's (or FC-20) by the end of 2009.....if you are not aware of this then you are not up to date with news (even though this is old news). We will get more of the Jets in time and as required.

As far as J-XX (or J-13 as you put it) is concerned it is a classified project, I hope you understand the meaning of the word 'classified'. As I have already advised you the PLAAF did not display J-10's until they had already inducted over 100 of these Jets neither did the Chinese government inform the world which implies that PAF and PLAAF may be flying the J-XX before the world know's they even exist, maybe PLAAF in the next 5-10 years and PAF in 10-15 years!

It defices my logic how would one say that Pakistan with their given numbers and its Gen of fighter planes would even be abel to defend their own air space when we have fighters sitting in India and still be able to achieve air superiority...(I have taken into consideration AWACS, their AIM120 Missiles, and F16)...their still no match for me if I have to balance things...

You have not taken in to consideration anything hence your logic is already flawed yet you believe you have considered everything! IAF will be stretched far and wide with Russian Jets that require massive maintenance whereas Chinese Jets as well as Western Jets in use by PAF require minimum maintenance plus they are maintenance friendly! Also consider our training and surplus of Pilots. What that means is that PAF will be clocking more Air hours in case of war then India even will lesser number of Jets plus its home advantage, AWE&S, SAMS etc. are all in favor of PAF in a defensive role. Carefully read the word 'defensive role'.

The rest of your post does not warrant attention!
From the comments I have read its is imperative that u either have an ego which we guys are trying so hard to say and u are scared to accept the facts and improve on them...

1) If India has lost few planes in 1965 it just bcoz of an pre-emptive strike which caught the Indians Offguard and please bear in mind no offical listing by any independent agency has ever listed Pakistan in top 10 air forces of the contemporary world....

2) I just can stop laughing at PC...

MLU F-16s with AMRAAM advance electronic warfare capabilities and Erieye which will be enough to roost MKI immature pilots -

Hey thick head...u guys have f-16 of soviet class and if they are equipped with AMRAAM with Erieye which is absolutely inferior than Phalcons they can't even come close the advanced BVR tech of Su30 MKI and keeping in view that u guys are trying for a Defensive Detterence theory Just 44 f16's willl be put to stonage by Su30MKI....

... Pak ordered some 36 J10/FC and the are going to take some financial assistance of 800 million dollars to purchase them from China...(The current economic recession will not allow such possibilities)...Contrary to that India has a budget approved 12 billion dollars for Advanced Fighter Jets and bear in mind its 126 of them...

... and the rest of what u said is BS..

and coming to Mav3rick... In the contemporary Geo-Political build up India has a predominant role contrary to u belief that Russia is go along with Pakistan which has nothing to offer....

...JF17 does even come under the class of Mig 27 or 29's and those engines from Russia and only after the 2 upgrade will it come to HAL Tejas current verison coz Indian Airforce has requested to make Tejas BVR capable with ASAR Radar which is already highly efficient than JF17...

... SAAB AEW&S is no match for the Phalcons...so take a walk kid

... DO u have any idea as to where the J-XX project stands and how much it cost...China relies on Russia for its engines and radar system and not to forget the its designs and unless the joint colloberated PAK/FA is complete and goes into the production line their is no way the J-XX will be of any 5the Gen Standard...

...So defensively Pak may be hold itself for a while but how long...??? once the 12 billion dollar for 126 fighter planes get realised in April-May 2009 when India is going to test flight all the major aircrafts and deliveries are made at ToT level wherein eventually the number of aircrafts might increase the India Airforce will be once which can put any neighbour except for China into Stonage...
Rajsparadise I met some dumb people in my short life but seriously you are a retard, I don't normally judge a person on his nationality but you are a disgrace to Indians by bringing in your bollywood fantasy. If India is this mighty power nation then how comes it didn't attack Pakistan over the Mumbia issue, the reason is the Indian army hasn't got the guts or the military man power to take on Pakistan, same can be said about us. And fool how the hell do you know that China is going to rely on Russiaon it's future plan, the way you talk is like your the director of the JXX project, so why don't you do us all a favour and piss of like a good little boy and play in your playstation becoz that's the illusion world you live in.

Admal Keyani...Looks to me that u r a complete ediot and don't have any basic knowledge about geo-political and economic situation....Two nuclear countries will have to think twice if goes to war coz of the consequences...

,,, Its the pakistan government which kept on denying and to utter surprise of everyone accepted Pak elements being the perpetrators...

... Looks to me that u also don't possess any knowledge of fighter planes...China builds all its aircrats from Russian equipment...

..So get u r facts correct and take a walk KID...u r post was one of the worst I came across in this forum...
u know RAJwhatever...the problem is u have watched movies such as BORDER in which the mighty indian army is outnumbered by a small nation....and against all odds SUNNY DEOL can do all matrix moves alone...see Raj let me tell u something

1) the Iraqi airforce was ranked the 4th best in the world before gulf war....and we all saw what happened....

2) well our stoneage F-16s are undergoing a MLU...do u even know what MLU stands for...i mean seriously...how can they be still stoneage... and will be close to BLK52s....and besides in an BVR engagement ur Mig and our JF-17 don't matter it is the type of weapon they carrying... a BVR missile matters not ur platform....

3) as for ur FETISH for putting people into stoneage....see let me tell u something... we have cruise missiles and we have nuclear bombs so i don't think we will sit around waiting for u 2 put us into "stoneage" we make sure u come along for the ride....
and coming to Mav3rick... In the contemporary Geo-Political build up India has a predominant role contrary to u belief that Russia is go along with Pakistan which has nothing to offer....

That is where you make your biggest mistake, China is a much bigger market then India could ever dream of and China got us engines for JF-17's despite every effort by India to block it! What that implies is that China is a much more important customer then India. On the other hand Pakistan continues to purchase Chinese military hardware (of Russian origin) of which I am sure Russia gets royalty or something. To be precise China+Pakistan is a much bigger market then India especially with India looking increasingly towards Israel, France and now the US!

But all that is just beyond your level of comprehension right?

...JF17 does even come under the class of Mig 27 or 29's and those engines from Russia and only after the 2 upgrade will it come to HAL Tejas current verison coz Indian Airforce has requested to make Tejas BVR capable with ASAR Radar which is already highly efficient than JF17...

Mig-27's are basically Ground Attack Jets so why would you compare them with multipurpose fighters? Mig-29's are comparable to early block of F-16's (Block 40) where F-16's have almost always enjoyed dominance over Jets in Aerial fights around the world. Our pilots suggest that JF-17's handle and perform better then the early block of F-16's which makes me wonder where you pull the nonsense from! JF-17 is in the least comparable to Mig-29....which performs better when the situation arises, well only time can tell that!

JF-17's come armed with SD-10 BVR Missiles which is ample proof that JF-17's are BVR capable already! I don't like to be rude but your ignorance is not amusing me any more!

... SAAB AEW&S is no match for the Phalcons...so take a walk kid

No match? What is wrong with you? AEW&C are kept as far away from action as possible to keep them safe, When our AEW&C is deep within our boundary keeping an eye on the movements of your Jets what can your AEW&C do about that?

... DO u have any idea as to where the J-XX project stands and how much it cost...China relies on Russia for its engines and radar system and not to forget the its designs and unless the joint colloberated PAK/FA is complete and goes into the production line their is no way the J-XX will be of any 5the Gen Standard...

Do you have any idea where J-XX project stands? For all you know it may already be ready for induction. For all I know it may just be a hoax.....but what I do know is that China is not sitting quietly waiting for Russia, Chinese are developing their own Radars, Avionics, Weapons, Engines etc. Their reliance on Russia decreases with every year. But if denial is your weapon then please use it all the time by all means.

...So defensively Pak may be hold itself for a while but how long...??? once the 12 billion dollar for 126 fighter planes get realised in April-May 2009 when India is going to test flight all the major aircrafts and deliveries are made at ToT level wherein eventually the number of aircrafts might increase the India Airforce will be once which can put any neighbour except for China into Stonage...

See there's the difference b/w India and Pakistan, Indian has always threatened all her neighbors where as Pakistan has always projected peace and harmony. Your military strategy is offensive where as ours is defensive. Irony is that your evil designs and your offensive planning has failed you for so many years yet you do not realize that your failure is because of your arrogance which is hollow just like your claims!

No wonder the world makes fun of Indians!
rajubaba you pretty much reflect a fairy tale educated product. you can not hold a discussion without sharing with us your good night stories that your mata peta sang for you.

1) If India has lost few planes in 1965 it just bcoz of an pre-emptive strike which caught the Indians Offguard and please bear in mind no offical listing by any independent agency has ever listed Pakistan in top 10 air forces of the contemporary world....

oh really IAF lost just few planes in 65? you havent realize that your Mig-21 fleet were wiped out and thats why none ever saw any air battle in 65. unfortunately your deluded peanut size head just had a seizer from articles that i posted. only a poorly educated kid would refer to wikipeedia which is nothing but complied garbage entertainment.

Hey thick head...u guys have f-16 of soviet class and if they are equipped with AMRAAM with Erieye which is absolutely inferior than Phalcons they can't even come close the advanced BVR tech of Su30 MKI and keeping in view that u guys are trying for a Defensive Detterence theory Just 44 f16's willl be put to stonage by Su30MKI....

and your upbringing BR has taught you to believe that anything made in Israel is a super alien technology? their is no "absolutely" inferior in Erieye. Greece, Brazil, Sweden, Thailand, Mexico, (Malaysia will likely fallow) along with other potential customers who had multiple choice and could infact chose "phalcon" but since Erieye is serving its purpose it is just effective as any other platform.

the funny thing is only fanboys such as yourself thing other wise. because your AF is pretty much Sh!t scared about PAF upgraded F-16s thats why it has lobbied aganist such sales. you need to come out of your bobble world and if you keep undermining your enemy will only result in your own loss in practical life.
MKI wont be able to hold back PAF F-16s anymore as much as it enjoys the advantage today! some how i am trying to get this in your head.

... Pak ordered some 36 J10/FC and the are going to take some financial assistance of 800 million dollars to purchase them from China...(The current economic recession will not allow such possibilities)...Contrary to that India has a budget approved 12 billion dollars for Advanced Fighter Jets and bear in mind its 126 of them...

and says the **** from BR? first thing CHina is not your Russia who will rip you off in just about any thing. keep living in denial because the deal is already underway and infact the work on upgrading J-10 has started since last 5 years. the initial plan is for 36-40 and onwards as many as 100 will be acquired over the past years.

...JF17 does even come under the class of Mig 27 or 29's and those engines from Russia and only after the 2 upgrade will it come to HAL Tejas current verison coz Indian Airforce has requested to make Tejas BVR capable with ASAR Radar which is already highly efficient than JF17...

oh really? now read.. and gain some knowledge. http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-aviation/21301-jf-17-has-edge-over-lca-pak-officials-16.html

... DO u have any idea as to where the J-XX project stands and how much it cost...China relies on Russia for its engines and radar system and not to forget the its designs and unless the joint colloberated PAK/FA is complete and goes into the production line their is no way the J-XX will be of any 5the Gen Standard...

go do some homework kid...

...So defensively Pak may be hold itself for a while but how long...??? once the 12 billion dollar for 126 fighter planes get realised in April-May 2009 when India is going to test flight all the major aircrafts and deliveries are made at ToT level wherein eventually the number of aircrafts might increase the India Airforce will be once which can put any neighbour except for China into Stonage...

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All these are verified news and no one have dispute on it, and most of them are non-pakistani!!
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