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PAF takes air space control over Lahore, Rawalpindi & Islamabad

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I think government should serve the people, not the other way 'round. This war is necessary only to protect the guilty from justice, not to protect the people of Pakistan.

And Pakistan has at every point stated that it will indeed punish the guilty provided India cooperates and shares credible evidence, and to that effect has detained Hafiz Zaeed and Lakshvi, along with implementing the UN ban on the JuD.

The only entity preventing the 'guilty from being punished' at the moment is India, through her belligerence and refusal to cooperate.
For those wondering what became of the Mullen trip:

Pakistan acted responsibly after Mumbai attacks: Mike Mullen

Updated at: 2215 PST, Monday, December 22, 2008
ISLAMABAD: U.S. chairman joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen in his meeting with Pakistan Chiefs of Army Staff Ashfaq Pervez Kayani on Monday said Pakistan acted responsibly following attacks carried out in Mumbai.

General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has said Pakistan is doing its best to ease the tension with India but “a befitting response will be given if war is thrust upon us”.

Admiral Mike Mullen said the U.S. will also play its role towards lessening tension between the two countries.

Pak Army Chief said Pakistan played a responsible role after the Mumbai attacks. “We want peace with India on equal level… but no compromise will made on Pakistan’s defence,” he added.

The meeting also discussed the matter of providing security to the Nato supplies.

Pakistan acted responsibly after Mumbai attacks: Mike Mullen
Everybody dies what's your point.

I think government should serve the people, not the other way 'round. This war is necessary only to protect the guilty from justice, not to protect the people of Pakistan.

You live in a distorted world.
No, thats is merely you showing an absolute lack of comprehension of whatever you have learned as a 'history buff' in comparing the two situations.

I agree with u sir,,,,,,,,,,,

in 1971 we lost east pakistan becoz of some these major things ,
No land contact,,,,,
politicians selfishness,,,,
gradually mind set of bangalis against west pakistan ,,,,,,,
no counter planning against such conspiracies,,,,,,,,
lack of good communication,,,,,,,,

but now enemies doing the same things for disintegration of PAKISTAN but the situation is very different,,,
Media is now strong enough and NATION is fully aware of everything,,,,,,,
conditions are not in the favor of PAKISTAN but are not so worse as they were in 1971
The comments of the United Nation's Taliban al Qaeda Sanctions Committee chief, Richard Barrett, that India has taken umbrage over:

"It's very difficult for any state to implement them completely but we're of course satisfied that the Pakistani government is working to try to ensure full compliance," Barrett had said.

"I found in all my dealings with officials in Pakistan, whether it's the government, elected offcials, ministries or the intelligence services or the Army and we deal with all of those bodies, I found very good atmosphere of cooperation between them as well as with us: he said.

He had also said that it is for the United Nations Security Council to decide if Pakistan is acting against Jamaatud-Dawa or not.

"The things that may look like non-compliance may not be non-compliance or may be something that happened despite the best efforts of the government and it's up to the Security Council to decide that," he added.
I agree with u sir,,,,,,,,,,,

in 1971 we lost east pakistan becoz of some these major things ,
No land contact,,,,,
politicians selfishness,,,,
gradually mind set of bangalis against west pakistan ,,,,,,,
no counter planning against such conspiracies,,,,,,,,
lack of good communication,,,,,,,,

but now enemies doing the same things for disintegration of PAKISTAN but the situation is very different,,,
Media is now strong enough and NATION is fully aware of everything,,,,,,,
conditions are not in the favor of PAKISTAN but are not so worse as they were in 1971

In 1971 it was arguably a small political/military elite acting against the wishes of millions.

Today, the political/military (the former in particular) elite is in fact being berated for not being decisive or 'honorable' enough against the US and India.

There is broad based public support for the GoP's position vs India, there is broad based political support for that position, and there is even support from the very Takfiris we have been fighting in FATA.
Now PAKISTAN has to speed up the process of defence deals like J 10S OR such fighter jet with which our air force had good experience to increase number and strength of AIR FORCE
1971 was totally different. our own ppl were against us

Who are the terrorists in FATA if not "our own people"?

You should learn what "foreign fighters" mean who are not of Pakistani origin causing disturbance, and read about how tribal fighters are keeping them out.

while Indian ministers categorically said we will not go to war.

I don't trust what Indian ministers say. I prefer to look at what they do. I also remember 1971 as an occasion when India asserted itself and even hinted at conquering Pakistan. Nixon sent a fleet into the Bay of Bengal as a deterrent.

Its funny how you don't trust them, but indirectly take an Indian Point of view stance. I think you need higher History buff classes on how to stay neutral in the conflict.

And Nixon sending in ships, didn't do anything rather they turned away as cowards, just as American soldiers sitting in their camps in Afghanistan, and not patrolling the streets, and boasting about Afghan army patrolling. Lol

I know of lashkars, but how does that change things?

No, I expect you to call India's bluff if Pakistan is innocent, and to apologize and cease supporting terrorist evil if not. If India then ramps up its demands, then you can call on the world for sympathy, not before. There is EVERY sign to this observer that the ISI wants war in order to protect its own skin and rob the civilian government of its authority - pity that Zardari doesn't see this clearly and call upon his constituency for support in the the streets. If he could make the same leap the Philippines' Aquino did, all would be well.

Honestly, a terrorist state such as India who have been doing collective punishment against kashmiri, has never apologized. And have you ever seen Indians apologize for their terrorist activities alse-where? Before you talk have your head checked out. No apology is in order or should be given.

ISI is Pakistans Intelligence Agency, they have the same right to conduct activities as the CIA and RAW does. So far I have seen ISI being more effective in giving out and conducting Operations, unlike the Iraqi blunder caused by CIA getting Information from a college student who claimed he worked for Iraqi's nuclear program. And that's not the best part, also that JOKE at UN of creating nuclear weapons in a truck, Lol. As someone once said, "Don't hate the players, hate the game", if your Intel agencies are incompetent.
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Poor guys have to defend our airspace with F-7 to this day, it's a bloody ******** shame.

This is by far the most plausible explanation. There is no real reason for fighter jets to fly low over a city unless the main intention is to display a show of force or what have you, to the inhabitants of that city. If something were really going on, the jets would be scrambled to create a perimeter outside the cities so as to disallow enemy fighters from even approaching that airspace.

It is also unlikely that the IAF will conduct strikes at this moment because they really have no targets to strike. Unlike James Bonds' villains, JeM, LeT and their ilk do not have massive multi billion dollar complexes which serve as bases of operations where grand evil schemes are hatched. Islamist terrorists especially since 2001 have worked mostly out of generic real estate so as to keep a relatively low profile and a very high level of mobility. Now that the cat is already out of the bag most of these people have either flown the coop and/or just melted away into the masses. If the IAF did want to bomb something they would have already done it.
Is there any chances to get some F16s instantly in current situation because they will be in operational use as soon as if they would arrive ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???????

The caution on the Pakistani side is not because we think that India would not carry out a strike for lack of targets. Rather its the concern that possibly the internal Indian politics may lead India to take action to placate the public.
Pakistan acted responsibly after Mumbai attacks

That story is woefully incomplete. Read this one instead:
"He also urged them to support judicial efforts to prosecute the cases fully and transparently," it added.

Earlier, Mullen met Pakistani national security adviser Mehmood Ali Durrani, a senior Pakistani government official told AFP.
In other words, whatever the U.S. thought of Pakistan's acts immediately after the Mumbai attacks, now the U.S. thinks that Pakistan is dragging its feet.
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