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PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

Ever wondered why was there a necessity of such partnership??
Many other countries got Independent and were far weaker than your state......but still they managed to prosper.....and continue to prosper.........If a contract is signed with devil......what do you expect other than hell coming your way.

And still they don't learn.......sad isn't it.

People---don't you get it by now----we are lovers---it is a lovers quarrel---we are their first real love in asia----they keep coming back to us because they have never conquered us---they want us----they get us---but they can't have us----we love and then we fight----we fight and then we love-----we can't live with each other---we cannot live without each other----we tear each other up----ours is the relationship like in that movie----WAR OF THE ROSES.

Any body wants to dig in a little deeper---just watch that Michael Douglas movie----take one character for usa and the other for pakistan----.

This a basic relation 101 USA---.
People---don't you get it by now----we are lovers---it is a lovers quarrel---we are their first real love in asia----they keep coming back to us because they have never conquered us---they want us----they get us---but they can't have us----we love and then we fight----we fight and then we love-----we can't live with each other---we cannot live without each other----we tear each other up----ours is the relationship like in that movie----WAR OF THE ROSES.

Any body wants to dig in a little deeper---just watch that Michael Douglas movie----take one character for usa and the other for pakistan----.

This a basic relation 101 USA---.

Lol, I have told my friends the same...it is like watching two people deep in love but frustrated. Very crazy!
People---don't you get it by now----we are lovers---it is a lovers quarrel---we are their first real love in asia----they keep coming back to us because they have never conquered us---they want us----they get us---but they can't have us----we love and then we fight----we fight and then we love-----we can't live with each other---we cannot live without each other----we tear each other up----ours is the relationship like in that movie----WAR OF THE ROSES.

Any body wants to dig in a little deeper---just watch that Michael Douglas movie----take one character for usa and the other for pakistan----.

This a basic relation 101 USA---.

Continue with this relationship of your......without any love triangle......and 20 years later you'll find.....they need us......they get us.....and they have us.
Continue with this relationship of your......without any love triangle......and 20 years later you'll find.....they need us......they get us.....and they have us.

Nopes, Twenty years later... the story line will be.... they needed us...... couldn't get us........ got frustrated and left us........ now they don't want to be any where near us. !!!
This "secret codes" thing will never die.

As someone kindly pointed out, the British has at least one ship slammed by an Exocet after the "secret codes" were supposedly delivered.

Secret Codes is newspaper-speak for classified weaknesses; it is a lot easier for naive journalists to say secret codes, as if all you need is a radio that transmits some digital burst, and back-door software in the missile receives this and says "Guess I'll shut down now." It does not work that way.

The world arms industry is probably trillions of $$. If a nation inserted magic codes into its weapons, all it would take is ONE instance, and that nation would forever lose all of its business, as no one is going to buy a weapon that can be turned off.

Weapons are designed to be extremely robust and as immune as possible to external influences.

So the French didn't say this - "Transmit 'XYZ12345' on 212.25 MHz and the missile will turn off." More likely they said "The exocet is vulnerable to the following decoys and defenses..."

Do people really think a missile as simple (and it really is quite simple) as an AIM-9L has a miniature radio receiver in it? It has a quartz IR window, and the proximity fuse uses a laser. There is no RF (radio frequency) anywhere in it, and nations who own them can take them apart and identify every single component. No radios. You point an AIM-9 at a heat source, it'll guide and explode.

Mr. Chogy thats what u saying...cuz u dont wanna bring bad name to US cuz then who gonna buy US weapons...but Pakistan is never allowed to take apart the pieces of new F-16 blocks 50/52 and lot of other stuff/weapons.....to fix them or see inside them......umm......cuz we might not know what systems are inside those parts......so everything is going on undercover.....:azn:
If some people believe there are secret codes for major weapons systems, then I'd advise writing your leadership to investigate, or simply buy Russian. But who is to say there aren't "codes" in Russian or Chinese weapons? Those two nations would have the exact same motivation to do it... neither are particularly shy in world affairs.

But until it's proven, I'll have severe doubts.

Let me put it another way - Russia, China, and the U.S. all exploit each other's stuff. There are probably F-16's in Russia and China. We've had Sukhois and such in the U.S. These things are stripped down to the last nut & bolt and investigated. If there was some shut-down box in one of them, it would be a huge coup for the exploiting country. "Look everybody! We found this thing in the U.S./Russian/Chinese system! They are unreliable arms suppliers! Don't buy from them!" And that hasn't happened yet either.

This is simply one more in a hundred of giant and juicy conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact. There is too much at stake, both politically and economically.
Nopes, Twenty years later... the story line will be.... they needed us...... couldn't get us........ got frustrated and left us........ now they don't want to be any where near us. !!!

Although they are still very much there.....and those who are currently in Pakistan know that very well......
.......However my wishes holds together with yours.......hope the Administration and Generals there share similar thoughts....about the nation of yours.....anyway beware of flirts.........and don't get into any other love affair.....as you cannot afford any other...
Is there also a commission to actually enquire and investigate in the fact that OBL was found so close to the academy in Pakistan. PAF defences can be spruced up with obtaining some money and spending it. But the bigger question is why and how OBL was there in Abbotabad!

The said commission is looking at both aspects.
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