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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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First of all sir, with 5 Km violation no information can be collected and as i said, it could be the weakness of GPS coz Iran has no access to the precision positioning system PPS. I cannot upload image, i could show you the drone was doing a U turn in the eastern area of Mirjave city in eastern border of Iran.
It is worse than a hostile act from a neighbor, even Russian army doesn't down the American fighters/drones over Baltic sea. I cannot find a reason for Pakistan's sharp hostility and madness in that boundary, except for USA's coordination. Iran's option is not limited, F-14 tomcats, Mig-29 fleet and squadron of old SU-27 can counter Pakistan's threat.

Please don't play the lack of precision positioning system card, your country just launched precision missile strikes in Syria the same week.
Even with physical instruments, missing your mark by 45km is impossible.
The reason that Russia/USA don't shoot down each other's drones or aircraft is because they are operating in international waters and not over each other's territory.
I'm not going to argue over air capability but I would point out that the PAF is unanimously considered one of the best airforces in the world and has earned praise from across the world.

if we had nukes , Pakistan would guard its border firmly not turning it to terrorist heaven in behalf of KSA .... you will understand my reasoning some day ( although I think all of you knew that I'm right but you fear to admit it )

I doubt it, because we have nukes and it hasn't deterred Iran from supporting anti-Pakistan elements on their soil, siphoning Pakistani nationals to fight Iran's wars in Syria, or breaching Pakistan's territorial sovereignty.
Yes, but how come Pakistan was able to react in those 20 seconds?
No aircrafts are allowed to fly in 15NM area on both sides of border..so when a plane is moving towards the restricted airspace,ADA comes into action..and ofcourse it stayed in the territory for sometime
The UAV is clearly NOT from Iran! It's parts are from the Czech Republic a NATO country which suggest it's a UAV belonging to a NATO country operating in Afghanistan!
The UAV may have entered Pakistani Airspace from Iran but it is clearly NOT Iranian! But the fact that some so adamantly want to claim it's Iranian suggest that Pakistan is afraid of angering NATO!
lol at these funny Iranian spewing Mullah sponsored propaganda against Pakistan. I already mentioned in thread earlier that for them We Pakistani are nothing but US, Saudi mercineries..this truth will strike you whenever you accuse them of working against Pakistan, for them we are their enemy on payroll of US and Saudis which they hypocratically try to hide, few Iranian proved my stance in this thread right, despite knowing that Pakistan helped their Mullah fiefdom against Rigi brothers, arrested many of their people and handed over to Iran in recent years, kept your border peaceful during Saddam war despite American pressure.

What we got back from them in return? Bharati agents? bharati in Chabahar, Our criminals using their passports? mullah's support to sectarian parties in Pakistan? recruitment of zainabiyoon terrorists from Pakistan for killing Syrian and Iraqis? Interfarence in Pak Saudi relationship, Their cheif of army openly threatened us with invasion and now this..

Yet Iranian are victims of Pakistan.. :lol: dont waste your time on brianwashed.
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The UAV is clearly NOT from Iran! It's parts are from the Czech Republic a NATO country which suggest it's a UAV belonging to a NATO country operating in Afghanistan!
The UAV may have entered Pakistani Airspace from Iran but it is clearly NOT Iranian! But the fact that some so adamantly want to claim it's Iranian suggest that Pakistan is afraid of angering NATO!


So you are suggesting Iran has a security problem and it cannot protect its own airspace?
or are you suggesting Pakistan has the capability of downing NATO forces?
Wouldn't NATO be angered that it is already downed?

So after a wasteful 2 hours of discussion by some apparently Iranian members that Pakistan's protecting the integrity of its own airspace is an act of war finally some clarity.
Someone was claiming they have 5 to 1 in border control check posts.
You saved quite a lot of lives. Iranians were sending Tomcats and Su27 and scrambling the batteries.

Thanks. Finally a sane level headed person who knows the Iranian defense capabilities and his name is Vevak.
The UAV is clearly NOT from Iran! It's parts are from the Czech Republic a NATO country which suggest it's a UAV belonging to a NATO country operating in Afghanistan!
The UAV may have entered Pakistani Airspace from Iran but it is clearly NOT Iranian! But the fact that some so adamantly want to claim it's Iranian suggest that Pakistan is afraid of angering NATO!

drone engine is not critical as its electronic parts , so we buy it whenever we can ....
What did the JF-17 use to shoot the UAV down? Cannon or WVRM or BVRM?
drone engine is not critical as its electronic parts , so we buy it whenever we can ....

WRONG! Aside from it's Camera's, Iran doesn't buy any parts of it's UAV's from anyone for there are sanctions that prohibit it and Iran has been producing UAV components for too many years to have any need for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So you are suggesting Iran has a security problem and it cannot protect its own airspace?
or are you suggesting Pakistan has the capability of downing NATO forces?
Wouldn't NATO be angered that it is already downed?

So after a wasteful 2 hours of discussion by some apparently Iranian members that Pakistan's protecting the integrity of its own airspace is an act of war finally some clarity.
Someone was claiming they have 5 to 1 in border control check posts.
You saved quite a lot of lives. Iranians were sending Tomcats and Su27 and scrambling the batteries.

Thanks. Finally a sane level headed person who knows the Iranian defense capabilities and his name is Vevak.

NATO has many member and NOT all NATO members are superpowers!

10-50km incursions using UAV's the size of an RC plan like the US scan Eagle happen and it's quite stupid to use $200,000-$500,000 missiles to bring down a UAV that size unless it gets close to a vital location which should be protected by AAA that can easily bring down such UAV's with limited cost!

So NO Iran wouldn't be stupid enough to use a fighter jet or a SAM to bring down an unarmed UAV for a 10km-50km incursion over airspace that is neither vital or protected by AAA
WRONG! Aside from it's Camera's, Iran doesn't buy any parts of it's UAV's from anyone for there are sanctions that prohibit it and Iran has been producing UAV components for too many years to have any need for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is why millions of dollars worth of dual use and defense equipment goes from Europe to Iran. Dubai is literred with stuff heading to Iran which is bought (and sold) under the pretext of ending up someplace else.
Are you that naïve?
Does Iran gives a hoot about what you expect? They didn't bothered to straighten their act when they were under UN/US sanctions and a half of the western world itching to put them in their right place. There is a reason the world calls them axis of evil and these mullahs don't have the common sense to understand how not to piss the world. They have been hostile towards Pakistan, helping/ allowing India to interfere in Baluchistan from within Iran, stirring and supporting sectarian violence in Pakistan.

They understand only one language, and I can understand the pain of so called Pakistanis living in Pakistan but defending/supporting Irani mullahs. Iran is the biggest nuisance in Islamic world, fingering Islamic countries only. I'll fully support if Israel nukes them to oblivion.
I am not naive I am being realistic and for that i have heard a lot of accusations and abuses which frankly i dont give a F off. And no you dont understand anything. For you anyone who suggests caution must be a Shia and which loses the whole credibility of your post. Good day and dont bother quoting me again unless you can come out of this SHia Sunni nonsense and think pragmatically.
good act by our force , we should have really test Pakistan stand in this chaotic era , and they shot it without warning , just like what American did in Syria .... a drone is nothing compare to understand what is Pakistan real stand is .... an excellent test .... although we should test Pakistan more ...

Bring it on Beta :D :D don't even force us to show what we are capable of
The drone probably stayed over Pakistani territory for quite some time. It must be remembered that the No. 2 Squadron is based at PAF Base Masroor, Karachi and it takes time to get from there to the area in Balochistan where this drone was purportedly shot down.
WRONG! Aside from it's Camera's, Iran doesn't buy any parts of it's UAV's from anyone for there are sanctions that prohibit it and Iran has been producing UAV components for too many years to have any need for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NATO has many member and NOT all NATO members are superpowers!

10-50km incursions using UAV's the size of an RC plan like the US scan Eagle happen and it's quite stupid to use $200,000-$500,000 missiles to bring down a UAV that size unless it gets close to a vital location which should be protected by AAA that can easily bring down such UAV's with limited cost!

So NO Iran wouldn't be stupid enough to use a fighter jet or a SAM to bring down an unarmed UAV for a 10km-50km incursion over airspace that is neither vital or protected by AAA
Viva listen as your intelligence agencies are collaborating with raw even Rc airplane is threat for Pakistan is that clear send more and we will smoke them gwadar is red zone for Pakistan any stupidity will be harshly answered iran regime must realize this is not Syria Iraq or Yemen this Pakistan you finger is we will chop your hand I hope they got the message the sooner Iran read this drone destruction as writing on the wall it's better to remain in its limits Pakistan is the only super power of this Islamic world no one should challenge us ! And behave like good neighbour otherwise you know door of hell can be opened your country no country can afford our enmity any doubt ask India :)
First of all sir, with 5 Km violation no information can be collected and as i said, it could be the weakness of GPS coz Iran has no access to the precision positioning system PPS. I cannot upload image, i could show you the drone was doing a U turn in the eastern area of Mirjave city in eastern border of Iran.
It is worse than a hostile act from a neighbor, even Russian army doesn't down the American fighters/drones over Baltic sea. I cannot find a reason for Pakistan's sharp hostility and madness in that boundary, except for USA's coordination. Iran's option is not limited, F-14 tomcats, Mig-29 fleet and squadron of old SU-27 can counter Pakistan's threat.

Iran can make military agreements with India. They are eager to have a nuclear base in the east of Iranian region. Frankly it is not my personal desire but Iran's tolerance has a limit. Ummah concept is not created for only poor Iranians who are already countering Israel-USA threat to middle east. Pakistan is doing the worst for it's neighbor country. Stopping crying, Iran has plenty of options.

So please behave like a Muslim country not the worst hostile neighbor which is waiting for USA's commands. However you fuked Islamic concepts by destroying Afghanistan.

Thanks for your honesty, yes Pakistan is an strategic ally of Americans who is stabbing regional countries at it's best. Iran has to measure your threat. It is a logical assumption, you cannot be trusted as a Muslim neighbor

The door is open for negotiations, i hope Pakistan respects it's duty as a neighbor.

1) not 5km, but 45km.

2) Russian planes don't fly into US mainland, or vice versa. When a U2 did enter Russian airspace it was shot down.

3) PAFs JF17s alone are enough to take on entire IrAF. Add the F16s and AWACs and we would easily gain air superiority.

Our Army is similarly better equipped, outnumbers yours and has more fighting experience.

Your options are limited to ballistic missiles only. In case you didn't know, we have those too; except our have special warheads that you're not allowed to have.

4) you went into bed with India, we tried to stay neutral. You sponsor secretarial terrorism and we tried to stay neutral. You cause trouble in Balochistan and we tried to stay neutral. You fire across the border all the time and we tried to stay neutral. Enough is enough! You are no friend; and clearly acting like an enemy.

5) Lets see what assistance india provides you if conflict breaks out between pak and Iran.

6) Consider the assistance and support Pak would receive just to hurt Iran.

7) Consider that Iran would be likely attacked by other countries once weakened by Pak.

So stop chest thumping and thinking Iran is God's gift to the world. You have ZERO options.

The sad part is I'm typically opposed to war and was until recently very wishful for improving pak iran ties and for Pak not to react. But enough is enough. The ball is in your court. Start acting like a friend and we will start treating you like one. Carry on with this BS and Iran would only exist in history books.
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