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PAF Jets in Flights over North Waziristan

^^^x_man - i agree with you in general. confronting the US is not in our interests at this time. we have too many internal problems to contend with which i think everyone is aware of.
having said that, there is one point which i believe will change the current behaviour of the US towards us. NATO/ISAF are clear about the ROE's vis-a-vis pakistan.
quietly threathen the US that we will cut-off their logistic life-line which at the moment goes through pakistan. they have no other option at this time. why? the georgia situation has strained US/Russia relations and the Russians will use their influence to discourage the CAS states to provide this support to the US (their alternate route).
what has not got noticed is that when the supplies were stopped for 1-day recently (under whatever pretext) the US panicked and released US$ 365 mill in coalition support funds which were being withheld.
in short do we have the wherewithall to use our strengths to our advantage!. thats the million $ question?
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been talking to a PAF pilot (name withheld) who is currently conducting ADA/FGA sorties in the FATA. according to him the USAF has started to share intell with the PAF on air activities over the FATA. any PAF strikes on high value targets are now being co-ordinated between the 2 forces.
US drone strike kills eight militants in Pakistan: officials

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (AFP) - A missile fired by a suspected US drone hit a house in a Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, killing at least eight Islamist militants, mainly Arabs, officials said Wednesday.

The overnight attack was the latest in a string of incidents on the rugged frontier that have raised tensions between Islamabad and Washington, including a recent clash between Pakistani troops and US-led forces in Afghanistan.
The strike happened shortly after Pashtun tribesmen shot at three drones circling the village of Khusali Toorikhel in North Waziristan, a known haunt of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants, security and administration officials said.

"After the drones came under fire a missile hit a house in the village," a local security official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

WHAT to do now, our F-16's doesnt has the capabilities to see in the night! also usa isnt going to give upgrades?
NO, official reactions.:tsk::angry:
US drone strike kills eight militants in Pakistan: officials

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (AFP) - A missile fired by a suspected US drone hit a house in a Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, killing at least eight Islamist militants, mainly Arabs, officials said Wednesday.

The overnight attack was the latest in a string of incidents on the rugged frontier that have raised tensions between Islamabad and Washington, including a recent clash between Pakistani troops and US-led forces in Afghanistan.
The strike happened shortly after Pashtun tribesmen shot at three drones circling the village of Khusali Toorikhel in North Waziristan, a known haunt of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants, security and administration officials said.

"After the drones came under fire a missile hit a house in the village," a local security official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

WHAT to do now, our F-16's doesnt has the capabilities to see in the night! also usa isnt going to give upgrades?
NO, official reactions.:tsk::angry

dont jump to conclusions just yet!
dont jump to conclusions just yet!

US Strike Kills 6, Pakistan Officials Claim
October 01, 2008
Associated Press

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A suspected U.S. missile strike on a Taliban commander's home in Pakistan killed six people, officials said Wednesday, a possible indication that Washington was moving ahead with cross-border raids despite protests from the new government. :tsk:
The attack was the first since President Asif Ali Zardari warned that its territory cannot "be violated by our friends." :lol:
American forces recently ramped up cross-border operations against Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the Pakistan's border zone with Afghanistan - a region considered a likely hiding place for al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

Late Tuesday, missiles fired by a U.S. drone aircraft struck the Taliban commander's home near Mir Ali, a town in North Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan, said two intelligence officials, who asked for anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

Citing reports from their field agents, the officials said six people died, but did not identify any of the victims.

U.S. officials in Afghanistan or Washington rarely acknowledge the attacks.

Pakistan says the attacks often result in civilian casualties and serve to fan extremism. American officials complain that Pakistan was unwilling or unable to act against the militants.

Militants in the border region are blamed for rising attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan and attacks within Pakistan, including the Sept. 20 truck bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad that killed more than 50 people.

In Spain, a document marked confidential and bearing the official seal of Spain's Defense Ministry alleged that Pakistan's spy service helped arm Taliban insurgents in 2005 for assassination plots against Afghan government officials.
Chief Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said the report was "baseless, unfounded and part of a malicious, well-orchestrated propaganda campaign to malign" the Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency.

"ISI is the first line of defense of Pakistan and certain quarters are attempting to weaken our national intelligence system," Abbas said, without elaborating. The document, which surfaced just after Pakistan's military chief chose a new head of the spy agency, also alleged that Pakistan may have provided training and intelligence to the Taliban in camps set up on Pakistani soil.

The report, which was obtained by Cadena Ser radio and posted on the station's Web site Wednesday, said the spy agency helped the Taliban procure explosives to use in attacks against vehicles.

Pakistan vehemently denies that members of the spy agency have aided the Taliban. In the 1990s, however, the ISI's agents helped build up the Taliban.

U.S. intelligence agencies suspect rogue elements of the spy agency may still be giving Taliban militants sensitive information to aid their insurgency in Afghanistan, even though officially Pakistan is a U.S. ally in fighting terrorism.

Some analysts say elements in the spy agency may want to retain the Taliban as potential assets against longtime rival India and believe Pakistan's strategic interests are best served if Afghanistan remains a weak state.

India and Afghanistan - and reportedly the U.S. - suspect the ISI of involvement in the July 7 bombing outside India's Embassy in Kabul, which killed more than 60 people. Pakistan denies it.

In London on Wednesday, British officials announced that the children of its diplomats in Pakistan have been ordered to leave the country. The Foreign Office said the decision was the result of a security review following the Sept. 20 Marriott hotel bombing.

Britain's embassy in Pakistan is one of its largest overseas missions. The Foreign Office said about 60 children of British-based embassy staff are being withdrawn. All are under the age of 8. Any other diplomats' dependents who wish to leave may also do so.

Dear, fatman17, sir
i am not , jumping to any conclusions , but its enough for the genral pakistani masses, who wanted to end this disgrace of thier country.
and want to see , some concrete action against it.
surly, now time has come when , our defence forces should show the nation that ,they are realy capable in defending the nation, not just excusses that our F-16's are not upgraded, or that & this.

i think, PAF should secure the pakistani areospace, & standup for the defence of pakistan, i hope all the pakistani nation would be very happy.:agree::tup:
Batmannow - whether we like it or not, drone strikes are being allowed by the GoP, it is the use of ground forces which is not being allowed by the GoP. since we dont have the drone strike capability, it is being reluctantly allowed. however in my opinion it should not be misused (which it has been in the past).
Batmannow - whether we like it or not, drone strikes are being allowed by the GoP, it is the use of ground forces which is not being allowed by the GoP. since we dont have the drone strike capability, it is being reluctantly allowed. however in my opinion it should not be misused (which it has been in the past).

Dear fatman17; sir
I dont agree to the point , that we should allow the drone strikes in any situation , i guss we should stop these drone strikes imediatly, because its not doing any good for us, and our people are lossing sense of security & respect of pakistan army.:tsk::cry:
i think , if try different stratagy, by stoppping these drone flights, we should preasure USA to share the intell and the sources of these intelligence ! surly we can achive a lot.:agree::tup:
Dear fatman17; sir
I dont agree to the point , that we should allow the drone strikes in any situation , i guss we should stop these drone strikes imediatly, because its not doing any good for us, and our people are lossing sense of security & respect of pakistan army.:tsk::cry:
i think , if try different stratagy, by stoppping these drone flights, we should preasure USA to share the intell and the sources of these intelligence ! surly we can achive a lot.:agree::tup:

I understand what you are saying but please realize the ground realities, you have to give some to take some. This is not particularly a bad step especially if the intelligence is shared and the strikes work and are coordinated. It means less hasslew for you fianncially as well as politically( if it goes wrong___ who do you blame!!!?) it is a compromise to keep their dirty feet off your home ground.Like it or not this is going to keep on happening.
I understand what you are saying but please realize the ground realities, you have to give some to take some. This is not particularly a bad step especially if the intelligence is shared and the strikes work and are coordinated. It means less hasslew for you fianncially as well as politically( if it goes wrong___ who do you blame!!!?) it is a compromise to keep their dirty feet off your home ground.Like it or not this is going to keep on happening.

it is the price we have to pay for "helping-out" in the WoT !!!
I understand what you are saying but please realize the ground realities, you have to give some to take some. This is not particularly a bad step especially if the intelligence is shared and the strikes work and are coordinated. It means less hasslew for you fianncially as well as politically( if it goes wrong___ who do you blame!!!?) it is a compromise to keep their dirty feet off your home ground.Like it or not this is going to keep on happening.

Dear araz; sir
i would like to beg a pardon, that certnly i would not agreed to your point of view ,that we have to give our freedom to take just a crap of $$ from any one, whatever you call it compromise , or selling of our freedom in my words is a crime.
STATE should protect its citizens, its criminals, its insurgents and its every thing from any one, either friend or enemy, i am sorry to say that it cant be compromise, for a minute if we ,agree to your point of veiw , then what next !if any one want to pay us , and take what ever he needs?

NO, sir
its not what free nations should be doing, or what we should be doing?

your thinking is showing same light , what just a day before ASIF(ghadari) has said : WE ARE READY TO PUT ON TRAIL OSAMA BIN LADEN IN PAKISTAN & WE ARE READY TO ANYONE ,ONCE HE CAPTURED.

i am sory to say, if our army cant protect its citizens then there isnt need of any army, we dont need any army, which can appear on 23rd march and show its weapons & then go back to barrcks.
we,(pakistanis) needs security , from our own forces not from allies! with dignity , with respect.
we, arent ready to give our freedom, to get $$? we are ready to die before that, this is the feeling which is in the minds & in hearts of every pakistanis these days.
i can give you a gurrantee, that if these drone attacks , not stopped by pakistan govt , it will be a great loss to pakistan very soon.
the finance, and political advantges ! you are looking for? were can be good only for for ASIF (ghadari) PPP, not for pakistani nation, ANY WAY.:angry::disagree::cry:
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