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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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For the benefit of all who don't want to go back and re-read 100+ pages, I am stating the separate tranches of @Khafee 's revelations for the rest of us ...

#Khafee Leaks 1
18-24 new F-16 Block-72 & Upgrade of existing F-16s to F-16V standard
The Bell AH-1Z Viper (Zulu) will also be coming

#Khafee Leaks 2
20(approx) used additional F-16s to be acquired and upgraded to F-16V standards
This will extend the F-16 fleet to 120 birds

#Khafee Leaks 3 (Equal courtesy rights to @Tps43 & Special Thanks to @Bratva for figuring out the riddle)
TPS-77 MRR mated with a missile system (in large numbers)
For the benefit of all who don't want to go back and re-read 100+ pages, I am stating the separate tranches of @Khafee 's revelations for the rest of us ...

#Khafee Leaks 1
18-24 new F-16 Block-72 & Upgrade of existing F-16s to F-16V standard
The Bell AH-1Z Viper (Zulu) will also be coming

#Khafee Leaks 2
20(approx) used additional F-16s to be acquired and upgraded to F-16V standards
This will extend the F-16 fleet to 120 birds

#Khafee Leaks 3 (Equal courtesy rights to @Tps43 & Special Thanks to @Bratva for figuring out the riddle)
TPS-77 MRR mated with a missile system (in large numbers)
It has stated range of 463km. Which missile can be used for it?
I did mention MPDRs which are a long term need of PAF. So if true a good acquisition. One which might escape under the radar of various sleuths being a DEFENSIVE item.

Is it TPS-77 we already have or a different version??
I hope this becomes reality.....
But isn't high time for Pakistan to negotiate long lasting peace in Afg? I hope rather than focus on military equipment the priority would be to protect our national interests.
Especially after CPEC the Integration of EuroAsia, revival of ancient silk road, connectivity of CA energy rich countries to energy needing countries (TAPI is just one example) Afghanistan is last hurdle.
Just imagine if there is long lasting peace in Afghanistan, there would be immense benefits for Pak economy and real chance for Pakistan's economic Independence and Inshallah become one of the world leading economies.
Than who would not want to sell us military equipment? Including US companies like LM, Boeing, Russians, Chinese.
Even we will become much more capable to produce our own defense needs.
With limited budget and no support from Western systems we have produced very capable fighter JF-17, and PAF is also working on project Azm.
Peace comes through strength. Wars only happen when the strong know they can beat up the weak. Even in a kids playground if the bully knows he will get hut back he thinks twice. I also want peace in Afghanistan as its people have suffered much but that won't happen unless we are strong. Same applies to india. Remember feb 26/27. They believed they were strong and started. When they got hit hard they thought twice and there was peace
So USA is giving “Ount kay mounh main chara”

Pakistan gave new life to USA by
1. Closing Kikra 1 saying oil was present, but now not present
2. Sabotaging CPEC
3. Entrapping back Pakistan in USA jaws
4. Putting Great Pakistani nation in IMF claws

All these happened are dreadful for China Pakistan Russia but new life for dying USA

So even 100 block 70 is very small thing

Polar world was tilting against USA, is thrown back in USA lap

Dear fellows Pakistan is the Pivot of bipolar world

100% agreed....and look how happy we are with just an unconfirmed report of few blk 70s.....
What improvement it offer over our TPS-77? A SAM should also be integrated with those.
I think that is the idea and it's design facilitates multi-role configuration. It has very decent detection range with very low power requirements. More portable and mobile than other TPS variants. Rest you can google from Lockheed Martin.
I think that is the idea and it's design facilitates multi-role configuration. It has very decent detection range with very low power requirements. More portable and mobile than other TPS variants. Rest you can google from Lockheed Martin.

But only US or western SAM / air defense directly can be integrated with this system and what options available for that??
So USA is giving “Ount kay mounh main chara”

Pakistan gave new life to USA by
1. Closing Kikra 1 saying oil was present, but now not present
2. Sabotaging CPEC
3. Entrapping back Pakistan in USA jaws
4. Putting Great Pakistani nation in IMF claws

All these happened are dreadful for China Pakistan Russia but new life for dying USA

So even 100 block 70 is very small thing

Polar world was tilting against USA, is thrown back in USA lap

Dear fellows Pakistan is the Pivot of bipolar world
am sorry sir i disagree with your views
1 there is oil in kekra more than mascat as @Khafee sir tells
2 No one is going to sabotage Cpec as it going on smoothly
3 Pakistan is not tilted towards USA . For the first time in history Pakistan is trying to build balance relationship with USA and China
4 IMF was the need of the time and with out IMF deal no other financing institution would give us finanace to deal with the problem .
120 f 16 with block 72 upgradation is a huge jump . if you dnt value them than just ask indian air force .
F 16 is proven air craft and our pilots have flying experienc and it would surely increase Paf capability .
it would fill gap and with in no time we can have potent air force .
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