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BBC News
Balakot air strike: Pakistan shows off disputed site on eve of India election
  • 10 April 2019
  • Asia
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Image captionMedia and journalists were taken to locations in Balakot
The authorities in Pakistan have allowed foreign media and defence attachés to visit the site of a disputed Indian air strike in February.

They were given access to an Islamic school in Balakot, where Indian media say militants were killed in retaliation for an attack in Kashmir.

The large building appeared to be fully intact and the Pakistani army denied it had been used as a terror camp.

The visit to the school was held on the eve of a general election in India.

Pakistan and India have been engaged in an information war over the Balakot site, where Pakistan says the bombs on 26 February landed in an empty area and hurt no-one.

India insists it killed a large number of Jaish-e-Mohamed group militants and destroyed their camp in retaliation for a suicide attack two weeks earlier in Indian-administered Kashmir, which killed 40 paramilitary police troopers.

That attack was the deadliest against Indian forces in Kashmir in decades and raised fears of a new war between India and Pakistan, which are both nuclear powers.

What were the media shown on Wednesday?
Foreign journalists and diplomats were taken by the Pakistani army on the visit to Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state.

They were shown a medium-sized crater which the army said had been made by an Indian air force bomb.


Image captionSome 200 students could be seen at the madrassa
A single house had been slightly damaged by the blast and a man had been injured, the BBC's Usman Zahid reports.

The visitors also saw some fallen trees.

They were then taken to the Taleem ul Quran madrassa, the first such visit by foreign media.


The large hilltop building is said to have capacity for 2,500 children.

Pakistani army spokesman Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor insisted the madrassa did "no harm" and that Indian allegations that it was a terror training camp had "no truth".

Some 150-200 children could be seen reciting the Koran in a mosque at the school.

However, a teacher and a student interviewed by the BBC said they were all local people and that the madrassa had been shut since the Indian attack.

While the media were allowed to take interviews they were told to keep them short and it was clear that the tour was being restricted.

What does India say?
Contacted by the BBC, India's external affairs ministry said it stood by its statement last month that the "counter-terrorism strike of 26 February" had "achieved the intended objective".

"The fact that media was taken on a conducted tour to the site only after a month and a half after the incident speaks for itself," a ministry official added on Wednesday.

Video captionBalakot: India launches air strike in Pakistan
When journalists from Al Jazeera visited the area - but not the madrassa - in February, they saw a sign for the school which listed Jaish-e-Mohamed founder Masood Azhar as its "leader".

The Balakot air strike has played a major role in the election campaign of Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi who has called on first-time voters to dedicate their ballots to the pilots involved , India Today reports.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told the BBC this week that peace with India over Kashmir would be "tremendous" for the wider region.

Timeline of India-Pakistan tensions
October 1947: First war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir just two months after they become independent nations.

August 1965: The neighbours fight another brief war over Kashmir.

December 1971: India supports East Pakistan's bid to become independent. The Indian air force conducts bombing raids inside Pakistan. The war ends with the creation of Bangladesh.

Video captionImran Khan told the BBC he wants a dialogue with India over Kashmir
May 1999: Pakistani soldiers and militants occupy Indian military posts in Kargil mountains. India launches air and ground strikes and the intruders are pushed back.

October 2001: A devastating attack on the state assembly in Indian-administered Kashmir kills 38. Two months later, an attack on the Indian parliament in Delhi leaves 14 dead.

November 2008: Co-ordinated attacks on Mumbai's main railway station, luxury hotels and a Jewish cultural centre kill 166 people. India blames Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

January 2016: Four-day attack on Indian air base in Pathankot leaves seven Indian soldiers and six militants dead.

18 September 2016: Attack on army base in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir kills 19 soldiers.

30 September 2016: India says it carried "surgical strikes" on militants in Pakistani Kashmir. Islamabad denies strikes took place.

14 February 2019: Pulwama suicide bombing kills at least 40 Indian police troopers in Indian-administered Kashmir, India retaliates with air strike two weeks later

Copyright © 2019 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.

Okay, have you seen the madrassa picture in this article, you are quoting?
Look closely at the cupboards. The windows...
Do you see stains?
Stains which are formed over years of use.
A normal person, not seasoned journalists could easily spot, if there is a new furniture, roof etc.
That means there is no destruction done inside this compound and there is absolutely nothing done by Pakistan in 43 days to wipe out those so called 'proofs'
Pak airports closed for weeks.
I noticed that you brought up PAK Airports being closed for weeks a number of times.

I'm a AirCrew Member & I operated a flight on the 6th to KHI.

So please...don't go about spreading false information about our struggles. How are your flights doing these days? Care to share the routing for New Delhi to Dubai?

Lets see how long your Economy will support your aviation industry with the high rising Jet-A1 fuel costs.

Speaking of which, how's Jet Airways keeping these days?
I noticed that you brought up PAK Airports being closed for weeks a number of times.

I'm a AirCrew Member & I operated a flight on the 6th to KHI.

So please...don't go about spreading false information about our struggles. How are your flights doing these days? Care to share the routing for New Delhi to Dubai?

Lets see how long your Economy will support your aviation industry with the high rising Jet-A1 fuel costs.

Speaking of which, how's Jet Airways keeping these days?
Also the airports were not closed but rather the airspace and even that for planes flying eastward from India and mostly to hurt Indian airways by pushing their fuel cost through the roof.
Kulbhushan Yadav where does he come from?
That guy was a business man for his own purpose .We have such crores of business men in world .
Funny, do all your Businessmen carry fake Passports on which they travel back & forth. And if his legal name is 'Kulbhushan Yadav', why the hell is he carrying one with a Muslim name? Converted...?
. .
Now I have a question.

Who shot Mig 21? Sidiqqi or Ali Khan? as per new PAF narrative?
Ki farq paynda eyy kinay kerda jahaz sutiya but more credible sources claimed that Siddiqui shoot down SU-30 from JF-17.

There is video where you can see Thunder chasing Su-30.

And perhaps it is not BVR kill but a sidewinder hunting.

Also the airports were not closed but rather the airspace and even that for planes flying eastward from India and mostly to hurt Indian airways by pushing their fuel cost through the roof.
Too hard for idiots to understand.

See the radar track right now.
. .
They have only one stance and they are still remain on that stand .
And ask DG ISPR how its look like if you change standv.
2 Indian jets down ,3 pilots captutedthen changed to one
Again Su is shot down but no bodies no fuselage .

They were comprehensively won until they took one and half month to open the building complex and invite foreign dignatories for restricted tour .
Everyone respects their host so they showed a decency to not ask some uncomfortable question.
In 2016 it took only few days .This time it was One and half month.
What a coincidence .

Then dog fight over Kashmir .
DG ISPR said 2 Indian jets down 3 pilots captured .Later reduced to one.
Agree sometimes mistake happened in high charge environment .
Then mobile video become viral where 3 chutes deployed .
One was our pilot .
Two others ,one chutes burned and pilot fall down and probably killed and other one MIA .
Had it been a single seat ,they could have said that is JF 17 but since it twin seat (F 16 in PAF) no scope for that .
Here it comes next story ,It was Su 30 and two Indian pilots .Initially they said one pilot and half jet in Pak side and other jet and half in Indian Side .But video said otherwise .So then it becomes that one pilot was Israeli .
But that will expose them too early so they changed that .
We got our pilot and damaged Mig 21 parts .But no fuselage of Su 30 and pilots .

Everyone knows what happened out there .
But noone including us didnt want to embarass them.Yet they again askedvfor it .
Here they US suuport also .Because a third gen Mig 21 shot down their most successful modern jet F 16 that will seriously affects their business .

Then we released the picture of Awacs .
After that total silence both in US and Pakistan.

What is this ?
Man of the Match series.
Pathetic .
Wing Commander duty is to grab a jet and flying it as per schedule and orders .
Country giving salary to him for fighting not for talking.
For talking we have other dept there .
In IAF AM should be the spokeperson rank .
Then MEA wil take care .

Actually my mistake ,this is what an established democracy will do .
Indians and one stance? Really? Either you did smoke something strong or you shamelessly lying (latter case is more probable). Indians changed their stories not by the day, rather by the hour. Starting with hitting a 'terrorist' training center and killing 300 'terrorists' to to showing imaginary holes in the roof of madarassah building to no we didn't hit Madarassah, you tell me how many times Indians ate their their own heck? Starting with 'all our planes and pilots are accounted for' to admitting a bloody faced Abhinandan as missing and then silly claims to shooting down PAF F-16 (to cover up red-on-red on the doomed heli), how many twists one can find story? And then claiming imaginary downed F-16 to be a victim of Pak ground fire, Pak AAm, and then a missile fired by Abhinandan (the poor chap never got a chance to find a target), is all a straight stance since day one? What a shameless Indian idiot.
Remember on the same day/time, an IAF SU-30 crashed and it was reported due to Technical Failure as usual. The crash which was supposed to be discussed more even for the Tech error, on pretexts of MKI being a top tier platform but went under IAF drama of F-16 claim & continuous denial of loss at all. Catch the drift.

Any news link where its mentioned? I didn't find any such news or video online.

Ki farq paynda eyy kinay kerda jahaz sutiya but more credible sources claimed that Siddiqui shoot down SU-30 from JF-17.

There is video where you can see Thunder chasing Su-30.

And perhaps it is not BVR kill but a sidewinder hunting.

I wouldn't trust this completely, it's hard to distinguish an F16 and JF17 from a blurry video like that. From my point of view,
AMRAAM was fired by an F16 and it exploded as per the IAF so it hit the target. Abhis Mig21 was shot down in Azad Kashmir and if it was shot down by AMRAAM then the debris couldn't have reached IAF. JF17 cannot fire BVRs yet? at least not the AIM-120 shown by IAF so it implies another jet i.e. SU30 was hit by an Aim-120 and this can only be fired by an F16. If I got anything wrong, please correct me.
Okay, have you seen the madrassa picture in this article, you are quoting?
Look closely at the cupboards. The windows...
Do you see stains?
Stains which are formed over years of use.
A normal person, not seasoned journalists could easily spot, if there is a new furniture, roof etc.
That means there is no destruction done inside this compound and there is absolutely nothing done by Pakistan in 43 days to wipe out those so called 'proofs'
indian defence minister has already said now that the shown madarsa was not the target, the goal post has been shifted again. I do not knowwhy she did not correct media, when so called defense experts were telling on media how special bombs entered the tin roof building killed everyone inside but left the madarsa building intact ,and saying it everyday for hours for over a month ,defense minister should have corrected them and media long ago and told the nation that madarsa wasn't targeted ,bombs have been dropped elsewhere.
Did I said anything about our strength in that reply ?

Kulbhushan Yadav where does he come from?
That guy was a business man for his own purpose .We have such crores of business men in world .
If they are in trouble GoI will help them.
We cant see any link here.
The terrorist monkey as a business man. A lie that shameless Indians keep repeating with no avail. Let me tell you Indian dumb idiots that if an undercover agent is caught and his cover busted in an enemy country, his home country claims him as a first step to win his release. Monky's cover was smashed and he was caged by ISI but his country abandoned the that terrorist kingpin. Let me also tell you retard Indians, he is a serving IN officer of the rank of Naval Commander. After all that humiliation Indians have brought to him, the terrorist monkey will probably opt not to return to utterly foolish and bloody ungrateful Indians. Anyhow, it is the fear of Pak that Modi does not even mention that Indian terrorist monkey Jhadav. And some Indian scumbags think Modi was able to pressurize Pak to release a puppy Abhinandan.

According to India Kulbushun is retired officer doing his own thing Iran while Abhinandan is a serving officer .

Frankly i and almost all in india who wanted retaliation were hugely disappointed when pakistan announced to release Abhinandan as it meant international pressure on india to de escalate .
A person sends a strong kick right on the butts of a beggar. The beggar, instead of getting the hell lost from there, asks the man it means you will not give me any money? We kicked Modi butts hard and you are asking why we sent the downed pilot back because you expected Modi do something.
. .
There would have been no problem if there was no Pulwama attack .
Prime Minister gave orders to officials to take corrective measures.Simple as that .Domestic consumption is second part .
Fact is PM will only address the nation for importance thing like ASAT test .

That is our IAF way to multiply their power and more funding for Rafale.
Same like USAF asked for more funding after 2004 Red Flag.
Regardless who actually staged that Pulwama attack (there are many indications that Modi did that), that attack represents only symptoms of a disease. And that disease is illegal Indian occupation on J&K in clear violation of UN resolutions. There would have been no problem (i.e. Pulwama attack) if there was no illegal Indian occupation of J&K.
Now I have a question.

Who shot Mig 21? Sidiqqi or Ali Khan? as per new PAF narrative?
does it matter?
the fact is that it was shot down,the fact is that Abhi none done had the most expensive tea of his life, the fact is that the price of abhi's tea was a mig-21..
what do you got?

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