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PAF Camp Badaber attack: Five Pakistani 'terrorists' identified

Now surely Intel agencies will give really hard time to their families.

Burn in hell SOB's.
I didn't want to give this example but you are too dumb to understand, so let me give it to you straight.
Do you support the people and their thinking who carried out the massacre at APS? because that was exactly the same fucking logic they used, to kill the families of the soldiers who are fighting them.

Has there been a terrorist incident in US since 9/11?

No, because they are scared.

Do you know why US drone strike wedding parties? To teach the entire tribe a lesson.

Afghans thought they could do anything they wanted but now know when Uncle Sam is unhappy drones will be above their heads.

India is the same, they are ruthless in hunting down terrorists.

Everybody talks about how poverty is breeding ground for terrorism. If that is so then why the hell doesn't India suffer from terrorism with their abject poverty in sheer numbers?

I hope a light bulb goes off in your head, there's not too many light bulbs working in Pakistan it seems.
I didn't want to give this example but you are too dumb to understand, so let me give it to you straight.
Do you support the people and their thinking who carried out the massacre at APS? because that was exactly the same fucking logic they used, to kill the families of the soldiers who are fighting them.
So giving them a taste of their own medicine may work?
Savages understand only one language, savagery.
Identity their families and exterminate entire family tree.
I believe doing such thing will not help us, we should find the root causes of this, that might be un employment of them which led them to Taliban, or it might b their family background , govt should b keen to find out the reasons and their solution other wise this prob will remain same.
Savages are savages, they may or may not learn a lesson but we in the process of teaching them a lesson will definitely become savages like them

So giving them a taste of their own medicine may work?
Savages understand only one language, savagery.
Savages are savages, they may or may not learn a lesson but we in the process of teaching them a lesson will definitely become savages like them

Be the strongest savage then.

Its been 11 years and here we are still in the perpetual cycle of terrorism in the country.
so you support that?

Be the strongest savage then.

Its been 11 years and here we are still in the perpetual cycle of terrorism in the country.
I think Swat and Khyber is in Pakistan only?
so you support that?

You created this jungle, not me. Now abide by laws of the jungle.

Unless you have $10billion dollars to pump into KPK and Swat and civilize them somehow.

I have another theory. Perhaps terrorism in Pakistan is a result of undetected mental problems like depression. You know depression, bipolar, delusions of grandeur all create symptoms of not wanting to live. What better way to go out than with a "purposeful" bang.

Maybe a focus needs to be put on mental health in the country because poverty/lack of education sure isn't the root cause.
Savages are savages, they may or may not learn a lesson but we in the process of teaching them a lesson will definitely become savages like them
hmmm... yes we in the process may lose our humanity. valid point.
I believe doing such thing will not help us, we should find the root causes of this, that might be un employment of them which led them to Taliban, or it might b their family background , govt should b keen to find out the reasons and their solution other wise this prob will remain same.
shut down the hate mongering madarsas. control the Imam/maulvis and their sermons.
What jungle did I create?

Yes we need to be very vigilant and find out the problem and try to solve it, killing innocent people is NEVER a solution. Americans used all these techniques in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and everyone know the outcome. these problems do not pop up over night and can not be solved overnight. Religion and illiteracy is a deadly combination specially when allowed to be exploited by illiterate, opportunist nut jobs. These problems are an outcome of societal values and can only be solved by societies themselves, government can't affect (in the short run) how a person thinks. in the long run though, education and deliberate indirect social engineering through media can definitely have an impact but for that we need a government and can think beyond completing their tenure in peace and look beyond amassing illicit money, and people who can look beyond their casts and choose right people on merit and produce such people to come forward and serve the nation..........and this may take another 50/60 years.

You created this jungle, not me. Now abide by laws of the jungle.

Unless you have $10billion dollars to pump into KPK and Swat and civilize them somehow.

I have another theory. Perhaps terrorism in Pakistan is a result of undetected mental problems like depression. You know depression, bipolar, delusions of grandeur all create symptoms of not wanting to live. What better way to go out than with a "purposeful" bang.

Maybe a focus needs to be put on mental health in the country because poverty/lack of education sure isn't the root cause.
hmmm... yes we in the process may lose our humanity. valid point.

You have already lost your humanity by getting used to terrorism.
Charity begins at home Mr. preacher.

shut down the hate mongering madarsas. control the Imam/maulvis and their sermons.
What jungle did I create?

Yes we need to be very vigilant and find out the problem and try to solve it, killing innocent people is NEVER a solution. Americans used all these techniques in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and everyone know the outcome. these problems do not pop up over night and can not be solved overnight. Religion and illiteracy is a deadly combination specially when allowed to be exploited by illiterate, opportunist nut jobs. These problems are an outcome of societal values and can only be solved by societies themselves, government can't affect (in the short run) how a person thinks. in the long run though, education and deliberate indirect social engineering through media can definitely have an impact but for that we need a government and can think beyond completing their tenure in peace and look beyond amassing illicit money, and people who can look beyond their casts and choose right people on merit and produce such people to come forward and serve the nation..........and this may take another 50/60 years.

Poverty and lack of education is not the root causes of terrorism.

India has the most poor in the world but they don't suffer from terrorism. Whys that?
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