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PAF Base Badhaber attack: Eight attackers appear to be ‘foreign nationals’

Whole concept if terror in case of pakistan is flawed...
We dont seal whole cities after a blast or threat of blast....
We clean the streets and keep the shops open....
And hopefully learn from our mistakes...
Their is no hope of a victory left for taliban ... random attacks will continue caz they need to tell their sponsors they are worth more and more money...
@Icarus - Another possibility as raised by @Xeric - The guy with the (docuhebag) was a kidney patient. They are sending them in because they are running out of healthy men.
The mission to establish a coy sized post in the heart of militant controlled Bajaur, I know you were being sarcastic but sending 120 people to fight 2000 is nothing less than suicidal.

Was your experience a common occurrence or do you think intelligence level pre operations got better after the bajaur operation ?
I can understand the geography was as much an adversary as the Taliban themselves but was out intelligence penetration lacking pre & post bajaur ?

Sorry for being off topic but I couldn't resist.
@Icarus - Another possibility as raised by @Xeric - The guy with the (docuhebag) was a kidney patient. They are sending them in because they are running out of healthy men.

Kidney patients usually do not use catheters, unless they have stones, and even then for only short periods of time. Those with obstruction get nephrostomy tubes and not catheters. Those with uremia due to renal impairment are quite sick in many other ways and not suited to such missions anyway. It is far more likely that these individual were physically healthy and used catheters as part of their preparation for a long term siege.
I agree... they were using catheters for long siege...and i must say that this was a particularly bad idea to use them....it wud be better to pee in pants...
Can't see the pic, but probably used to relieve oneself with ease during the fight/seige

Sorry for posting this graphic image but what's with the pipe attached to the privates.
@Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Icarus @Horus

What about it? there is a separate thread running on that, if interest go there, don't try to troll here or you will be taken out.

@ mods can you remove this arse flea from the forum for good?

so are you saying india is not directlli involved and its just funding it ... right

so the attackers were pakistanies or say mix of muslim pakistanies, afghanies or say central asians but tell me why will a true muslim(TTP consider themselfs as the best muslim) kill another muslim for money that too given by a kafir india ? can you even dream to do such a thing :azn:
Was your experience a common occurrence or do you think intelligence level pre operations got better after the bajaur operation ?
I can understand the geography was as much an adversary as the Taliban themselves but was out intelligence penetration lacking pre & post bajaur ?

Sorry for being off topic but I couldn't resist.

There was a definite improvement in the intelligence component of mil ops in FATA even during the duration of the Bajaur Op. That is primarily because Bajaur was the first attempt at taking militant controlled territory in FATA and thus we had a very weak human intelligence network, few supporters and a military that was trained to fight a conventional army. As the Bajaur Op progressed, the Army made it a point to study the militant's tactics and also the fabric of the local society to constantly tweak the new counter terrorism doctrine.
To ensure that these operations were successful, the army expedited an operational revolution by committing large funds to training every single unit to undergo LIC training and essentially preparing them for the 2008-2012 string of Ops which secured much of FATA except NWA, Tirah, Shawal and parts of Orakzai Agency which were then cleared/are being cleared in the second phase of kinetic Ops.
So in a nutshell, yes, pre-Operational intelligence has improved immensely by virtue of our position. Fence sitters know that the Taliban will probably lose and thus they are more inclined to pass information to the army in exchange for clemency. Which makes it easier to find enemy bases, large concentrations, IEDs and ambushes.
@ mods can you remove this arse flea from the forum for good?
Name calling. why???

Have I said anything that is not published in Media already...
@Icarus - Another possibility as raised by @Xeric - The guy with the (docuhebag) was a kidney patient. They are sending them in because they are running out of healthy men.

I don't think a kidney patient would be capable of such a high stakes tactical operation, plus urine bags are not usually used for kidney patients but rather for those who are immobile due to problems such as stroke, femur replacement, etc.
The precise preparations might be different, but the point is that these desperadoes were ready for a long siege and the fact that they were taken out quickly is a huge relief. The IVs are sometimes used for steady low rate infusions of amphetamines and other drug cocktails.

So how long was the siege?
Kidney patients usually do not use catheters, unless they have stones, and even then for only short periods of time. Those with obstruction get nephrostomy tubes and not catheters. Those with uremia due to renal impairment are quite sick in many other ways and not suited to such missions anyway. It is far more likely that these individual were physically healthy and used catheters as part of their preparation for a long term siege.
what r u guys talking abt,,urobags,catheters,,,I want in.
So how long was the siege?

Very short, since the attackers were taken out very quickly, luckily.

what r u guys talking abt,,urobags,catheters,,,I want in.

You are in the same thread we are! :D
Very short, since the attackers were taken out very quickly, luckily.

You are in the same thread we are! :D

That shows the level of training in PA but how long that very quick means is my actual question?
That shows the level of training in PA but how long that very quick means is my actual question?

The QRF reached the scene in about ten minutes after the attack begun, and it was all over shortly thereafter. May be @Icarus knows the exact timeline to share?
The QRF reached the scene in about ten minutes after the attack begun, and it was all over shortly thereafter. May be @Icarus knows the exact timeline to share?

Attack started at 0530 and the site was declared clear at 0830hrs. En was limited to 30m from point of engagement despite being divided into two parties and were eliminated within the hour. Overall, it was a text book counter terrorism Op success.
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