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PAF and the JXX Fifth Gen Fighter

I AGREE THAT PAK FA will not see service in india before 2020 I DO THINK J20 WILL COME SOONER TO CHINA. IE Around 2016
I would be incredible surprised and very impressed if the PAF could buy and maintain a FIFTH generation platform.

FROM wat i hear the unit cost of F35 wil be $135m each

PAK FGFA around $100m each.

THE CHINEASE J20 will cost at least $70-80m each based on fc20 costing around $35m each.

SOME PEOPLE HAVE COMPLETELY FORGOTTON THAT BOTH CHINA & INDIA enjoy massive budgets TODAY and in the future too. THEY CAN AFFORD MULTI BILLION $$$$ air assets today and in the future.

PAF budgets are a tiny fraction

soft loans will take you so far

EVEN THE RICH EUROPEANS are turning their noses up to F35 PRICE ISSUES some of them will upgrade existing fighters and others will turn to cheaper options like gripen ng...

Current defense budgets

CHINA is around $90 billion officially INDIA around $35 billion and PAKISTAN around $8 billion. THE speed at which both china & india are growing their GDPs this gap will grow even bigger relative to pakistan.

FIFTH gen fighters are very expensive and at least 10 years away for china (j20)& india/russia(pak fa) and probably 15-20 years for export countries like Pakistan

Thank you for your valuable contribution and enlightenment of what we already know.

We are not going for an expensive option nor would we be going for something in numbers. At the most 2-3 Sqds of a single engine 5th Gen fighter from China will be procured. J-20 is a big aircraft and we are not in need of that, we would be looking for something in the single engine category, thus the cost would be low for procurement as well as the operational costs.

2-3 Sqds of the 5th Gen, supplemented by F-16s, FC-20s & JF-17s in numbers.

Plus, its not compulsory, that the economic situation of Pakistan will remain the same forever, we had a very good time for more then 5 years before 2008, and we can do that again. So, when and if economic situation gets improved, we will be back to the normal.
JXX is not for Export it is exclusively for PLAAF china will not sell their top secret stuff to any nation with close links with USA

The link between the US and PAK is anything but close, Unless of course your kind has a different meaning for the word close.
Plus, its not compulsory, that the economic situation of Pakistan will remain the same forever, we had a very good time for more then 5 years before 2008, and we can do that again. So, when and if economic situation gets improved, we will be back to the normal.

Indians tend to forget this quite very often and needs to be reminded that just because Pakistan economy is going through bad times, does not mean, it will remain in that state forever while Indian economy continues to grow.
75+ F-16s and 36 FC-20s ( in 2015 ) are not enough...............EVEN for 150+ SU-30 MKIs.
IAF will be having 250+ SU-30 MKIs in 2015.
How can 75 F-16s and 36 FC-20s be enough for 250 ( 280 to be exact ) Su-30 MKIs and 126 MRCAs ? for 20 years. ? Almost 400 4th or 4.5th gen aircraft ?
Indian Airforce has always found comfort in numbers, I wonder. Anyways, Its already 2011.5 so even a deal closes by 2013 it will probably take procurement beyond 1215. MKI, well it was sort of humiliated by RAF air chief by calling Typhoon generation next as compared to MKI, I am though not downplaying its capabilities, a worthy opponent but its been 9 years almost since IAF is inducting this and still they stand at 142, if the progress continues better luck in next decade with the induction target :)
I think it is only a matter of time before cheaper, more rugged Fifth generation fighter aircraft are developed.
Indians tend to forget this quite very often and needs to be reminded that just because Pakistan economy is going through bad times, does not mean, it will remain in that state forever while Indian economy continues to grow.

Not to mention the recent downturn in Indian Economy.......but then there were some delusional Indians.....
It is only a matter of time before PAF will accuire 5th gen aircraft.
At present US is the only country that has deployed the 5th gen aircraft. While Russia and China still working on deployment of any such aircraft.
At present the Pakistan economy is not strong enough to make any audacious spending related to such high tech process.
Raptor read the thread again.

The point is cyrstal clear let me highlight the point

Should could PAF go striaght to JXX project and miss the FC20 induction completley as the FC20 is 5 years away and has the same role as the Thunder. ie single engined Multi role fighter

Esp in light of india,s massive comitment now formalised with Russia today for PAK FA project.

PAF will go for 150 j-10/F-16s
200-250 jf-17
and about 50 j-xxx

this will allow it to keep a 1/3 strength to indian airforce..
all induction should be completed by 2015-2016..norway f-16s is just a plane b..its unlikly PAF will go for it..

after 2015 PAF will slowlly work on J-XX and startr its induction around 2020..it will be arounf 2020 that indian pakfa will come into service..

you cant make a fifth gen aircraft your work horse..neither india is planning to do so..

the 150 j-10/f-16 are suppose to counter over 400 su-30/MRCA

while 200 jf-17 should be the workhorse force and will counter LCA/mig29/mirages etc
I think it is only a matter of time before cheaper, more rugged Fifth generation fighter aircraft are developed.

actually the f-35 programme director (from lockheed martin) also stated that in the end , if you remove developmental costs f-35 will only be slightly expensive then an f-16..he estimated the fly way cost at 65 million (without the engine) (and developmental costs)
Not to mention the recent downturn in Indian Economy.......but then there were some delusional Indians.....

as soon as pakistan has a stable goveremtn the econmy itself shoots to around 10..
this was witnessed in 60s, 80s and 2000s..
problem are our politicians..e.g look at karachi today..!
it is too early to decide
j-20 is still in trials
but we have no other option left
Indian Airforce has always found comfort in numbers, I wonder. Anyways, Its already 2011.5 so even a deal closes by 2013 it will probably take procurement beyond 1215. MKI, well it was sort of humiliated by RAF air chief by calling Typhoon generation next as compared to MKI, I am though not downplaying its capabilities, a worthy opponent but its been 9 years almost since IAF is inducting this and still they stand at 142, if the progress continues better luck in next decade with the induction target :)

And the news just Popped in random news article,just like some anonymous PAF pilot said typhoon been beaten by F16.Well let you remind you here my dear that RAF chief want to showcase its aircraft better than anything IAF has ,so they said soo soo things about Mki. Capability wise it's more than any aircraft in southeast asia and it'll remain so in next decade too. Accept it or not....:pop:
Not to mention the recent downturn in Indian Economy.......but then there were some delusional Indians.....

Delusional??Recent downturn is including with china too my dear.Pakistan is in denial mode than in delusion . They might end up in double dip recession if another Recession hit global economy.However India and China GDP growth will fall to 6-6.5 which is again a healthy growth.
I AGREE THAT PAK FA will not see service in india before 2020 I DO THINK J20 WILL COME SOONER TO CHINA. IE Around 2016

FGFA is stated to join 2017 or say is 2018 .J 20 to me is more like a TD while PAK FA has 2 prototype flying,turning and showcasing in aeroshow.3rd prototype stated to fly by year end ..
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