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Packaged Milk being sold is tainted with Melamine

This is shocking yaar. The moment I went through this thread I called Home to waste all the packaged Milk. But not everyone can keep a cow or buffalo to milk them for daily use or have access to Milkmen. So what should be the alternative?
Adulteration in packaged milk
Petitioner objects to German lab report

Saturday, May 01, 2010
By our correspondent

LAHORE: The Watan Party on Friday objected to the analytical report of a German laboratory which had declared the packaged milk fit for human consumption, and termed the report defective and prayed the Lahore High Court to send it back to the laboratory for a complete analysis.

In a reply submitted in the court, petitioner Yaqoob Bhatti, through his counsel Barrister Zafarullah Khan, said that a complete test of quality of milk was either not performed or its result was not mentioned regarding the SNF, milk density, lactose, protein, added water, conductivity, presence of sodium hydroxide, starches, sugar and microbial and fungal toxins.

The petitioner said the presence of formaldehyde in milk was 2mg per Kg which, as per the report, indicated contamination of milk dangerous for human health for being carcinogenic.

The element is used to preserve dead bodies, he submitted in his reply, adding that variable level of urea in all brands could be because of addition of urea as adulterant. Sodium was 10 to 50 per cent higher than normal in 5 out of 6 full cream brands and it not only added to milk solids but could be an important content of adulterating chemical, he said, adding that freezing point of two brands was beyond the limit of pure milk, which was an indication of adulterant.

He said acidity of six brands was below 6 whereas in a brand it was 4.5 at which milk souring occured. That could be due to acid production before sterilization.

The petitioner said levels of adulterant increased in summer as compared to winter during which these samples were taken. He said detailed testing of milk fatty acids was not needed at all as there had never been an issue of fatty acids profiles, instead fats of vegetables origin could be checked.

It would be important to know that why the above-mentioned tests of the SNF etc were kept out of the scope of the milk testing, the petitioner questioned.

Justice Mansoor Ali Shah was hearing a petition against the supply of adulterated milk by private milk manufacturing companies and the next proceedings would be on May 18.
Report it to goverment. .its gov duty to stop dis adultratn
Why is it that the chemistry is being discussed by the court and the lawyers. Cant this simple analysis be done:

Take a company, observe its purchases in liters in a given day from its reports, then retrieve its total produce in liters. If there is a major difference here then it must be evident that something is being added.

Is there any evidence that these milk companies are buying components such as hair removing powder? And if yes then where is it being stocked? Or re sold? If not then it has to be in the milk.

We do not need any high tech lab for this.

Plus even if this is evident that this is being done even then nothing will be done to this powerful lobby given its influence over the media who are dependent on their ads, the government who are dependent on their tax revenue, the people who are dependent on their employment.
It seems these bas*e*ds got the idea from melanine scandal that took place in US from milk imported from China..i saw a video clip from a pak TV posted in this forum few weeks before (youtube) oil, melanine, formalin, detergent to make milk forthy was mentioned alderturants. how horrific poor children are the worst sufferers...
In our area we use packaged milk but i remember few years back i used to drink milk every night and i used to get severe gas trouble (FARTS lol) but the day i stopped drinking..i stopped farting !! somebody said its because these milk diaries collect milk
( this is to cut costs in referigeration) and dry and store as powder, and liqufy & package...so chances are thr for some undissolved milk lumb getting indigestion ..and recently we read in newspapers about that company importing tons of milk powder from Europe to market locally as packaged milk.
To those concerned,

I understand your apprehension over the case on processed/packaged milk. As responsible citizens you have all tried to create awareness amongst the mass too. However, as a food technologist by education and a practicing dairy technologist/consultant, I would like to give my input that is much needed.

First of all, melamine is not at all added to milk by any milk processing industry in Pakistan. Yes, it was an issue in China and that is because Chinese people pay for milk on the basis of protein in it. Melamine addition forges protein content in the milk. Therefore, Chinese industries have a motive in adulterating milk with it. However, in Pakistan where people are not aware of the new concept of paying for a product based on ingredients, this adulteration would be nothing but costly.

Secondly, when people conveniently state : "...start buying from "Gawalas." It will be diluted with water but it will at least it will not contain poisonous chemicals". The kind of water alone that is added in the milk is often sewage water, that contains harmful bacteria/pathogens (coliforms), in a number that are fatal enough. And once the water has been added, they need to add a number of other adulterants to compliment the dilution so that they fall in the range specified by the Pakistan Pure Food Laws i.e. 3.5% fat, and 8.5% Solid-non-fat. Adding water reduces the two, and then the shrewd gawalas add animal fat, salts, sodium hyroxide and other harmful chemicals to fix the problem.

Thirdly, there are no tests performed before the milk is sold in loose packages (by gawalas or nagori shops). There is no government body that keeps a check on what the raw milk sellers (like Nagori and Rahat milk shop) are selling. On the contrary when giants like Nestle, Haleeb and Engro spend millions of dollars on the processing of milk and quality testing, that shows a responsible behaviour. Bodies like Pakistan Standard Quality Control Association monitor their work regularly. How can you expect gawala milk to be better than organized industries? Nestle is a multinational company that has sustained as one of the largest food industries in the world for more than a century. Engrofoods is a daughter of EngroChemicals, which has enjoyed a reputable position in the country for half a century.

Now for the article that many blogs have posted as reference, it is written by someone who wishes to disrepute the food companies. Last year in december, there was a conflict between the organized milk industries and raw milk sellers and that is when the companies filed a petition in lahore court. The milk samples of the companies (and not the gawalas) were tested abroad and were passed in all the tests. PSQCA has not ALLOWED the indirect mixing (this is a wrong statement) but a certain amount of melamine is present in milk naturally and allowed in milk all over the world. Exceeding that natural limit is of course illegal (as in case of China). But certainly no one is allowing MIXING more melamine. PSQCA is a very responsible body and if you read more about it, you will know that it can never allow such adulteration. This is all a hype created by loose (raw) milk sellers to rust the minds of the consumers against the packaged milk. The line "Corporate giants are even worse than the gawala at adulteration of milk" is a clear indication of who is writing this article.

The LHC judge has not at all expressed concern over the PSQCA statement. Nor was their any concern over the results of tests done abroad because they were all clear. This is all made up to disgrace the young and developing organized dairy sector of Pakistan.

Please understand, this is a political issue, where the feudals (majorly livestock owners and raw milk sellers) are losing their market due to the awareness developing in the nation about tetra pak. They are trying to curb the developing organized structure in our country. They have succeeded in many other areas. And this is why our country has never been able to cope up with feudalism and hence developed. Lets not give them another success.

Very interestingly, Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah observed:

“The media is directed not to report on the contents of the report submitted by Eurofins Global Cenral, Hamburg, Germany, dated February 22, 2010, till further orders. The office is directed to intimate the media accordingly.”

Does the media even have the faintest idea of what was the content of the report submitted by Eurofins? Do you think that if a Lahore High Court Judge issues a statement like that, any media man would ever be able to get hands on the content of the report? The Lahore High Court Case has been under my personal study since December last year. The report for all processed and packaged milk on all the tests (sensory, fat testing, antibiotics, melamine, urea) were cleared by the Eurofins. The background of the case was political not health concern of the people, unfortunately.
Dear Hira, thank you very much for guiding us…. and please keep doing it, as you see it matters.

Objective of this propaganda was to spread anti China sentiments and views among Pakistanis.

On various Pakistani forums anti Pakistan elements post articles and news with objective to confuse Pakistanis, mislead them, form false opinions, take away attention from obvious and real issues.

Anti Pakistan elements and anti Pakistan states had been very active since last three years.... and are engineering news and issues one after another with ill will.

Since Pakistan's friendly states didn't give into bogus propaganda against Pakistan and continue to support all around.
The disappointed wicked elements, who are now trying to build negative opinion within Pakistan about those friendly states in hope to disappoint them of their un-wavered support to Pakistan.

Lately, I have noticed rise in fake but negative discussions about Saudi Arabia as well.
I’m glad that Saudi Arabia lead the unconditional flood relief and put the lid on all such discussions, followed by China and Turkey.

People of Pakistan… be care full don’t build negative opinions about friendly states based on media news… which are nothing but carefully engineered propaganda.
Can u just plz plz send me the scan copy ofthe report on london or germany
We are also working on it
In our scl
I want a proof so i can paste it on my scls notice board!
Plz plz plz
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