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How many time must you both repeat your retarded rhetoric?.....

....as many times as you'll point finger at India without looking in your own backyard...

What about China....why your govt. is afraid of publishing rape stat. so that it can be compared with other countries.......is it because rape isn't considered rape in China or you guys are impotent?.....

.....besides, in India, the number of rape cases may be more due to its huge population but the 'rape rate' is far below many countries in the world.....
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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What about China....why your govt. is afraid of publishing rape stat. so that it can be compared with other countries.......is it because rape isn't considered rape in China or you guys are impotent.....

When there is no rape epidemic, there is no need to compile or publish data. Many countries don't.

"Rape isn't considered rape" came from a dumb journalist who doesn't know what is statutory rape law. Since when is a journalist an authority on rape and its legal implication. Try UN or other profession organization.

Take your retarded trolling to your indian forum. This is an international forum of high standard.
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When is no rape epidemic, there is no need to compile or publish data. Many countries don't...
How do you know that there is no rape epidemic in China without knowing the actual rape statistics....... Chinese 'high IQ' at display....:lol:
The reality is this: 50 percent of Chinese men admit to sexually abusing partners, says UN study
So the logical conclusion would be that your govt. don't publish data just to hide the fact that rape is like epidemic in China....

Take your retarded trolling to your indian forum. This is an international forum of high standard.

.....why don't you guys do what you preach....and stop trolling in threads relating to India...
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How do you know that there is no rape epidemic in China without knowing the actual rape statistics....... Chinese 'high IQ' at display....:lol:
The reality is this: 50 percent of Chinese men admit to sexually abusing partners, says UN study
So the logical conclusion would be that your govt. don't publish data just to hide the fact that rape is like epidemic in China....

.....why don't you guys do what you preach....and stop trolling in threads relating to India...

Stupidity begets stupidity.

1) This article refers to "martial rape," do you even know what it is?? If Marital rape is criminalized in India, 95% would be rapists.

The actual source.
Why Do Some Men Use Violence Against Women and How Can We Prevent It? Quantitative Findings from the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific | Partners4Prevention
  • Have you ever had sex with your partner when you knew she didn't want to but you thought she should agree because she's your wife/ partner?

2) 1 in 4 who admitted martial rape equates to 25%, NOT 50%. What a fuking retarded article. Now we know why indians ranked 2nd last in general education worldwide.
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You can only report news. You can't go up to people and force them to talk about it.

That is about attitude.

If It happens in China , it will go headline in CNN,and people will not consider it as a incident or single scandla.
....as many times as you'll point finger at India without looking in your own backyard...

What about China....why your govt. is afraid of publishing rape stat. so that it can be compared with other countries.......is it because rape isn't considered rape in China or you guys are impotent?.....

.....besides, in India, the number of rape cases may be more due to its huge population but the 'rape rate' is far below many countries in the world.....
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You just need to visit China once, and you will know that China and other Chinese states are very very safe for woman. They can walk and feel safe at night.

....according to your given link China ranks 14th out of 19 countries....what a 'great' place for women....:woot:
If with the limited, screened data that is available from China, it ranks so below, one can easily imagine where would China rank if actual data is available...........probably a top 19 list won't do, they have to make a list of top 100 to fit in China then....
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....according to your given link China ranks 14th out of 19 countries....what a 'great' place for women....:woot:
If with the limited, screened data that is available from China, it ranks so below, one can easily imagine where would China rank if actual data is available...........probably a top 19 list won't do, they have to make a list of top 100 to fit in China then....

Yes, it's a great place considering China has a huge population like last place India. Even Saudi ranked ahead of you :omghaha:

Screened data? Grow a brain, this study is done by UN. I know you're desperate to find any excuse, but don't make yourself look more stupid, your shit country ranked below China in corruption and scams index. If anything, Chinese data is more reliable than half of the world, China's home the largest expatriate community, it is more closely watched than village indians can imagine.
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