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Outsourcing surrogacy to india , an Israeli's brain child


Aug 7, 2009
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In 2006, Israeli documentarian Zippi Brand Frank was studying as a Neiman Journalism Fellow at Harvard University when she became fascinated by the campus’ bulletin boards. She noticed an increasing number of ads calling for women’s embryos (tall, attractive and with good SAT scores only, please) being plastered all over the college. She soon learned how technical — and corporate — having a baby through a surrogate was becoming. Thus, the idea for her documentary “Google Baby,” which debuts

In particular, Frank became interested in the outsourcing of surrogacy to countries like India, where clinics, like that of Dr. Navna Patel in Anand, India, can employ hundreds of women as surrogates for strangers’ babies — at a fraction of the cost of using a Western surrogate. “It’s certainly a growing business over there,” says Frank. “And there are no regulations, no ethics. There was talk of limiting or regulating it, but the lobby of the doctors is so strong [in India], this is how it worked out.”

'Google Baby' Documentary Sheds Light on Outsourcing Surrogacy - Speakeasy - WSJ

what? No responses from Indians .. Not happy at getting more outsourcing opportunities due to availability of cheap labour ( no pun intended )
I had seen a documentary earlier on this ... the way the "business" is run is purely unethical.... but looking at the despair of some of the couples who couldn't have their own child and their joy at being able to call a baby their own... it was a touching moment.
Watch this news clip by an Indian channel on this topic.

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Outsourcing surrogacy to india , an Israeli's brain child

what nonsense ...pathetic lack of comprehension ability.

Except for the fact the documentarian Zippi Brand Frank was Israeli national , what is insinuation about being Israeli's brain child ??

There is a thriving business of outsourcing surrogacy for reasons like decent medical facilities ,cheap medical cost and availably of wiling healthy surrogate mothers again without too much hassles.
In his inherrent intention, the OP forgot that this section is meant for Pakistan's current events and social issues...

No comment on the topic though.
Not too surprising though, seems like "baby farm" been established for yrs in India, however we are talking about "outsourcing surrogacy" here, perhaps kind of different story?
Inside India's international baby farm - Times Online

Really, India has a baby farm?

Do you know China is having a mega sale of it's babies?

The US adopted 4,753 babies from India from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.

In the same period, China packed off 64,043 babies to the US.

Do you want to rethink your 50 cent propaganda , champ? If you wanna earn your pay from your puppet masters, at least come up with some half smart crap!

Link for further humiliation:
what? No responses from Indians .. Not happy at getting more outsourcing opportunities due to availability of cheap labour ( no pun intended )

Do you know what you are talking about? This type of surrogacy is available in every country including China and India.

Do you know for what Americans outsource in Pakistan? You have sold your dignity and land for some aid and weapons. There are American bases and agents kill your people and get away. American drones daily killing Pakistanis and paying you some weapons. Do you think there is more shocking than this?
Really, India has a baby farm?

Do you know China is having a mega sale of it's babies?

The US adopted 4,753 babies from India from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.

In the same period, China packed off 64,043 babies to the US.

Do you want to rethink your 50 cent propaganda , champ? If you wanna earn your pay from your puppet masters, at least come up with some half smart crap!

Link for further humiliation:

As stupid as you can get, Don't you understand the different with surrogacy and adoptions? :lol:
Your so-called humiliating source surely proved your education level and why IQ81 is not there for nothing.
So DN, please spare me for your face saving "cowdung" propaganda.:oops:
PS: have i touch a raw nerve, don't tell me you are a fine product of your "baby farm":oops:

Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents
Adoption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person. This woman may be the child's genetic mother (called traditional surrogacy),
Surrogacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Really, India has a baby farm?

Do you know China is having a mega sale of it's babies?

The US adopted 4,753 babies from India from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.

In the same period, China packed off 64,043 babies to the US.

Do you want to rethink your 50 cent propaganda , champ? If you wanna earn your pay from your puppet masters, at least come up with some half smartx crap!

Link for further humiliation:

You've got to be kidding?? You are equating adoption with baby farming???
The truth of the matter is Americans don't want to adopt Indian babies. I am also certain those few adoptions were by Indian Americans. I have never met an Indian American named Sally Smith or whatever, but plenty of East Asians. Indian adoption is a demand problem, not supply and we all know why.
Wait, what is so wrong about surrogacy? Why all the BS spewed against it? If the surrogate receives adequate medical attention, and is happy with the compensation, why do you guys care?

Edit: I see people here terming surrogacy as 'baby farming'. Clearly those guys have absolutely no idea what surrogacy is all about. Do some research before posting, will you?

Not exactly.

Open your mind and think from the POV of a couple who is unable to have a baby for some medical reasons.

Now think about it from the POV of a poor woman who needs some money.

...and you'll realise that surrogacy is a Godsend for both the parties.
There is nothing wrong with surrogacy. This is about unethical and exploitive behavior. What's up with the reading comprehension here?
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