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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Does it hits you as well that a managed & well designed vandalism took place on behest of well experienced thugs through their gangs especially with their control over local administration and then they started to feed information to the police about PTI workers particularly right before election.

It does a lot of favour for PDM with ever declining reputation. Vandalized Military's Property, feed info about most of PTI active workers on the ground having a large impact on voters and get rid of any opposition in constituencies. Not necessarily to be affiliated with Military Action against PTI directly. In-fact, many Police branches on the ground are there to gather information and provide necessary intel. I wouldn't be surprised about this one since PDM will successfully divert PTI attention against Military (as it is evident here as well), the Military against PTI and in the meantime they do their best to steal public mandate.

PDM as a whole, has no interest in prestige of Institutions at all. They don't care about sovereignty and I believe that they don't even know what does it mean since they are programmed to say Yes and follow instructions so that they can save $$ for themselves.

The following screenshot (whether true or not) will give you a glimpse of their hate towards Military since long merely to their family business in India. We all remember Dawn Leaks episode. We witnessed how Nawaz Sharif rejected to meet Kashmiri Leadership in Delhi while he was in India on official invitation to attend PM Modi ceremony. He instead chose to meet business tycoons.


Then we have Memo Gate and Eent se Eent bajana by PPP/Zardari/Hussain Haqqani. Their never ending obsession of destroyed and divided Pakistan based upon caste/race is not not new.

Then we saw/heard JUI - Fazal ur Rehman threatening & disrespecting Military Leadership, bringing IEA flags to the previous Dharna, his corruption and selling his vote for a Bungalow in Islamabad.

As we continue, the list is long and includes almost all of PDM parties. However, it may take sometime to dust get settle down but, we will somehow introspecting a lot of our acts so far we are doing today.

In the meantime, PTI folks can however try and understand that the type of game being played especially through provocative & instigating chants that mostly coming from abroad. A few days back, report was shared that how hostile Intel utilizes foreign Vloggers/social media influencers to create a negative narrative or even fueling public sentiment in wrong direction. Even today, IK said it openly that vandalism wasn't done by PTI workers. So that begs the question that whosoever praised the same wrong act, called it necessary & need of hour and also supported or instigated people online; are the one that IK himself openly disowned since they could be planted miscreants.

Pay attention. Observe closely. Analyze situation. Keep track of things. Introspect. Evaluate. Conclude and make the right decision.


No matter if PTI followers were actually involved in those violent protests or not, and no matter how much Imran Khan denies PTI's involvement, the hunt to blame them will continue, and the persecution of PTI will persist. The PTI leadership, including Imran Khan himself, should ask themselves if being overly defensive and constantly on the back foot, or retreating entirely is going to help their situation at all.
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No matter if PTI followers were actually involved in those violent protests or not, and no matter how much Imran Khan denies PTI's involvement, the hunt to blame them will continue. The PTI leadership, including Imran Khan himself, should ask themselves if being overly defensive and constantly on the back foot, and retreating entirely is going to help their situation at all.

Politics is an art of possibilities. It's all about pragmatism, but PTI has developed generation which consider reconciliation as equal to "Gaali". Same MQM which Imran Khan filed application in Scotland Yard in 2007 along with several hundred thousand online petitions filed for arrest of Altaf bhai, became an Ally of Imran Khan in 2018....Same Faroogh Naseem who appeared on behalf of Altaf Hussain and successfully defended his Bhatta Khoori in courts, became Law Minister of Imran Khan. This is all politics...Imran Khan knows it well. Perhaps his followers should stop categorizing things in black vs white, us vs them, pure vs impure. That's the only way forward. Plus this will normalize their blood pressures.
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Politics is an art of possibilities. It's all about pragmatism, but PTI has developed generation which consider reconciliation as equal to "Gaali". Same MQM which Imran Khan filed application in Scotland Yard in 2007 along with several hundred thousand online petitions filed for arrest of Altaf bhai, became an Ally of Imran Khan in 2018....Same Faroogh Naseem who appeared on behalf of Altaf Hussain and successfully defended his Bhatta Khoori in courts, became Law Minister of Imran Khan....? This is all politics...Imran Khan knows it well. Perhaps his followers should stop categorizing things in black vs white, us vs them, pure vs impure. That's the only way forward. Plus this will normalize their blood pressures.
What blend are you smoking these days????
It has been a while since the horse bolted. No reconciliation with PDM and Asif Muneer.
Yeh log 100% pe pohncha ke dum lainge

Indeed, the unpopular coalition government and military junta are trapped in a vicious cycle. Their efforts to oppress the masses and suppress the PTI only serve to enhance Imran Khan's popularity among the people. The more they try to undermine him, the stronger his support grows, creating a self-defeating situation for those in power.
I used to work with some Bengali's and they used to tell me about
Rape carried out on the Bengali women in 1971 but it was hard
for me to beleive.

Now we are seeing this is Pakistan and it has been ordered by Asim
Munir to harras the women. They are even arresting wives of Soldiers
who are against them. May Allah destroy these firowns.
Come on, he is a Hafiz e Quran, a Pakistani, and a paanch waqt ka namazi... He can't do that.............
Politics is an art of possibilities. It's all about pragmatism, but PTI has developed generation which consider reconciliation as equal to "Gaali". Same MQM which Imran Khan filed application in Scotland Yard in 2007 along with several hundred thousand online petitions filed for arrest of Altaf bhai, became an Ally of Imran Khan in 2018....Same Faroogh Naseem who appeared on behalf of Altaf Hussain and successfully defended his Bhatta Khoori in courts, became Law Minister of Imran Khan....? This is all politics...Imran Khan knows it well. Perhaps his followers should stop categorizing things in black vs white, us vs them, pure vs impure. That's the only way forward. Plus this will normalize their blood pressures.

You are missing the point here, the support base of Imran Khan surpasses the confines of a narrow demographic. It stretches beyond the limitations of specific age groups, encompassing a diverse spectrum of individuals. Imran Khan's appeal knows no boundaries of region, sect, ethnicity, gender, or age. When you make an effort to demonize supporters of Imran Khan, it's like insulting the overwhelming majority of people in Pakistan. By dismissing their perspectives as narrow and uninformed, you are actually trying to undermine the diverse voices and opinions that collectively form the prevailing sentiment of the nation.
Right I have seen enough. There is a limit to taking the piss and that threshold has been crossed long ago.
A full civilian rebellion is needed to save Pakistan from the claws of these evil generals and PDM fat kunts.
Fully arm KPK and let the slaughter of traitors begin. Any police officer or ranger following orders from these gangsters is a legitimate target. Following the rule of law when there is no law will get Pakistan nowhere.
The generals have made Pakistan nothing short of a lawless gangsters paradise.

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