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Our Women Politicians v/s India's Women Politicians

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Forget about competing with China. They have left you in the dust!

Instead of spewing a lot of venom about our economy and emitting a lot of hot air about the New Superpoor on the block called India, I suggest you focus on your hundreds of millions who are bhookay, nangay, unpar and bimar.

I suggest you read the following in order to educate yourself about the realities in Super-poor India----

65 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

In a Times of India piece titled "Our freedom was born with hunger, we're still not free", one of India's Green Revolution leaders Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan says, "Our freedom was born with hunger. It was born in the backdrop of the Bengal famine. If you read the newspapers dated August 15, 1947, one part was about freedom, the other was food shortage".

As India celebrates its 65rd independence anniversary shortly, it is very unfortunate that economically resurgent India still remains home to the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate people. Tragically, hunger remains India's biggest problem, with an estimated 7000 Indians dying of hunger every single day. Over 200 million Indians will go to bed hungry tonight, as they do every night, according to Bhookh.com. Along with chronic hunger, deep poverty and high illiteracy also continue to blight the lives of hundreds of millions of Indians on a daily basis.

India ranks 666th on the 2008 Global Hunger Index of 88 countries while Pakistan is much, much better at 61.

India has the dubious distinction of being among the top ten on two very different lists: It ranks at the top of the nations of the world with its 270 million illiterate adults, the largest in the world, as detailed by a just released UNESCO report on education; India also shows up at number four in military spending in terms of purchasing power parity, behind United States, China and Russia.

Not only is India the lowest among BRIC nations in terms of human development, India is also the only country among the top ten military spenders which, at 134 on a list of 182 nations, ranks near the bottom of the UNDP's human development rankings.

India also fares badly on the 2009 World Hunger Index, ranking at 65 along with several sub-Saharan nations. Pakistan ranks vastly better at 58 on the same index.

A recent Oxford study on multi-dimensional poverty confirmed that Indians are far more deprived than the poorest of the poor Africans. The study reveals that there are more "MPI poor" people in eight Indian states (421 million in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh , Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal) than in the 26 poorest African countries combined (410 million).

Developed at Oxford University, the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) goes beyond income poverty based on $1.25 or $2 a day income levels. It measures a range of "deprivations" at household levels, such as schooling, nutrition, and access to health, clean water, electricity and sanitation. According to Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) country briefings 2010, 55% of Indians.

Access to healhcare in South Asia, particularly due to the wide gender gap, presents a huge challenge, and it requires greater focus to ensure improvement in human resources. Though the life expectancy has increased to a sky-high 66.2 years in Pakistan it remains abysmally low at 63.4 years in India, which is one of the lowest levels in the world. The infant mortality rate also remains stubbornly high in India.

The health problems in India are compounded by serious lack of sanitation. According to a joint study conducted by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, 665 million Indians, or nearly two-thirds of them defecate in the open. While a mere 14 percent of people in rural areas of the country - that account for 65 percent of its 1.1 billion population - had access to toilets in 1990, the number had gone up to 28 percent in 2006. In comparison, 40% Pakistanis had access to toilets in 1990 and it went up to an impressive 98 percent in 2006, according to UNICEF officials.

In its issue earlier this year, the harsh reality of hunger and malnutrition in India was described by the Economist magazine as follows:

"India-wide, more than 43% of Indian children under five are malnourished, a third of the world’s total. Over 35% of Indians are illiterate and over 20m children out of school. For all its successes, including six decades of elections and a constitution that introduced the notion of equal rights to an inequitable society, India’s abiding failure is its inability to provide aid and economic opportunity to millions of its impoverished citizens."

The reality of grinding poverty in resurgent India was recently summed up well by a BBC commentator Soutik Biswas as follows:

A sobering thought to keep in mind though. Impressive growth figures are unlikely to stun the poor into mindless optimism about their future. India has long been used to illustrate how extensive poverty coexists with growth. It has a shabby record in pulling people out of poverty - in the last two decades the number of absolutely poor in India has declined by 17 percentage points compared to China, which brought down its absolutely poor by some 45 percentage points. The number of Indian billionaires rose from nine in 2004 to 40 in 2007, says Forbes magazine. That's higher than Japan which had 24, while France and Italy had 14 billionaires each. When one of the world's highest number of billionaires coexist with what one economist calls the world's "largest number of homeless, ill-fed illiterates", something is gravely wrong. This is what rankles many in this happy season of positive thinking.

Now when embarrassed massively trying to deflect the topic with troll-bait .

Forget about competing with China. They have left you in the dust!

Instead of spewing a lot of venom about our economy and emitting a lot of hot air about the New Superpoor on the block called India, I suggest you focus on your hundreds of millions who are bhookay, nangay, unpar and bimar.

Oh Well.. Now you ARE sounding like Riaz.. But dude, you already said that our politicians travel in old rickety white cars which is in line with our economy.. However the question here was that Pakistan, whose economy which is much worse than even India's, makes its WOMAN politicians travel in new swanky cars.. Does that really make you feel proud ??

and can you answer this without deflecting the topic again?
However the question here was that Pakistan, whose economy which is much worse than even India's, makes its WOMAN politicians travel in new swanky cars.. Does that really make you feel proud ??

and can you answer this without deflecting the topic again?
Sure it does make proud to those small upward mobile elite population who controls the destinies of majority poor.Even Angilena Joolie was disgusted for the lavish dinner Ex-PM thrown in her honour at a time she was campaingning for flood relief for affected populace rhat she wrote in her twiter the amount of food which was being wasted on swanky dinner in such a stiuation could have fed 300 flood affected people for 3 days.
Comparing Pakistani & Indian Women Politicians in 2012

Our Women Politicians are taller, fairer, much better looking and exquisitely dressed, because they come from excellent families with pedigreed lineage--

In particular, we note the fashion sense of our women politicians, especially with regard to designer clothes & handbags, Italian high-heeled shoes, lastest styles of sunglasses and brand-name watches & jewelry--


On the other hand, we can contrast this to Indian Women Politicians, who are shorter, darker, uglier and dress like chamars, because they come from poor, no-name families originating in the slums of India--
In India's case, we note the total lack of fashion sense of India's women politicians, especially with regard to the 25-rupee local rubber chappals, 50-rupee local cloth handbags, 100-rupee local cotton sarees and the 150-rupee local watches---

We can also make constrast the rickety, outdated, locally-made white Ambassador cars that are used by most of India's women-policitians, with the exquisite, lastest-model, imported BMWs & Land Cruisers that most of our women-politicians use.

I actually thought this thread would be in jest till I read it.

Firstly use of the word ' Chamar' is derogatory and casteist too and hence has been reported.

Next, it is shocking to note that people find things like Cars, Bags, Clothes as determinants of a person.

Cant blame the young generation though. So long as he / she wears a Cartier and flaunts the flashiest stuff it ok. Never mind if he/ she is everything that shouldn't be and has never spent a day in the sun where the population being represented lives !!

The insistence on fashion for a politician is silly in the extreme .

Cars ? Good God !

Families ? What can I say ? Most families happily trace their lineage to the last 100 years but cannot say with surety where their wives / children were last night !

The very things that seem wrong to the juvenile poster are what a politician must have - contact and a sense of belonging with the people being represented !

A lot of effort must have gone into this post No 1- what a waste !
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You and your Indian schemers can enjoy Hasan Nisar's silly, vacuous opinions about how Pakistan is failing at everything. But this will not last long.

Our patriots are working to stop these RAW & CIA agents from spreading lies about Pakistan on TV. Inshallah, these treasonous voices will soon be silenced by due process of Pakistani law.

So gloat while you can in your venomous den. It will not last.

Zaid Hamid asks for Hasan Nisars Execution - YouTube
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Are you looking in for a bride or a girlfriend or are you looking for a politician?
Any topic related to the keywords below is banned from PDF. Any discussions or thread creation on these keywords will get you banned accordingly.

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Those restrictions only apply to the TITLE and TOPIC of the thread.

They do not apply to each individual post.

It is silly to try to ban a discussion of conditions in India. And any discussion of conditions in India must necessarily reflect the reality that they are extremely poor.

It is not possible the ban the truth, you know!
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