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@vostok it seems you're quiet over your head, don't you?

İf nuclear powers can save Russia's a$$, it would have saved them during the Soviet era.
The big grizzly bear has turned into a little cub bear a long time ago. Apart from groupies like you, everyone knows that.
Stupid people always underestimate Russia and its phenomenal ability to resurrect. I advise you not to go by fools.
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Stupid people always underestimate Russia and its phenomenal ability to resurrect. I advise you not to go by fools.
Just like Russia dealth with Chechen uprising? Russia gave independen to Chechen in first Chechen war. Turkey was fighting PKK for 30 years have never crippled. Best of Turkey against best of Russia in the future, Turkey will win. Especially since with all the upcoming projects like Milgem ship, F-35, etc.

But like I said before, I don't see conflict between Russia and Turkey, trade is going very good, and I think Russia won't sabotage Turkey's access to Turkic world. You are probably Armenian hiding behind Russian flag, making fuss. Nice try.
Just like Russia dealth with Chechen uprising? Russia gave independen to Chechen in first Chechen war. Turkey will fighting PKK for 30 years have never crippled. Best of Turkey against best of Russia in the future, Turkey will win. Especially since with all the upcoming projects like Milgem ship, F-35, etc.

But like I said before, I don't see conflict between Russia and Turkey, trade is going very good, and I think Russia won't sabotage Turkey's access to Turkic world. You are probably Armenian hiding behind Russian flag, making fuss. Nice try.

War with Chechen was over 13 years ago. And government took control above bandits.
Turkey will win Russia? You must be joking.
Eurasian Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakstan (probably Tajikistan and Kirgizstan) will start in 2015. So Russia start to gain control above former Peripheral. I believe most of Soviet republics exept Baltiс state will join Eurasian Union near 2020-2022.
Russia only during the 20th century experienced three such shocks that would kill any other country.
Now Russia revives accelerated pace. People in Russia do not fare so well since the time of Stalin after the war. And it will only get better.
Look - I'm all for good neighborly relations. But do not you see yourself that Russia and Turkey are in different weight classes? The enemies of Turkey - Armenia and Greece. Russia's enemies - the United States and Britain.
That is correct.



Turkey did declare war on Nazi Germany at the very end of WWII when Germany was all but defeated

Plus Turkey also exercised blackouts of its cities as a safety precaution when Greece was invaded


Turkey did declare war on Nazi Germany at the very end of WWII when Germany was all but defeated

Plus Turkey also exercised blackouts of its cities as a safety precaution when Greece was invaded

Right, but their declaration was only tactics, to avoid reprisals by allied forces. It had no effect of us. WW-2 was over.
War with Chechen was over 13 years ago. And government took control above bandits.
Turkey will win Russia? You must be joking.
Eurasian Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakstan (probably Tajikistan and Kirgizstan) will start in 2015. So Russia start to gain control above former Peripheral. I believe most of Soviet republics exept Baltiс state will join Eurasian Union near 2020-2022.
Russia only during the 20th century experienced three such shocks that would kill any other country.
Now Russia revives accelerated pace. People in Russia do not fare so well since the time of Stalin after the war. And it will only get better.
Look - I'm all for good neighborly relations. But do not you see yourself that Russia and Turkey are in different weight classes? The enemies of Turkey - Armenia and Greece. Russia's enemies - the United States and Britain.
Doesn't mean anything. Kazakhstan also is in various Turkic counsels, amongst other turkic countries:
Turkic Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Kazakhstan or other turkic country can get better by having trade relation with Russia they will do that. It is mutual interest relationship. But don't forget Turkic countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan already have plans for gas pipelines which will UNDERMINE Russia's geopolitical power and their energy monopoly towards Europe.

Turkey will replace Russia as energy hub in the future. This is a certain thing and Russia can't do a god damn thing about it. About other things it can be debated about. But what I just said,this is a certain thing. Russia is declining power, it population is gonna shrink next 40 years with 20%. Turkic peoples are growing with very fast rate and Turkey also has islamic world behind them.

Russia won't dare to confront Turkey in the future, but will friendly towards Turkey and I see cooperation between Russia and Turkey. Actually there is already big cooperation in terms of projects. Eventually Russia will loose Caucasus and other Muslim regions. It is not sustainable for Russia. Most Russians don't want to "Churka" as they call them.
@vostok it seems you're quiet over your head, don't you?

İf nuclear powers can save Russia's a$$, it would have saved them during the Soviet era.
The big grizzly bear has turned into a little cub bear a long time ago. Apart from groupies like you, everyone knows that.

It was an economic setback that had led to the fall of the USSR, nuclear weapons are being used as deterrent though.
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Doesn't mean anything. Kazakhstan also is in various Turkic counsels, amongst other turkic countries:
Turkic Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Kazakhstan or other turkic country can get better by having trade relation with Russia they will do that. It is mutual interest relationship. But don't forget Turkic countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan already have plans for gas pipelines which will UNDERMINE Russia's geopolitical power and their energy monopoly towards Europe.

Turkey will replace Russia as energy hub in the future. This is a certain thing and Russia can't do a god damn thing about it. About other things it can be debated about. But what I just said,this is a certain thing. Russia is declining power, it population is gonna shrink next 40 years with 20%. Turkic peoples are growing with very fast rate and Turkey also has islamic world behind them.

Russia won't dare to confront Turkey in the future, but will friendly towards Turkey and I see cooperation between Russia and Turkey. Actually there is already big cooperation in terms of projects. Eventually Russia will loose Caucasus and other Muslim regions. It is not sustainable for Russia. Most Russians don't want to "Churka" as they call them.
Listen, I do not know where did you get that Russia's population will decrease by 20% - from 2012 began population growth.
Russia is already building the South Stream pipeline through which gas will go to Europe, and your Nabucco - a simple plan, no more.
Listen. I confess to you honestly - I dislike Turks. In the past, we often fought. And I know propely, that Turkey dislike Russia.
But still - I respect you. At least you do not like the Bulgarian or Georgian prostitutes, who are only able to wag ***.
The fact that Russia will lose Muslim regions - they predicting since the 16th century.
Will not lose. Moreover, under the wing of Russia will form Eurasian Union. Over time, this alliance will include not only the former Soviet republics, but the rest of Eastern Europe, and may be Mongolia and Vietnam.
I do not think that once Russia and Turkey will become friends, but we already become partners, right? Russia is building a nuclear power plant in Turkey - this is a very serious step. May be someday Russia will build cosmodrom and space rockets for Turkey?
I do not think that will be a big war between NATO and Russia, and in smaller conflicts Strait will free passing.
Neither we nor you do not need a radioactive crater in place of Istanbul.

Lol, nuclear crater in Istanbul, only because Turkey used its Rights haha.
Also that would mean you attacked a Nato Country where 90 warheads are stationed for such situations.
I think even Russian goverment is not that crazy.
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