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Otokar Opened Tank Test Facility


Apr 29, 2011
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Türkiye Gazetesi






The link for english.

National Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, Sakarya, Turkey's first tank test track made by the firm opened REPORTS gerçekleştirdi. OTOKAR 'developed by the National Tank Project Altay district of Sakarya factory Arifiye the opening ceremony of the National Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, National Defense Murad Bayar, Sakarya Governor Mustafa Great, London Mayor Toçoğlu clever, bitter Onen REPORTS Chairman of the Board, local authorities, bureaucrats and engineers participated in the project.

In his opening speech, Chairman of the ceremony REPORTS Kudret Onen, in the production of tanks, but more tests are developed abroad önceürünleri have to have their own engineering work and expressed that, " Today we are very happy to have realized another first in Turkey.

Turkey's first national main The best way to battle tank to perform the task given to us, the first tank circuit take the test center.

we have implemented with the support of the
Defense Industry Müsteşarlığımızın holds over $ 10 million of this total investment, will be a touchstone for the Altai projesininönemli " dedi. Savunma Industry Undersecretary Murad Bayar, received a mandate from the company recalled nearly 40 projects, " We would make this tank does not do the project if the design is, none of these tests would be needed.

license of the tank will be produced by a country, it
üretecektik Turkey.

However, the risk for this project we have designed our own product completely belong to us.

400 engineers working on this project because of this risk.

Test Center, Altay Tank Project is a very important step, " he spoke konuştu. Açılışta Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz also said:" Previously, companies abroad tanklarımızı would tender.

Now, Turkey has decided that this area has to be self-sufficient.

have great support behind it, the lead organization in this project

ASELSAN there, there ROKETSAN.

Korea and Turkey as well as technical support, retrieving and 40 There are close to the contractor.

Therefore, we have the power shaft.

God willing, with the unity of the whole hand in my tank with Turkish engineers will work.

I will always say, 2017. But birprototipi be produced within a short time.

This should produce ölçmemiz thing.

This test center of tanks produced will do.

this facility the common property of the
Republic of Turkey or the Turkish nation.

Which company will use here wants to do the test here.

If we need to tank the tank will also need the test center.

this tank infrastructure.
Turkey today is stronger than yesterday.

Yesterday was such a part test , today.

Tomorrow, we will have different backgrounds.

This information will add to the knowledge of Turkey.

Information güçtür. Ne If you are familiar to you so strong.

Turkey today, tomorrow will be brighter.

stone to create a large and powerful
Turkey koyanlara above, primarily on the basis of this facility would like to thank everyone who contributed to OTOKAR.

Turkey in the 21st century, people will live a much more prosperous.

hope that this facility would be good for our country. "
Tank Testing Center after opening with visiting Minister Yilmaz visited , then closed to the press as a 1 Main Maintenance Center Command Test Center etti. Tank visited in the last quarter of this year, is scheduled to be ready for testing completely.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing center and test track in the center tank is located.

Altay National Tank war and peace in all electronic devices, electromagnetic compatibility and the sensitivity of the case by examining the movement of the tank and the tank will be used to measure the ability to work in different climate conditions increase the Tank Test Center, among the world's most modern and advanced testing centers excerpt.
A newbie question : Do they have simulated tank battles ? And I don't mean the simulator kind but one in which we'd use rubber bullets, dummy projectiles etc. ?
were still going sloww fasterr fasterrrr we need to be top 5 in world in terms of military by 2023
If i'm not wrong, they are planning to produce only 1000 Altay tanks this is not enough, we need atleast 5000 Altay MBT's + some 1000 of LEO 2A7's. M60T are okay, LEO2NG's program can continue the rest of those M48's and M60's can go to garbage already so we need to fill that gap with more Altay's and LEO2A7's.
If i'm not wrong, they are planning to produce only 1000 Altay tanks this is not enough, we need atleast 5000 Altay MBT's + some 1000 of LEO 2A7's. M60T are okay, LEO2NG's program can continue the rest of those M48's and M60's can go to garbage already so we need to fill that gap with more Altay's and LEO2A7's.

You thinking of invading Europe or something kardes? 5000 Altays is way too much. Huge tank battles are mostly a thing of the past now. 1000 is a good number along with the NGs.

Those 4000 extra Altays you want could be put to better use modernising the navy and infantry to a great extent.

BTW were looking to export the Altay so hopefully we will be able to sell a few thousand of them to other countries.
If i'm not wrong, they are planning to produce only 1000 Altay tanks this is not enough, we need atleast 5000 Altay MBT's + some 1000 of LEO 2A7's. M60T are okay, LEO2NG's program can continue the rest of those M48's and M60's can go to garbage already so we need to fill that gap with more Altay's and LEO2A7's.

6000 tanks...why would you want to induct so many ? India has to deal with both China and Pakistan when it comes to formulating her threat assessment and she (if the Wikipedia figures are up to date) has about 4000 tanks of her own. Pakistan has closer to 2000 (same reservations as the above) comparable tanks with the rest being lighter tanks armed with 105mms, and that pretty much gets the job done for us. Why would you then, without any immediate threat, want such a huge armoured contingent in your armed forces ?
If i'm not wrong, they are planning to produce only 1000 Altay tanks this is not enough, we need atleast 5000 Altay MBT's + some 1000 of LEO 2A7's. M60T are okay, LEO2NG's program can continue the rest of those M48's and M60's can go to garbage already so we need to fill that gap with more Altay's and LEO2A7's.

6000 is too much. We need maximum 2000. Instead of deploying 4000 extra MBTs, we can use our effort and money for other projects like T-129 or Milgem.
6000 tanks...why would you want to induct so many ? India has to deal with both China and Pakistan when it comes to formulating her threat assessment and she (if the Wikipedia figures are up to date) has about 4000 tanks of her own. Pakistan has closer to 2000 (same reservations as the above) comparable tanks with the rest being lighter tanks armed with 105mms, and that pretty much gets the job done for us. Why would you then, without any immediate threat, want such a huge armoured contingent in your armed forces ?

Turkey actually has around 6000 tanks but

Around 2900 of them are M-48 upgrades that actually won't worth much in modern warfare expect armored vehicle recovery and armored personal carries...

Around 2000+ of them are Sabra's and Sabra Level Turkish upgrades of M-60s...

Turkey has 700 Leopard 1-2. Leopard 1s are upgraded with modern electronics and Leopard 2s are going to be upgraded to Leopard 2NG

We are going to produce 1000 Altays but It may not be enough... I can agree around 2000 of them but more than that is both needless and harmfull to Turkish economy.

Thats why He propably said that we need 5000 Altay Tanks...
Turkey actually has around 6000 tanks but

Around 2900 of them are M-48 upgrades that actually won't worth much in modern warfare expect armored vehicle recovery and armored personal carries...

Around 2000+ of them are Sabra's and Sabra Level Turkish upgrades of M-60s...

Turkey has 700 Leopard 1-2. Leopard 1s are upgraded with modern electronics and Leopard 2s are going to be upgraded to Leopard 2NG

We are going to produce 1000 Altays but It may not be enough... I can agree around 2000 of them but more than that is both needless and harmfull to Turkish economy.

Thats why He propably said that we need 5000 Altay Tanks...

The M48s would probably never see combat. The M60s on the other hand, with the Sabra upgrades, would make a pretty good workhorse for the army. As per the figures that have gone before my eyes, Turkey could potentially have as many as 1700 Sabras - Thats pretty darn good. The 170 or so Leopard 1Ts should come in handy, though I think acquiring some used M60s and upgrading them to Sabras and bringing the total closer to 2500 would be a good way to go. The Leopard 2A4s upgraded to NG level would be very, very nice and inducting a few more of them would make sense. And with the Altays a total number of 4000 very good tanks in service is a pretty good figure but then again...who are you going to use them against ? You don't, to the best of my knowledge, have any threat in the neighborhood or do you ?
The M48s would probably never see combat. The M60s on the other hand, with the Sabra upgrades, would make a pretty good workhorse for the army. As per the figures that have gone before my eyes, Turkey could potentially have as many as 1700 Sabras - Thats pretty darn good. The 170 or so Leopard 1Ts should come in handy, though I think acquiring some used M60s and upgrading them to Sabras and bringing the total closer to 2500 would be a good way to go. The Leopard 2A4s upgraded to NG level would be very, very nice and inducting a few more of them would make sense. And with the Altays a total number of 4000 very good tanks in service is a pretty good figure but then again...who are you going to use them against ? You don't, to the best of my knowledge, have any threat in the neighborhood or do you ?

Nope, we don't have any targets but Turkey borders Middle East and Caucasus... Two are very hot spots... Thats why goverments always gave Army the lion share of budget.

If Turkey had the resources that Germany or France had, I we would definitly throw M-60s and M-48s and would produce 2000-2500 Altays but alas.... We don't. :D

So, M-60 upgrades, Leopards and 1000 Altay MBT will be enough for Turkey ad propably the limit for Turkey :D
Turkey's actual tank force is much smaller(around 3000+ i think), more than half of m48s are ripped off, waiting to rot in depots. Also other patton series and modernised Leopard1s are relatively in good condition. But only modern, 3.gen tanks are M60Ts(170) and Leopard2A4s(538, if my memory is correct). And most of these tanks are located at Greek border because there is no proper tank threat by other neigboring countries. That is also why our decision makers don't see it as an emergency that is why we are waiting for our own national tank to come out of production line.

As for Altay, it will be built in the exact number our army needs, no need to worry people :)
Beside the old M60s and M48s Turkey has a decent Tank fleet. 170 Sabra's, 170 Leopard 1T (Other 230 Leopard 1s Could be Upgraded too if neccesary) 340 Leopard2A4s (Leopard2NG Line Production already started) So about 700-900 Relativlty Modern Tanks could be enough for defensive purposes, However as the need for offensive increases the 1000 Altay is highly Neccesary.

Personnaly i think after the 1000 Altays Turkey will start devolping a more advanced variant just like Arjun Mk2 and K2 PIP which started devolping just after first deliveries.
Nope, we don't have any targets but Turkey borders Middle East and Caucasus... Two are very hot spots... Thats why goverments always gave Army the lion share of budget.

If Turkey had the resources that Germany or France had, I we would definitly throw M-60s and M-48s and would produce 2000-2500 Altays but alas.... We don't. :D

So, M-60 upgrades, Leopards and 1000 Altay MBT will be enough for Turkey ad propably the limit for Turkey :D

Guess thats another similar thing between Turkey and Pakistan - We too give the lion's share to our Armed Force and they've been involved in a couple of coups too :P

But talking about the M48s - Can't they be converted into vehicle mounted SAM systems or something like those modified Merkava LICs (Low Intensity Conflict) or upgraded with a better engine and used in mountainous areas like we do with our Type 69s to fight against insurgents ?
Guess thats another similar thing between Turkey and Pakistan - We too give the lion's share to our Armed Force and they've been involved in a couple of coups too :P

But talking about the M48s - Can't they be converted into vehicle mounted SAM systems or something like those modified Merkava LICs (Low Intensity Conflict) or upgraded with a better engine and used in mountainous areas like we do with our Type 69s to fight against insurgents ?

Nah... Like Legionere said, they are wating to turn into spare parts and steel :D Some of them are recovery vehicles and personal carriers :)

Of course, coups are the best :D ... expect murders, tortures, ethnic oppression... :cry:
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