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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

When students get involved in such issues the hope for a bright future of the country collapse same thing happened in Kabul University couple of years ago but it wasn't on beef but on a single 'word' :lol:

we Indians are sentimental and emotional idiots we never give a second thought when some $hitbag says something. we will simply go and fight for no reason. but i still have a hope these things will change. If u see in tamilnadu or kerala these kind of things are not there. here we respect eachothers right. and this kind of acceptance will spread to the northern parts also.
we Indians are sentimental and emotional idiots we never give a second thought when some $hitbag says something. we will simply go and fight for no reason. but i still have a hope these things will change. If u see in tamilnadu or kerala these kind of things are not there. here we respect eachothers right. and this kind of acceptance will spread to the northern parts also.

Listen dude.. Hyderabad is hardly a northern part of India.. And in case of Tamilnadu and Kerala you have been fighting over stupid water dam issue.. It sure does show how mature you lot are.. So first learn to respect the needs of your fellow south Indian states before teaching what North India should do or not do..
I for sure know that its not banned in the following states
1) Tamil Nadu
2) Kerala
3) Karnataka
4) Andra Pradesh

Well then sir these states have allowed the sanctity of Tirupati, Sabrimala, Rameshwaram and all other Hindu sacred places to be defiled with spilled blood of the cow. Even Aurangzeb could not not have done any worse.
Listen dude.. Hyderabad is hardly a northern part of India.. And in case of Tamilnadu and Kerala you have been fighting over stupid water dam issue.. It sure does show how mature you lot are.. So first learn to respect the needs of your fellow south Indian states before teaching what North India should do or not do..

Dont bother..he doesn't represent 'majority' TN sentiment..if you know what I mean ;)

Well then sir these states have allowed the sanctity of Tirupati, Sabrimala, Rameshwaram and all other Hindu sacred places to be defiled with spilled blood of the cow. Even Aurangzeb could not not have done any worse.

I don't know about the other two states (Andhra and K'taka) but in TN, cow-slaughter is prohibited lawfully and 90% of the beef available is that of bull and that too the sale is highly regulated.

You wont get beef in any of the common hotels. Only very rarely it is found. But it may be available in star hotels,bars etc.
@agnostic indian
Sir then i suggest you should stop idolizing Anna Hazare. He is totally against all meat or alcohol and has prescribed such people should be beaten with chappals till they are repentant.
Why is this being made a Hindu Muslim issue. This is a Dalit group that organised the Beef "festival" not muslims.

At the same time, Muslims don't have a problem if someone wants to eat pork. Just that they themselves don't eat pork. You wan't see any Muslim group going around preventing or stopping others from eating pork.

And Islam is not defined by eating beef. It is stupid to say that eating beef makes someone a "good" muslim.
Infact, prophet Muhammed (SAW) hardly had meat in his entire life and never had beef even though it was permitted. This about that.

Its good for the human soul :)

Humanity demands it!
hate *********** pork......


Satanic Verses should be introduced as standard curriculum for 10th grade all over Pakistan. It will help people getting desensitized over getting mortally offended over something trivial as a some words that may (or may not) allude to their prophet or his wife..

Now don't tell me how that book is bad or is blasphemous or how I, a Hindu, will not understand the gravity of the matter - because you are guilty of the same charge.

You are again imposing a belief whereas I am saying make it open. Let anyone who wants to eat beef eat it, who doesn't he doesn't.
this event was conducted by left wing organizations (SFI and student wing of CPI(ML) ) and opposed by right wing students organization ABVP this is a political fight ...
You are again imposing a belief whereas I am saying make it open. Let anyone who wants to eat beef eat it, who doesn't he doesn't.

And same with Satanic verses.. When is Pakistan removing the ban on that book so that everyone who wants to read it can read it..
Well then sir these states have allowed the sanctity of Tirupati, Sabrimala, Rameshwaram and all other Hindu sacred places to be defiled with spilled blood of the cow. Even Aurangzeb could not not have done any worse.

And you will remember in turn, Sir, that this has been going on for centuries, it is nothing new. If the shrines at Tirupati, Sabrimala and Rameswaram not only survived but flourished, there seems to be no reason for anyone to draw himself up with the prim outrage of a spinster pinched on the derriere and start intoning maledictions.

Put a sock in it, please.
And same with Satanic verses.. When is Pakistan removing the ban on that book so that everyone who wants to read it can read it..

I have no desire to see a state mandated ban on the book. People won't buy of their own volition and stores that sell it would lose customers. But it should be allowed. The right to be an asshole is a right of a human. Not nice, but ts their right.

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