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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

the problem with these facists is if they give in to the popular demands they think they will be considered weak & spineless which is quite opposite infact.

come on what bleedy human law which prisons people upto 10 years for consuming beef ? this is Draconian Facist Law,

India is not a democracy but a Facist nation hiding behind secular democracy, welcome to the facism of 21st century.

We thought chinese/russians were bad this is worse here far worse tbh.

if you dont have anything to debate, just shut up & stop getting personal here boyhhh.

This is something which i am hearing for first time but what else to expect from an high school fail

fas·cism   [fash-iz-uhm]
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Is India lead by a dictator?

NO.India is a multi party democracy.

Does India has complete power concentrated in a single person or institution?


a.In India power is divided between three branches Executive,Legislature and judiciary at central level.

b.Power is divided in India between centre and states.India has a federal structure.

c.India has universal adult franchise

Do India suppress all criticism and opposition?

NO.Arundhati roy is a strong example.

Regimented Industry and commerce?

I dunno wish that may have been a case.

Emphasize on aggressive nationalism and racism?

Nationalism-may be but racism again NO

So how come India is a fascist country Mr. Troll.?
What kind of third grade education is provided in your madrassa?????

Beef is a source of protein so is pork,chicken,fish,lobster,tur,gram,wheat,curd and milk.Consumption or non consumption of Beef is not going to have any affect on your physique.It is proper level of nutrition not it's source that is important.On otherr hand overconsumption of red meat would make you die of heart attack at pretty young age.

Now don't come up with your stupid theories that Beef is an aphrodisiac and helps you pop out 12 junk junior from your missuss.

why ban beef then ? even boar/pig is a god in hinduism why not ban it?

eating one god & banning other god is hypocricy on part of hinduism to say the least.
hope iranians/GCC & west is watching this thread.

Actually, it is something i may also wish.Indians have shown an commendable behaviour on this thread.It is you who will come out as an idiot to any neutral party.
Actually, it is something i may also wish.Indians have shown an commendable behaviour on this thread.It is you who will come out as an idiot to any neutral party.

ten year prison sentence for consuming beef oh god almighty, welcome to facism of 21st century.
Beef is widely available in Kerala and to some extent in Tamil Nadu. I have been to Chinese restaurants in Chennai that serve both beef and pork. Most of my friends eat them both. I think it depends on how orthodox one's religious beliefs are and history of religious violence in an area.

But out people have stopped killing each other for their beef nihari or pork vindaloo. Thats a big improvement over our neighbor.

Nobody has the upper hand over anybody else in these matters of bigotry. Let's not kid ourselves.

why ban beef then ? even boar/pig is a god in hinduism why not ban it?

eating one god & banning other god is hypocricy on part of hinduism to say the least.

It isn't banned. You haven't been reading the posts.
There exists no politician in India daring enough
to attempt to explain to the masses that cows
can be eaten.
Indira Gandhi
Nobody has the upper hand over anybody else in these matters of bigotry. Let's not kid ourselves.

It isn't banned. You haven't been reading the posts.

for our understanding lets be clear

Beef is banned
Pig is not banned
People like you are giving bad name to India . If they want to eat beef , meat , fish and whatever they can eat then why you and your Gunda ABVP is having problem ? I think you should go to Nepal , The only Hindu country and you are the one who should be beaten for supporting violence against innocent students by Gunda ABVP .
This country is called Hindustan but it doesn't mean land of Hindus so better know tht , people have every right to do whatever they want unless it doesn't harm anyone .

Since it is now run by the Maoists, they will get a swift kick up their backsides there as well.
why ban beef then ? even boar/pig is a god in hinduism why not ban it?

eating one god & banning other god is hypocricy on part of hinduism to say the least.

Well,majority of people are not concerned whether other people eat beef or not.Some people are but the people who are not concerned regarding eating of beef are not concerned by the issue of banning of beef in their state are not going to vote against a party if it bans consumption of beef.But the people who feel strongly regarding consumption of beef are going to vote in favour of party if it bans consumption of beef.So if there is a considerable chunk of people in an state who feels strongly regarding beef consumption,it is beneficial for the party if it bans beef consumption.it may lose votes of those people who consumes beef thus it has to do cost benefit analysis regarding to ban or not to ban.

I have already explained sociological cause of regarding cow as sacred in #141 and am not going to repeat it.

Also Cow is not considered as god in Hinduism.Hindu text ban cow slaughter stating explicitly the benefits that cow provides to people in form of butter,milk and manure.The hypothesis provided for it is that a lot of gods reside inside a cow.Anyway i do not have a good knowledge of religious matters so you could consult someone else regarding them.
Which dish? , i"ve tasted some Kerala beef, nothing too special.

LOL all indian meat eaters i have seen in my life : Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims prefer white meat (Chicken) over red meat (Beef). Are you people superstitious or is it that you just prefer being 'cheap'?
for our understanding lets be clear

Beef is banned
Pig is not banned

Quite apparently you have no understanding. Beef is not banned. How many times do you need to be told that?
Well,majority of people are not concerned whether other people eat beef
or not.Some people are but the people who are not concerned regarding eating of beef are not concerned by the issue of banning of beef in their state are not going to vote against a party if it bans consumption of beef.But the people who feel strongly regarding consumption of beef are going to vote in favour of party if it bans consumption of beef.So if there is a considerable chunk of people in an state who feels strongly regarding beef consumption,it is beneficial for the party if it bans beef consumption.it may lose votes of those people who consumes beef thus it has to do cost benefit analysis regarding to ban or not to ban.

I have already explained sociological cause of regarding cow as sacred in #141 and am not going to repeat it.

Also Cow is not considered as god in Hinduism.Hindu text ban cow slaughter stating explicitly the benefits that cow provides to people in form of butter,milk and manure.The hypothesis provided for it is that a lot of gods reside inside a cow.Anyway i do not have a good knowledge of religious matters so you could consult someone else regarding them.

if people are not concerned about others eating beef then what about the 10 year prison sentence for consumption of beef in india?

Quite apparently you have no understanding. Beef is not banned. How many times do you need to be told that?

my apologies but the fact is eating beef one can land into prison for 10 years in india & whats more lunatic is cops can raid into a house on mere suspicion

MP law: 7 yrs in jail for eating beef, cops can raid on mere suspicion

The Hindu : States / Other States : Madhya Pradesh cow slaughter ban Act gets Presidential nod Madhya Pradesh cow slaughter ban Act gets Presidential nod

if people are not concerned about others eating beef then what about the 10 year prison sentence for consumption of beef in india?

Which part of majority of people not concerned regarding beef eating you do not understand???

Let me explain by a theoretical example.

Assume there are 100 people in a city.

20 feels that beef must be banned.

10 eats beef.

70 do not care.

Now if a political party bans beef then it gains 20 votes of those people who wanted beef to be banned while losing 10 votes of beef eaters.Since this issue was anyway not going to affect 70 neutral votes,the party has gained 10 extra votes.

In real life politics is not simple and there are entrenched vote bank of parties but this example would clear beef dynamics to certain extent.
The news has made it into a respectable British broad sheet paper.
As for the banter, do you actually have a leg to stand on. !!!!!

Actually, we do.

The news represents the efforts of a section to get their dietary habits recognised. This is commendable. They had to go through violence inflicted by religious bigots and they did. You have read for yourself the comments of most Indians on this thread and should have gathered a fair idea about the sheer diversity of opinion on this subject. If it has not registered with you, that is because you want a quarrel, not a discussion.

And only one leg will be needed for standing; for the other,given your statements, it is clear that it has a job to do.
Which part of majority of people not concerned regarding beef eating you do not understand???

Let me explain by a theoretical example.

Assume there are 100 people in a city.

20 feels that beef must be banned.

10 eats beef.

70 do not care.

Now if a political party bans beef then it gains 20 votes of those people who wanted beef to be banned while losing 10 votes of beef eaters.Since this issue was anyway not going to affect 70 neutral votes,the party has gained 10 extra votes.

In real life politics is not simple and there are entrenched vote bank of parties but this example would clear beef dynamics to certain extent.

what eva keeps ur boat afloat, it doesnt change the fact that beef is banned in india.

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