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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

But the whole point is that this lunatic targeted common Norwegians rather than the ministers in Norwegian government who made all the liberal laws that he stands against. What did the clown gain from killing 80 oblivious innocent kids? Rather he reduced his country's population further, ironically pointing at the fact that he worries his country's natives would become minorities in the future.

maybe an attempt at a false flag operation.
although i dont agree with the methods he used.......they were terrorist actiivities....i have to somwaht agree with his overall opinion......

BRAVO super logic.. Whats the difference between this guy & AQ ?? both r killing on the name of religion.. i see no difference between him & AQ ... both hold the same fear or r suffering for the same sickness.... one thinks ISLAM/PAKISTAN will take over the world by 2083 & the other party fears that the west is after ISLAM..... ....... by agree'g to his opinion ur supporting his actions, ur justifying his actions......
dissapointed you posted this piece and somehow trying to lay the blame on Pakistan. i had respect for you but i dont anymore! bye!

It doesn't matter that an Indian has posted this link. It's all over the net. Check out his thesis "2083-A European Declaration of Independence".

Nothing can justify his act but still he raised some valid points. What amazes me the most is that why he didn't kill Pakistanis if he hated us so much?
In order to describe why it is needed he turns to Robert Spencer, Bat Ye’or, Bruce Bawer, Timothy Garton Ash, Walid Shoebat and various other commentators on the current War on Terror to say that a toxic mix of multiculturalism, Marxism and Islam are the reasons why today’s Europe “is burning”.

And herein lies the problem. People like Spencer and Walid Shoebat for example do nothing but lie through their teeth to make money. While they end up inciting and brainwashing people.

Its now a cottage industry for any hack to comeup with dooms day scenarios about how Muslims will become a majority in Europe - ostensibly by 2083. When the fact remains that Muslims will pretty much always remain a minority not exceeding 10-15% of the total Euro population based on the scientific population growth projections.

Earlier you had individual acts of hate crimes where Muslims would be attacked or even killed just for being Muslims like the case of German Egyptian pregnant women stabbed to death in 2009. Now their lies is leading to justification for mass murders.

This man was actually in cold blood killing little kids and teenagers - 80+ of them. If you compare that with the US in terms of population, that would mean the death of about 6000 people, double of those killed in 9/11.

Here is Walid shoebat caught lying on CNN
now if some sh** happens in Norway, and a norwegian does this, it still all comes back to pakistan and a proposed hypothesis of 2083, why not 2080???

He has not only targeted us but all Muslims in general. Basically he has problem with immigrants.
He was also a fan of World of Workraft, Dexter, Adam Smith, Kafka and Putin. So what? Unless this kind of terror becames systematic you can draw any conclusions at all.

That kind of makes sense I guess...
I feel surprised Andres expressed hatred towards Pakistanis - who are generally progressive, educated, and giving to Norwegian society. But he express no execrate for North Africans, and Somalis who are known trouble makers in Norway.
conducted raid at the request of Norway. According to Polish media is a man charged with complicity in the Oslo terror.

BERLIN / LONDON (Dagbladet): More Polish media reported today that a man is charged with complicity in the assassination of government officials in Oslo. This should have happened in connection with a raid in the city of Wroclaw on Sunday but Dagbladet has not been able to verify these details from the Norwegian police.

- I have no comment on it, said prosecutor Carol Sandby to Dagbladet.

According to Polish media are talking about the owner of an internet store.

- Provides chemical products
More Polish media now report that the holder of a company that supplies chemical products over the internet Sunday was detained by people from the police and state security police.

It should be about a man who lives in Wroclaw - and that drives their business there.

According to the website Onet.pl the Polish government on Friday received an urgent message from the Norwegian police.

There were asked to examine the particular man and the business he runs over the net. Today, he was then arrested.

- Can be kept for two days
A Polish lawyer told Dagbladet that the man can now be detained for 48 hours without having to be brought to detention.

The person says that there must be tungveiende evidence against him, since the government is already going out with details about the initial indictment.

The man should be charged with assistance to the murder of several people. The contact with the Polish company shall appear on the things Anders Behring Breivik himself has written in his so-called manifesto.
i also agree with what he said.......and i also condemn the way he used to articulate his ideas.......now what we are not allowed to have our opinions? again intolerance.....

if you agree, then you must immediately call all indian hindus from europe, america, esp australia, because recently many indians were killed because of racist attacks in australia

btw its good to be clear that hindus are extremists in nature, they are agreeing on the terrorist views!!

so dont come next day and complain abt pakistanis who might be supporting al quaeda and talibans
They say every terrorist is Muslim...Likewise every army attacking a Muslim country happens to be NATO and American..
If Muslims were working towards annihilation of Non-Muslims...why there are no terror attacks in Kenya,South Africa and many other African and south American country where there is a sizable Muslim population for centuries?

On the main topic of this thread..there is a British right wing organization called EDF or English Defense league who are a bunch of jobless,social security leeches,..But they are under strict scrutiny by British intelligence..We Muslims are always advised by the British police if the EDF are holding a demonstration and we keep away and let them vent their spleen.
wow, when you express something use your common sence before expressing it, and weigh your statement.

i dont see anybody buying that church terrorist ideology except hindu guys, instead of pointing me, why not approach these hindu guys and tell them to refrain such acts

go and see those articles in reuters, cnn, bbc etc, and now look at some hindu views in this ET article
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