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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Watch it pakistani. All those brave soldiers and innocent people you lost and U.S. mentions this as a SOLE COVERT OPERATION in which pakistan is described as being victims of Al Qaida as well as assisting the U.S. in your own territory. :toast:

Another troll from bharat ratshit. Mods please do something, this thread is being infested by them
well it wasnt the regular army units that i sqaw it was that special black armour unit which musharaf created to aid and escort american contractors and sog teams...ive seen them here in my town quite often[they keep a certain beard and mustache combo too]...so there might be some confusion over this.....afterall killing the man in abbotabad right in the heart of mainland pakistan is kind of a stupid thing to do.
FYI, I am a lurker @ BR onlee :D

I dont have courage to post there in front of those highly qualified and experianced posters with serious millitary and diplomatic back grounds.

Nice joke. Since when do gutter forums have "qualified and experienced posters"?
Is it true that his mansion was next to pak military base?
There are many questions that come up about the role of Pakistan. True, President Obama mentioned Pakistan & Zardari but this what he said:

"Tonight, I called President Zardari, and my team has also spoken with their Pakistani counterparts. They agree that this is a good and historic day for both of our nations. And going forward, it is essential that Pakistan continue to join us in the fight against al Qaeda and its affiliates"

It is a very odd quote. They have to agree about this? Doesn't sound like close ally talk to me.

Another comment that Obama made was that he was first informed of the Osama's possible presence at this location in August 2010

Then last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain. And it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we could located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.

Why would it take so long to confirm if Pakistani agencies were on board. This was not some remote location with a population hostile to the Pakistani agencies or cooperating with Osama on the basis of some tribal code. It should have taken less than 24 hours to confirm whether or not Osama was indeed there. Police & special units of Pakistan should theoretically have been able to verify who exactly was in that compound.(remember Obama would only have been informed after the CIA had reasonably satisfied itself that there was a good possibility of Osama's presence) The fact that didn't happen suggests that the U.S. did not trust Pakistani agencies.

(There may be other reasons for this to have happened but I can't think of any at the moment and am open to correction if facts suggesting that was the case are made public.As of now, the facts do not support the theory of close Pakistan-U.S. co-operation.)
"Mr. bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, 40 miles from Islamabad, in what a Pakistani intelligence official said was a joint operation. President Barack Obama also noted Pakistan's contribution to the raid Sunday night. Pakistan's contribution to the assault may help overcome U.S. frustration that Islamabad has not been more aggressive in reaching Mr. bin Laden."


Yes pakistani officials say it was a joint operation. But every other source says it was a covert operation :lol:

And ISI and the FAUJ and the State, and the Police - no one knew, no one noticed

Muse, that is not reality check.
No one noticed and no one knew?

This OP was carried out near an area over which no allied force can operate without really high level clearance based on evidence.
bwahahahahah well unless US media shows the real pic of the dead man i wont buy what Geo is showing as i am sure geo must have copied it from some Indian gutter forum

This picture was first shown in pakistani media, browse some pages back, you will find it... indian forum copied it from pakistani source... Think before opening ur mouth... Its copoed from some Pakistani source than Indian...

And ISI and the FAUJ and the State, and the Police - no one knew, no one noticed

Sir you are just posting on basis of American view without backing it with proofs . If so then tell me from where US Helis flown in ???? if it was not US heli then who's it was ? Pakistani Helis ? :) if yes then how come Pakistan dint know about the operation and still provided troops and equipment ??

Do you even know the geography of the Hazara region ??
as i told you i know Hazra region in and out. and go and ask some Most anti-Army media known figures they will also tell you what are the details. even they are crying loud that we must not hide our active role in operation.
Our Cooperation with Pakistan led us to OBL and the compound in which he was hiding is very different from direct involvement in the operation. 1st implies intelligence sharing and second means PA's guns on the ground during the operation.

OMG why the fk can't you Indians just accept the reality? This isn't BR or Bharti Youth Fantasy Forum? It says clearly "Obama: Pakistan aided US in bin Laden operation"
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