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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Lol Loser It is confirmed By US & PAKISTAN that IT WAS A JOINT OPERATION.

:no: It was a covert operation. U.S. SF were the ones involved in capturing osama. pakistan was mentioned as assisting the U.S. but that's about it :lol:

Jeez don't you people get the difference in assisting and joint operation?
Now give us Zawahiri - Yes, we're talking to you ISI and then there will be others (jamatis)
I am more worried how this will affect the US-Pakistan future relations. I for one feel quite embarrassed & shocked living here in the US as a Pakistani American, talking to my American friends, that OBL has been killed in Abbottabad, a place I've been to quite a few times in my life.

No need to be embarrassed. I haven't heard a single person utter anything bad about Pakistan here, people know Pakistanis are just as happy to hear Osama has been killed as Americans are. The only people who are even uttering anything bad about Pakistan are indians, and we already know how they are :disagree:
Looks like Pakistan is involved. The helicopter crash reported yesterday might have happened in the same place where Osama was killed.

Both happened in Abbotabad I guess

Yes Pakistan is involved, Wall Street Journel reported.
yes obama confirms...osama dead..
thats the most welcoming news after years

osama killed in bilal township in abbotabad ( 120 km from islamabad)
a few kms away from military training school

Al-Jazeera reports that the operation carried by the cia only.even isi did not know about it ( as mr pasha was claiming)
i guess after all the celebrations there is going to be discussions abt y he was not reported though he lived there for 5 years now.

mansion he was killed in had 18feet walls as fence. his 2 wives and 4 children also arrested...unconfirmed reports suggest that al Zawahiri also arrested.
ATleast Now US will beleive Pakistan was not playing a double Game.

I don't know about that. The US media here (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, FOX) are convinced the Pakistani authorities gave him refuge in this 'mansion', & didn't inform the Pakistani operations about this operation as they might have tipped off the terrorists. Worrying times for Pakistani Americans in the US. I feel worried & ashamed, this is 10x worse than Faisal Shahzad & the Times Square thing, & I felt terrible. There are no words as to what I'm feeling right now. The guy was scum, he was hated by Pakistanis, Al-Qaeda (& its affiliate factions) were responsible for almost every attack inside Pakistan, he made videos asking the Pakistani people to start Jihad against the Pakistani Army & government, yet no one is talking about that. Pakistan has been the biggest victims of OBL & AQ, yet Pakistan is being shown as the guilty party here. Like Pakistanis love & support OBL & AQ. Just feel terrible about how this news is being covered. No words can describe what I'm feeling right now.
They will pull out of Afghan just to save face... I doubt Obama will be relected even with this news. We will need more than weapon manufacturing to reboost this economy.
It goes against your "Honour and dignity" to accept the truth?

No it goes against my "honor and dignity" to see losers from bharat ratshit coming to Pakistani forums just to troll. Shows what life you have!
Delta force kee jay ho.


This is the greatest day in fight with terrosism.
Great work soldiers ........10 years of hard work payed off
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