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Orya Maqbool Jan column on Malala and her book

On the contrary, Pakistan is even more important then we can imagine for various reasons. But that is beyond the point of this discussion.

You believe that our industry will collapse if the US stops trading with us, I say that it would be the best thing that could ever happen to us because it will cripple some land lords and some politicians but will serve the general public. You think that sanctions can cripple us, let me tell you that our major import is OIL, which we can then import from IRAN on barter against items that we currently export elsewhere (and that is assuming that even SA aur UAE are a part of the sanction train, which is not practical).

The US could not have done anything during the Soviet-Afghan war and that is when we made major strides in the Nuclear delivery field (remember, we were already an undisclosed nuclear power even before that), but the moment the war ended in Afghanistan and the moment the Soviets withdrew.....pressler amendment was imposed upon us.

I fully agree that if we stop trading with US, we will be in deep **** and that is what we want. A solider fights fearlessly when he knows he has no escape or no way to retreat. For once if Pakistan ends up in this situation, our reliance on foreign products will reduce and we will be forced to develop local industry to meet our demands. We will find many other avenues which we are unable to see right now, what to talk of exploring.

And remember, sanctions does not stop trade, those who want to buy from Pakistan will find out a way to do that.
sadkay ur comparing malala to rushdie"? but im not surprised to hear this from a man who justifies suicide bombings and terrorism..

Good bye mr yazid... afterall even he called himself a muslim..

So Yazid was not a Muslim, and why is that?

Branding little girl as traitors, how old are you? Jeez

Treachery is age dependent? Although it cannot be the girl, as has been depicted since she was what, 9 years old? However, her father is most certainly the culprit here.

Please someone tell them , the number of Muslims killed by the " Muslims " themselves . Supporter of the people who have killed more than 60,000 Pakistanis is talking about " traitors of Allah and his Prophet " , the Mullah never fail to amaze me . Just like they were telling us , what the country was made for and how it was justified to kill Pakistanis because Muslims are being killed all over the world " by evil West " .

I do not believe anyone here supports the views of TTP terrorists.
Yes some people don't speak up they just speak what their master west tells them to and pays them to abuse HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam and to defend those who attack and abuse HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam @FCPX Those so called rational thinkers come up with most biggest idiotic points

Everyone is attacking and abusing the prophet because of people like you and talibans. But the only people you can hurt are 14 year old girls. That is the aukat left for these galant protectors of their Islam.
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Yes defend Rushide and allow others to abuse Holy PROPHET SAW in name of freedom of speech we have seen these liberal slaves of west before in Islam punishment for those who abuse HOLY PROPHET SAW is clear death in Makkah yes people were forgiven because Jihad was not made farz but in Madinah around 10 people were killed at Fatah e Makkah one person was killed he was hiding behind Galaf e Kaba he was killed their on orders of RASOOL SAW and this is the punishment but now comes western paid puppet to defend another slave of west

so they should kill all of us bcoz we said u will go to hell when u die? when they give us option of freedom of speech why cant we?
Oh the pity I have for you.

TTP and Talibaan are NOT the same thing!! The former is a terrorist organization, under the umbrella of a nexus of international anti Pakistan agencies formed to carry out terrorism in Pakistan, while the later is a group which is fighting illegal occupation of Afghanistan by the west!

the only difference btw taliban and TTP is that ..TTP is killing us and taliban fighting Afghanarmy and US ..

I have meet with couple of afghans ..they all hates us now .. bcoz we helped barbaric people to rule them .. btw how taliban are different from TTP? northwarizistan which is hub of haqqani network, alqeeda, Taliban and TTP ..they all supopoit each other ..have u ever heard mullah omar say that TTP is a terrorist group and what they are doing is wrong . No? may be in our local news as well ... they low levels just said in 2 or 3 interviews that they are not with us .. someday u will know a religious extremists are all same no matter with religion they belong too .. either they hakimullah, mullah omar or baal thakrey ...

PS: i didnt replied to above facts bcoz as i said logic can never win from assumtions.
Brother I've not seen anything from that little girl where she is abusing our prophet (pbuh) in fact I've seen more of that in this forum than other places.

Did she not say something to the sort that beards reminded her of the pharaoh? Is that not enough?

have u just read ur own link .. he said he is againt the book and the book is against bislam ..and is islam is so weak that bwe feel threathen by a book ?

I don't think that is the point, are Jews so weak that debunking of the Holocaust would threaten them? Then why is there a blanket ban on speaking against the holocaust? It is more a matter of respect and acceptability. Some things are acceptable as critical analysis or genuine enquiry, others are not, as ridicule.

The point is rather that Salman Rushdie is condemnable to death if he has ridiculed Islam.
Thanks for making this so clear. One request - please try to avoid bringing in such things. Live and let live - is it too hard? Leave the deciding(who goes to Jannat and who to Jahannam) to God.

Agreed, we can leave the Jannat and Jahannum to Allah. However, there is divine law available to us and it prescribes the punishments for offenses. That law is applicable to this world.
Did she not say something to the sort that beards reminded her of the pharaoh? Is that not enough?

I don't think that is the point, are Jews so weak that debunking of the Holocaust would threaten them? Then why is there a blanket ban on speaking against the holocaust? It is more a matter of respect and acceptability. Some things are acceptable as critical analysis or genuine enquiry, others are not, as ridicule.

The point is rather that Salman Rushdie is condemnable to death if he has ridiculed Islam.

I asked a simple question .. Should they kill us too bcoz we think jesus is not son of God and we think that they will all go to hell after they die .. ?

Did she not say something to the sort that beards reminded her of the pharaoh? Is that not enough?

I don't think that is the point, are Jews so weak that debunking of the Holocaust would threaten them? Then why is there a blanket ban on speaking against the holocaust? It is more a matter of respect and acceptability. Some things are acceptable as critical analysis or genuine enquiry, others are not, as ridicule.

The point is rather that Salman Rushdie is condemnable to death if he has ridiculed Islam.

I asked a simple question .. Should they kill us too bcoz we think jesus is not son of God and we think that they will all go to hell after they die .. ?
the only difference btw taliban and TTP is that ..TTP is killing us and taliban fighting Afghanarmy and US ..

Even if that is the only difference, it means that 1 is fighting an invading force or fighting against a crusade while the other is encouraging and supporting a crusade by weakening one of the strongest Muslim countries.

I have meet with couple of afghans ..they all hates us now .. bcoz we helped barbaric people to rule them .. btw how taliban are different from TTP? northwarizistan which is hub of haqqani network, alqeeda, Taliban and TTP ..they all supopoit each other ..have u ever heard mullah omar say that TTP is a terrorist group and what they are doing is wrong . No? may be in our local news as well ... they low levels just said in 2 or 3 interviews that they are not with us .. someday u will know a religious extremists are all same no matter with religion they belong too .. either they hakimullah, mullah omar or baal thakrey ...

I quite recently met a couple of Afghans myself, one was an avid supporter while the other was reserved. There are 2 distinct views in Afghanistan, one is heavily in the favor of Talibaan and the other is against. However, none supports the invading foreigners. Fact is that more Afghanistan supports Talibaan then the portion that opposes Them and even all that is political.

PS: i didnt replied to above facts bcoz as i said logic can never win from assumtions.

Does the above make any sense to you? Facts are beyond doubt truth so how can anybody argue against them?

I asked a simple question .. Should they kill us too bcoz we think jesus is not son of God and we think that they will all go to hell after they die .. ?

And I will post a simple answer.......are we killing any of them because they think that Jesus is the son of God??? Apples and Oranges mate, Apples and Oranges!!
@Patriot Malala and her father exposed themselves from the book and their defense of Rushdie and this is the reason why the west is promoting her so much
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first of all people like ur self didnt believe he was shot ... now people admit he is shot but used by west ..stop believe in consipricy theories

no actually i dnt mind speaking him against her ... but i feel sadden that our nation dnt admit our mistakes ...do u remember that when pakistani players we caught match fixing our nation started saying that they didnt do it .. its a propoganda ...later most of them admit it ..

we are are taliban apologist .. they are killing us and instead of fixing it .. we keep blaming raw , musaad, CIA ...
Did she not say something to the sort that beards reminded her of the pharaoh? Is that not enough?

I don't think that is the point, are Jews so weak that debunking of the Holocaust would threaten them? Then why is there a blanket ban on speaking against the holocaust? It is more a matter of respect and acceptability. Some things are acceptable as critical analysis or genuine enquiry, others are not, as ridicule.

The point is rather that Salman Rushdie is condemnable to death if he has ridiculed Islam.

I dont know what she said or didnt say but will look for the book and see what all the fuss is about.
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