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Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit

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oh so you did wiki or google it!
no i am against the barring of anyone from entering any temple.
wwhat i meant was that steps...as you rightly quoted have been taken in the right direction by empowering the so called 'low cast' people...now we cant re-write religion can we?educated people know that such things are the foot-prints of a very old belief and doesnt hold much weight in this era.

Dude, why do you support the priests or brahmins, or whatever you hindus tell them, who forbid low caste hindus to enter temples? You claimed you are a bhramin, how do you know you are a brahmin? How can you claim that? Do you worship hand and legs in temples? No I am just asking man....
dude...bollywood has muslims...hindus...christians...sikhs...
it has all the people who want to bare...dont you know that there is a form of entertainmnt that muslim men in a country called pakistan like..it's called 'mujra'...and the sisters there dont cover up decently..

That form of entertainment is found in every corner of the world. And it's not broadcast on our live television for millions of people to see. Neither are they turned into a social status of class. And our women don't make them their role-models and base their whole life upon them.

And yes, I'm also talking about our film Industry. Same thing applies there too. It's not famous throughout the world simply because our people don't support it to that extent.
Why are the 12 Imams in Islam hereditary? Isn't that a form of caste-system, with the descendants of Muhammed occupying the highest caste, the average muslims occupying the second caste, the dhimmis occupying the 3rd caste and the final lowest caste occupied by the heathens/pagans?
Diverting the topic? If there's anyone diverting the topic here is it are you people. Don't lecture me on what I should be googling. Also, stop justifying the Hindu caste system by bringing Pakistan or Islam into the discussion.

The title of the topic is 'Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit' Discuss the topic only and stop twisting and turning!

PS. Otherwise, I'll get this topic locked!!!

Again an evasive answer ? Guess its better to talk about the crap in someone elses toilet then about the same stuff lying in your own. Anyway its you and your gang on this thread who want the low caste hindoos to covert to Islam when the same problems exist there too. Again Islam does not allow castes and untouchability probably just like Hinduism but lack of education and blind faith for which both Pakistan and India are neck to neck permits their people to follow caste systems happilly.

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Really or are you dreaming. its news to me. If its true than its laughable.


It is not my fault if you are not updated with current news....
well check the links mentioned below... and please stay neutral, why such



India Uncut: Aishwarya Rai to marry a tree?

Case filed against Ash's tree wedding
Again an evasive answer ? Guess its better to talk about the crap in someone elses toilet then about the same stuff lying in your own. Anyway its you and your gang on this thread who want the low caste hindoos to covert to Islam when the same problems exist there too. Again Islam my not allow castes and untouchability just like Hinduism but lack of education and blind faith for which both Pakistan and India are neck to neck permit people to follow caste systems happilly.


Okay that's enough. I've reported this thread. Don't expect any participation on my part. It was a huge mistake to post this thread. I hope the mods take action and close it down. In the meanwhile, feel free to banter.

This thread was never meant for religion bashing. A few rotten apples have diverted the discussion from the temple discussion to Islam and Pakistan.
Again an evasive answer ? Guess its better to talk about the crap in someone elses toilet then about the same stuff lying in your own. Anyway its you and your gang on this thread who want the low caste hindoos to covert to Islam when the same problems exist there too. Again Islam my not allow castes and untouchability just like Hinduism but lack of education and blind faith for which both Pakistan and India are neck to neck permit people to follow caste systems happilly.


Please Mr Neutral, do not compare Pakistani society with the caste ridden hindu indian society.... You need to update your knowledge bank.... and please be neutral, why the sudden inclination to hinduism? Strange....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not my fault if you are not updated with current news....
well check the links mentioned below... and please stay neutral, why such



India Uncut: Aishwarya Rai to marry a tree?

Case filed against Ash's tree wedding

What pathetic website and re-search you put up for a Communist?

Please Mr Neutral, do not compare Pakistani society with the caste ridden hindu indian society.... You need to update your knowledge bank.... and please be neutral, why the sudden inclination to hinduism? Strange....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a person I think all religions are bad or as good as they guy who practices it ? But to listen to bull crap that such and such religion is good or bad when the same deficiences like caste system exist even in Christianity is not the reason I joined this forum.

BTW for a communist you seem to be also very religious ?

Well I will not suggest that you are a fake communist will I ?

Yes you see, you see, you are from England, you see, this is hindu india... You people often think hindus are very cultured, yes one can be cultured but culture has nothing to do with hinduist approach... you do not know how even Christians are discriminated... just visit india one time and you will find that hinduism is the most horrible and dangerously discriminating ideology.... hinduism is based upon racism...

That is why I said a low caste hindu can enter a Mosque, a Church, but he cannot enter a hindu temple ironically... All low caste members it is my personal suggestion to you, if you want to get human dignity, and still if you want to have a religion.... embrace Islam... because then your Muslim brothers will never discriminate you... never...

Well well.. you hate all sorts of Hindus I know, be they low caste, high caste or whatever caste.. However, please note;

1. In India a low caste Hindu or Muslim or anyone can become President, PM, Chief Minister or anything.... Can that happen in fedualistic Pakistani society?

2. Foreign born Christain lady can become one the most powerful politician in India. Can that happen in Pakistan ?

3. Sikhs are just 2% in India and have become PM, president, cheif of army, airforce etc? Will a minority become PM or president of Pakistan ?

Have your facts right before you start calling names to whole society. Are Muhajirs treated equally in Pakistan ? Don't sunnis kill Shias? I don't understand what are you trying to say here ..

Do you think you muslims treat all muslims equally in day to day practice ? Have a look at the following links;

1. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=caste+system+among+muslims&aq=f&oq=
2. http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.culture.indian/2006-05/msg00589.html
3. http://www.countercurrents.org/dalit-kader150604.htm

Does entering a mosque make them all equal? Do they all get equal opportunity in power politics of Pakistan?

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Narendra modi is an obc(other backward class like sc/st).still u want to convert them to islam
Narendra modi is an obc(other backward class like sc/st).still u want to convert them to islam

Why only Modi, almost half of chief ministers in India are from the so called lower castes. There are large number of muslim ministers in our parliament. Parsis hardly constitute any percentage in India but they have made to some of the highest positions. There are muslims even in the so called Hindu BJP. Has Pakistan created a single Muslim billionare ? Is there any muslim in Pakistan who come anywhere near Prem Ji Azim ?

Why are the 12 Imams in Islam hereditary? Isn't that a form of caste-system, with the descendants of Muhammed occupying the highest caste, the average muslims occupying the second caste, the dhimmis occupying the 3rd caste and the final lowest caste occupied by the heathens/pagans?

Even Ajmer Sarrif and Nizamuddin Auliya dargaha are run by families. There is very strong hold of particular family. Look at Delhi Jama Maszid which is again run by Bukhari and sons...

The caste system is nothing but profession (and sometimes tribal/location identity)...

Here I post the caste names (in Tamil, might be called with other names in other languages)

Aasaari - smith
Valaiyar - hunter. "Valai" means "hunting net"
Pallar - agricultural labors
"Parai"yar - announcer or one plays the musical instrument called "Parai". "Parai" means announce
These people announce the decisions of village council to the villagers. They play "Parai" to gain the attention of the villagers while doing their job.
Vanniyar - businessmen
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