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Options for Pak Army in future role


Apr 24, 2007
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Options for Pak Army in future role

Shahid Hussain

So much has been written about present and future role of Pakistan Army in governing and serving Pakistan, particularly after the appointment of new Army Chief. Glaring change of past and present role is very much visible, mentioning not may not be able to do justice with writings. Since he took over the charge of Pakistan Army, his each and every moment is being scrutinized and commenting upon by the politicians, media and masses of Pakistan. One must acknowledge the few immediate steps taken by him, like reversion of serving officers back to Army who were posted to various civil departments, secondly clear-cut disengagement of Army and its intelligence agencies in recently held elections and helped civil administration only in smooth and fair conduct of elections, thirdly asked Army personnel to refrain from meeting politicians and any participation in political activities which can bring bad name to the institution.

According to reliable sources there have been other revolutionary and praiseworthy steps taken by the General, to elevate the life of soldiers through improvement of administration, introducing number of welfare measures to raise their morale and declaring years 2008 as a soldier year. The steps taken were highly appreciated and well received in serving and retired army lot as well.

Helping in conduct of fair and free elections in volatile situation, restricting in its own parameters is an underlined message to the politician, bureaucracy and civil administration that every own should do their own job and Army in any case is not going to interfere in future. The worst scenario which was resulted in bringing much ill repute to Army, was due to the negative and weak role displayed by some of senior bureaucrats and politicians who took the forces for granted that, calling Army especially in worst political situation is an easy solution of the answer. Moreover Ex Chief General Pervez Musharaff remained really very enthusiastic in employing Army everywhere in the country, whether it was earthquake or war on terrorism. At the same time it may not be considered that forces would not be called in aid to civil power but the way of employment in future might be different from the past.

In just three years, Army has carried out certain visible development works in the tribal belt which were never taken in last 50 years since 1947. Let’s only take the example of war on terrorism where reportedly more than 3000 innocent officers and men have lost their precious lives, but instead media and masses have remained critical to the role of armed forces in eliminating militancy and extremism from the tribal areas. Our valiant Army became the victim of an international conspiracy. Rift and gulf between forces, masses and Ex Chief has been listening and dancing on the tunes due to the involvement of unknown masters. Masses are very wise to understand that Army works under a system of do or die, obey orders. But unfortunately few illiterate religious extremists were poisoned by anti state elements supported by foreign intelligence agencies that every soldier of security agency is a part of conspiracy theory and busy in their elimination . The new chief has a daunting task to repair the damage caused to this brave Army man and is taking immediate measures to restore the lost pride. Top brass of Army too smelt the involvement of some of secret hands against Pakistan in war on terrorism.

They felt that prevailing policy do require some change in so-called war on terrorism and also rightly realized the forthcoming challenges to be faced by the country .General has achieved the confidence of his troops , reflected his commitment of no further involvement in political affairs, spelled out priorities of professional Army , assured its full support to the newly elected political hierarchy and thus gave a message to them to take charge of this country. One should always remember that true political force of any country do require the support of masses, media, courts, and well trained Army to implement its policies and defend the exterior boundaries . This is the time now for newly elected Government to make some policies and arrangements in improving the socio-economic condition of general public and redefine national foreign policy keeping in view the prevailing security environment. Pakistan army has been dragged into a conflict which was against the will of own people. Strong resentment against the existing policies has been displayed in the last elections by the nation too.

According to a report strong drift in policy has been seen in the top Army brass just after the missile attacks in tribal areas by NATO forces. It has been reported that officer of defence representative of NATO forces commonly known as ODRP tried their level best to meet military officers in military operation branch at GHQ but any such request was denied. It is a positive sign and now options are open to Army to redesign and suggest USA and NATO forces about their priorities that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is expected that General Kayani will be well aware of all ground realities and will take immediate measures to boost the morale of Pak Army who has done marvels while serving their mother land , whether saving WAPDA, railway, earthquake, flood and last but not least protecting the frontiers by sacrificing their lives.

It is never too late, let’s hope that Pakistan Army in future adopts the course in meeting its professional obligations, i.e. serving the country through protecting exterior boundaries of our motherland. At the same time people and media should understand follies of one single individual can’t be attributable to the entire institution.
At the same time people and media should understand follies of one single individual can’t be attributable to the entire institution.

Very righly said. It is always A GENERAL who becomes AMBITIOUS, gets overawed by his sense of PATRIOTISM and considers himself the only SAVIOUR who imposes marshal law or something like it. This is certainly a PSYCHOLOGICAL condition but with full sincerity. His ambition keeps him going for a long time which spoils image of the entire army in the long run.

Some questions came to my mind while reading this which may not be relating to the crux of the article. however i am putting them here for your comments....

1. Gen Kayani is no doubt doing a marvellous job. Will his successor follow suit OR is liable to get ambitious? What to do about it?

2. What should the under command junior generals do in face of an ambitious general because questioning orders is not a tradition in armed forces?

3. If an army chief sees the country on the verge of anarchy, what should he do?
Very righly said. It is always A GENERAL who becomes AMBITIOUS, gets overawed by his sense of PATRIOTISM and considers himself the only SAVIOUR who imposes marshal law or something like it. This is certainly a PSYCHOLOGICAL condition but with full sincerity. His ambition keeps him going for a long time which spoils image of the entire army in the long run.

Some questions came to my mind while reading this which may not be relating to the crux of the article. however i am putting them here for your comments....

1. Gen Kayani is no doubt doing a marvellous job. Will his successor follow suit OR is liable to get ambitious? What to do about it?


2. What should the under command junior generals do in face of an ambitious general because questioning orders is not a tradition in armed forces?


3. If an army chief sees the country on the verge of anarchy, what should he do?


just my 2 cents!
If you see the history no government including military can successfully run developing countries. The same is true in case of Pakistan.
But in Pakistan the previous governments are Prosecuted and blamed for every misery. I can already sense chaos with civilian government this will soon assume greater proportion and will attract public apathy Military rule may return back.
The simplest answer is that every institution should follow the role assigned to it in constitution.
There is nothing one can do about over ambitious general. Only people of Pakistan can send him home. Remember Musharaf messed with lawyers and lost army chiefs post and his favourites were defeated in general elections. Imagine what will happen if entire nation came out against marshal law and dictatorship.
It is always A GENERAL who becomes AMBITIOUS, gets overawed by his sense of PATRIOTISM and considers himself the only SAVIOUR who imposes marshal law or something like it. This is certainly a PSYCHOLOGICAL condition but with full sincerity. His ambition keeps him going for a long time which spoils image of the entire army in the long run.

The above makes for good copy among those who have not a clue as to how decision are made in Pak Fauj, however; it does not correspond with reality.

Decisions in the top level of the Fauj are made on the basis of consensus. Therefore the idea that "A General" becomes "ambitious" and gets...... is just the propaganda of the street thugs who imagine themselves as those who understand the rule of law and of a media that knows nothing but it's bias.:pakistan::pakistan:

Pakistani armed forces have also reluctantly assumed center stage and always, always because of the failure of the hooligans and who are little better than criminals with immunity.

But we must concede that those who despise the patriotic armed forces of Pakistan are having their day - fair enough, but we will see that this same media will be singing a different tune in a short time.

The former chief justice, in the pay of Nawaz and his masters, today has been created by the media into a hero -- do the media really imagine that Pakistanis will forget that the ex CJP swore an oath on the PCO that he and his fellow travelers today revile??
I don't know about others but it seems you are the one miles away from reality.
Musharaf himself on a number of occassions has said that command is not shared with some one. COAS takes decision and are then implemented by the army.
Care to explain following:
1. What were the reasons behind Ayub Khans marshal law? Situation was not one that demanded such a drastic measure.
2. When Ayub Khan finally left why did he handover the powers to another general instead of following the constitution?
3. When Pakistan was divided why didn't all those involved hanged or shot?
4. Why did Zia imposed marshal law when all the political parties had agreed on an agenda? Why was Bhutto hanged when he was not even a prime accussed in the murder case? He was only accused of planning and not carrying out the muder. The maximum sentence possible is life sentence not death in the case one is accussed of planning a murder.
5. Why Musharaf imposed marshal law in 1999? After all what Nawaz Sharif did was remove him from office. What maximum loss that could have caused to army. Just a change over of command from one person to another.

The anwswer to all these questions is simple. Try to find out.

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