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Opinionated - What is wrong in Pakistan?

You know what our problem is!! we do not recognize our problem infact we blame it on others. e.g.

1. Had there been no partition, we would have been working under the hindus. - Problem here is that we never went into studies while HIndu did. Had the Muslim of India studied they would never be in that stage in which they are now. (Please note I am talking about the plight due to non education. I have nothing against the partition )

2. When there is a terrorist attack, instead of looking around us, we shun it saying 'This can not be done by the Muslims" . December 16 attacker on APS, no no they can't be Muslims. Bhai they were Muslims just like the people who killed Hussain RA in karbala were Muslim.

3. Then its the free mason. Well if there are free mason and you know it why don't you do anything about it.

4. Never checked the details of the person we are voting for, while buying fruits and vegetables we smell them , taste them check them hard.
In one word: Bajwa.....

Here Bajwa represents an evil nexus b/w civil/military bureaucracy, judiciary, media, business, NGOs etc. and mafias (Shrifs, Zardaris etc.). And, it's under the imperialists......
Some of problems in my opinion:
1. Lack of civic sense in the community. As a result there is no regard for other person, no sense of responsibility among the masses. If someone does a bad thing (for example: driving wrong side of the road, throwing garbage on the road, or into a canal) others and he/she himeself/herself consider this as his personal attitude (and most of us say that he will be answerable in the afterlife), resultantly there is no one to stop or at least discourage his/her behaviour which leads to a vicious cycle in our community.
2. Lack of rule of law: For this the system including LEAs, implementers, politicians, and the powerful are responsible. Two types of systems entirely different for powerful and the weak have led to the chaotic situation.
3. Corruption and napotism: This is the product of the political system brought into the county leading to deployment of corrupt, inefficient, and incompetent personnel in the system.
4. Lack of awareness: Rather than holding the culprits mentioned above responsible and accountable our people just sit around and wait for miracles (without changing themselves) and the famous saying "hamaray a'amal ki saza", not even regarding the hefty taxes we pay which the responsible use for their lewdness and levish lifestyle.
People talk about reforms and other things, yes those are also needed but equally important is that we change ourselves as a society, along with accountability and implementation of laws and regulations already devised.
Copy the political system of China. One party-state system.
How is this idea: Ask China if Pakistan can be made into a "Pakistan - Special Administrative Region", akin to Hong Kong. Pakistan gets to keep its government, but the top officials are appointed by China. This seems to have worked well in Hong Kong for the last 20+ years.
How is this idea: Ask China if Pakistan can be made into a "Pakistan - Special Administrative Region", akin to Hong Kong. Pakistan gets to keep its government, but the top officials are appointed by China. This seems to have worked well in Hong Kong for the last 20+ years.
Wow what a moron you are.

China can help us, China does not want to conquer Pakistan.
China does not want to conquer Pakistan.
No one is conquering anyone. In business, this is called as outsourcing. Since things are not working out in Pakistan government system, ask someone else to run it better. Who better than China who is a trusted friend and confidante for 75 years.
No one is conquering anyone. In business, this is called as outsourcing. Since things are not working out in Pakistan government system, ask someone else to run it better. Who better than China who is a trusted friend and confidante for 75 years.
China is an ally, not our masters like USA tries to do.
Indian neighbor, American interference and the Pakistani army. Pakistan isn't improving anytime soon. If anything, expect more degradation.

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