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OPINIONATED: The Desi Frustration...


Jul 16, 2011
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United States

I wanted to rant in this thread in hopes it creates some awareness in newly coming students/ visitors/ workers to any country outside Pakistan, especially western countries.

By now you must have already seen the viral video circulating social media where the guy is engaged in inappropriate conversations with a 13-year-old...The insanity of such people is beyond words.

The video is but another nail in the coffin for Pakistan's image in the world's eyes. If you haven't yet, please step out of your cave and see what's going on around you in the world.

It's not just Pakistanis, but the brown guys in general. In case this video hasn't yet shaken you to your core, feel free to grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy a few episodes of "To Catch a Predator". All kinds of people were caught there including Asians, Arabs, Indians, and Pakistanis of course, among others.


First off, these damaged desi men need to shake this false idea that "Gori maames are waiting for them abroad" or that they are "easy game". More on Gori mamme's perspective later...

Their thought process is that the first thing they will do is score 5 chicks with minimal focus on the mission (study). In my 20+ years in the states, I have seen such personalities. They didn't stick around for more than 1 year. They were either removed or called back.

Please, when you go abroad, understand that the law is different and more strict for you, esp men. Until you become a citizen of that country you are always at their mercy.

Come with a motive to study, complete it, and elevate yourself in education or profession be it abroad or back home. If you cannot get a grip on your emotions and physical needs, either get married or .... you know the second choice.

Yes, you are not required to but helping with the removal of stereotypes, disdain, and the ill view of desis all over the world will help you, your kids, and the community at large one day.

Success shouldn't be how many chicks you scored, be it in Pakistan or elsewhere but how far you have come in life to create a better situation for your family.


(Not all but a fair majority) Disgust to an extreme is how they feel for desi men, I kid you not.

The way desi men have started a creepy campaign mesmerized by fair skin syndrome, the Goris are rightfully scared of them.

Watch a few tiktoks of these women that mention how many brown guys IM them with extremely creepy messages.

Yes, you are allowed to fall in genuine love and marry. I have seen many Pakistani and white successful couples.

Don't do it for papers, it never works (immigration agencies aren't stupid).

Don't do it to fulfill your sexual desires, it will backfire on you.

Before Gori, they are human beings and treat them as such. They are not your playthings, not your easy ticket. And the same applies to all women regardless of color and ethnicity.

Please for the love of God or whatever you hold dear, get a grip on your emotions.

If you are on the fence about risking your future, please stop before you land in a meat grinder. Seek other passions. Be a Gentleman. Do better and don't end up like this guy...

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