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Opinionated - I can now confirm with a certainity that all redlines of Russia has been crossed - We entered a decisive moment

That is a pretty pessimistic view. Anyway, I am 77 years old and can except the end of times. A nuclear war, I suppose, would be good for stopping climate change. It might put humanity back a few hundred years. Congratulations to Vladimir Putin for being, possibly, the world's most effective climate change opponent!

Few decades ago there was thing called Cold War… then few called for warming relations… but seems relations became to hot…. Then they started to scare with global warming, their ultimate weapon against it : Greta ! She was so cold that we are back to cold war but LGBT created greata confusion that cold is transgendered now as cold is hot !
There has been multiple attacks across Russia today and the Ukrainians are openly claiming it and the Ukro Legions in Belgorod are saying we want to go to Moscow and being unapologetic.

An Oil refinery was hit including other targets across Russia. I also saw Putins reaction it looked like a man who is prepared for the eventual fall-out which is nuclear.

Russia is gonna use Nuclear weapons inside Ukraine this is a forgone conclusion and the question is only about when but them using there is no doubt about it anymore. I expect strikes on Kiev and across other Ukrainian cities both tactical and stragetic nukes.

Will NATO intervene? that is the million dollar question and honestly I would prefer them to not it would put everyone at risk. Honestly I don't see the US or EU getting drawn into that.

But Russia will first start with striking Ukraine if there is involvement other then condemnations they will expand the striking circle to boarder areas but I don't see involvement other then condemnations but one thing is for certain that Russian decision makers redlines has been crossed weeks ago now and they could respond within this year or next year.

But I expect first full mobilization and followed by Martial law and then Nuclear strikes across Ukraine.

We have climbed the ladder of escalations to the final point where we can't go higher up
Screenshoting this for the memes.

Bruh, Russia isn't gonna use nukes, and they've already done multiple mobilization. They don't have any more people left to send.

Using nukes would be suicide, because radiation would spillover into Russia. You think radiation gives a **** about national borders?

This thread is retarded.
why would they waste nukes on ukraine

if it ever get to the point where they have to use nukes u rly think they gonna waste it on ukraine?

modern thermonuclear doctrine is not about laying waste to some economic backwater

it's about global destruction so that no one get a leg up at the end

population is also sparse in ukraine so there's rly no need to use any kind of nuke
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Ukraine is the new Afghanistan.
Too puffed up in nationalism, and too few brain cells to think with good reasoning.
Same as Afghani, they will celebrate "Victory ' over ruins of own country, and half of the population dead, while not being able to recover for another century.
you are free to rollover and spread your legs :enjoy:
The most hawkish guys in Russia are the following.. Medvedev, Putin and Yevgeny..

Peskov, suigo, and Lavrov arent

No, the most serious people in Russia are the chechens, they have not doubts. Chechens must take accountability of Russia future, because they are the men on charge.

I think Chechens alone can win the war.
. .
If Russia uses tactical nukes in Ukraine there would not be any nuking of Russia, New York, London, Brussels, DC, Paris, Berlin etc are too valuable compared to Ukraine
Why not share your intel instead of being vague.. You are being unhelpful.. Spill the beans or just stop the sarcasm
Why not share YOUR intel?

LOL Says the guy who got beat in Afghanistan and is now getting smoked in Ukraine.
Dude,you're still that guy. How many times do I have to remind you? You live in Netherlands. You're Dutch.
Anyone who uses Nuclear weapons will become a global pariah. Russia is fast losing friends and in any case, it will lose any goodwill it was despite invading Ukraine. Even the Chinese will abandon Russia and may even talk against them or call for action against them if there is another Nuclear winter in Eastern Europe.
Britain is the first target

really? UK has maintained at sea continuous nuclear deterrence since June 1969

Royal Navy has 4 x Vanguard Ballistic Missile Submarines soon to be replaced with 4 x Dreadnaught Class SSBM

each one carries 16 x Trident missiles, Trident has been tested in over 200 launches in past 30 years to validate and revalidate the systems in place

each missile has MRV and can Destroy a entire continent

you even think of UK and Russia will be gone, whole lot from East to West
77 can u leave ur stuff to me when u die
Well, I'm going to leave my "stuff" to a mixture of charities and my children. But in the event that Vladimir kicks off nuclear armaggedon, my stuff will be radioactive anyway ....
There has been multiple attacks across Russia today and the Ukrainians are openly claiming it and the Ukro Legions in Belgorod are saying we want to go to Moscow and being unapologetic.

An Oil refinery was hit including other targets across Russia. I also saw Putins reaction it looked like a man who is prepared for the eventual fall-out which is nuclear.

Russia is gonna use Nuclear weapons inside Ukraine this is a forgone conclusion and the question is only about when but them using there is no doubt about it anymore. I expect strikes on Kiev and across other Ukrainian cities both tactical and stragetic nukes.

Will NATO intervene? that is the million dollar question and honestly I would prefer them to not it would put everyone at risk. Honestly I don't see the US or EU getting drawn into that.

But Russia will first start with striking Ukraine if there is involvement other then condemnations they will expand the striking circle to boarder areas but I don't see involvement other then condemnations but one thing is for certain that Russian decision makers redlines has been crossed weeks ago now and they could respond within this year or next year.

But I expect first full mobilization and followed by Martial law and then Nuclear strikes across Ukraine.

We have climbed the ladder of escalations to the final point where we can't go higher up

If you are posting your opinion in first post then identify it as such.
Few decades ago there was thing called Cold War… then few called for warming relations… but seems relations became to hot…. Then they started to scare with global warming, their ultimate weapon against it : Greta ! She was so cold that we are back to cold war but LGBT created greata confusion that cold is transgendered now as cold is hot !
Mr. Vortex, I don't completly follow your reasoning here. However, perhaps, if we could convince Vladimir to "express" his feminine side, to transition, to take testerosterone blockers big time, nuclear war could be averted.
really? UK has maintained at sea continuous nuclear deterrence since June 1969

Royal Navy has 4 x Vanguard Ballistic Missile Submarines soon to be replaced with 4 x Dreadnaught Class SSBM

each one carries 16 x Trident missiles, Trident has been tested in over 200 launches in past 30 years to validate and revalidate the systems in place

each missile has MRV and can Destroy a entire continent

you even think of UK and Russia will be gone, whole lot from East to West

missiles belong to americans.
Mr. Vortex, I don't completly follow your reasoning here. However, perhaps, if we could convince Vladimir to "express" his feminine side, to transition, to take testerosterone blockers big time, nuclear war could be averted.

my reply had 2 parts. But after re reading it, I figured that I could breach western laws, and end with a criminal record due to the second part so I have deleted it. Now the 1st part seems headless post.

Just a clue, Moscow has of big importance for Zelenskyy and its people… even before the issue of Ukraine/Russia.

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