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Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

30 days Kargil war cost us approx 1 Bill USD , similarly SWAT operation costing us 3 to 4 mill USD SWAT per day, if we start FATA operation cost will be 10 Million per day.

Our yearly national budget is 4 to 5 Bill USD , so our war for terrorism is totally dependent on US allies aid and grants.

If want to completely flush these terrorist it may cost us 50 Billion USD in five years.

Sources ?? Links ??
Pakistan suicide bomber training camp destroyed

A Training camp for suicide bombers!!!? Give me a break .........
Sometimes those ISPR mandarins border on ridiculous comedy! Its so patently absurd!!.

Why don't you say it openly that we butchered a few uncouth illiterate Swatis; and the best cover up is to label them as "suicide bombers under training"!!

Wow, you really do have Psychic or telepathic abilities, that by sitting at home you come to know who is being killed by whom.

CIA must be told about you, you can really give the location of OBL or lets forget CIA, come to Pakistan, PA will thank you a lot by your ability to locate the Murderous Taliban, Fazlullah, Hakeem Ullah or the culprits who have killed so far thousands in Suicide bombings all across Pakistan. In this way the killing of illiterate swatis & tribal people by the hands of PA will finish & you can sleep well at night.

Let me know your add & telephone numbers, i have someone in the ISI, will definitely give you a call.

I do hope i am not wrong about your capabilities Because if i am then you are same as those who have killed thousands of innocent human beings & made thousands orphan in the name of Islam.

I do hope one day the tragedy of someone near & dear killed comes to your doorstep, so that the pain caused to you make you realize what kind of BS thoughts you have.

Instead of trolling here, either go to Afghanistan & take out your frustration by killing some NATO forces, by trolling here & posting BS kind of stuff without knowing the facts doesn't adds any good deed in your account, rather you stand in the same line who kill innocent human beings in the name of Islam.
Pakistan suicide bomber training camp destroyed

A Training camp for suicide bombers!!!? Give me a break .........
Sometimes those ISPR mandarins border on ridiculous comedy! Its so patently absurd!!.

Why don't you say it openly that we butchered a few uncouth illiterate Swatis; and the best cover up is to label them as "suicide bombers under training"!!

You are the most capable person to comment on Pakistani issues as you are sitting so close to the ground realities in UK.

BTW, have you seen that video which showed Pakistani talibans training/brainwashing children to become suicide bombers?
^ what would army get out of killing innocent civilians purposely? What proof do you have that it wasn't a training camp? Anyway, one of your "innocent suicide bomber" killed about 14 volunteer police cadet in swat today, hope you're happy with the Taliban payback. I, on the other hand pray and hope the army and the police continue to hunt these Taliban nasoors like dogs, kill and terminate them with vengence and extreme prejudice. I also hope they torture these taliban before killing them so to give you Taliban sympathisers great heartburn and diarea.

We all the above less the highlighted text. They dont deserve to be wasted time upon and even if we do such acts, what difference would remain between us and them?
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

Update Operation (Rah e Rast) 30 August 2009

1. Search and clearance operations are continuing in Swat and Malakand.

2. Swat

a. Security forces conducted search operation at Ahingro Derai and apprehended 20 suspects.

b. Security forces conducted search operation at Saidabad, Panr near Mingora and apprehended 9 suspects.

c. Security forces conducted search operation at Bampur Sar, Sar Colony, Minglour, Banjot and Sabar Shah and apprehended 6 suspects.

d. Security forces conducted search operation at village Garai near Fatehpur and apprehended 2 terrorists.

e. Security forces conducted search operation at Loe Namal and recovered cache of arms and IED making accessories.

f. Security forces conducted search operation at Shin Kad area near Tiligram and apprehended 4 suspects.

g. Security forces conducted search operation at Kanju,Kabbal and apprehended 3 suspects.

h. A terrorist voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Chakdarra Fort.

3. DIR. Security forces carried out search operation at Lamatai and Suripao and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

4. Relief Activities.
277,056 cash cards have been distributed amongst the IDPs of Malakand.
Thirty militants killed in Swat clashes: army

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani soldiers killed at least 30 Taliban militants in overnight gun battles across the northwestern Swat Valley after a suicide bombing on a police station killed 17 cadets, the military said Monday.

The al-Qaeda-linked insurgents have vowed to avenge the army's recent offensive to retake the Swat Valley and the death of their top leader in a US missile strike near the Afghan border.

Sunday's suicide attack in Swat was the deadliest attack since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Soldiers looking for militants after the attack encountered resistance in several areas, and battles raged overnight into early Monday, army spokesman Col. Akhtar Abbas said.

A separate army statement said one soldier was killed in the fighting in three separate areas of the valley.

The military has said it is restoring security in Swat after its three-month offensive ended the Taliban's rule over many areas there. But suicide attacks and skirmishes continue.

The death toll in Sunday's suicide attack rose to 17 on Monday as one of the wounded died, local hospital official Ikram Khan said.

The bomber sneaked into a police courtyard in the valley's main town of Mingora and detonated his explosives next to a group of volunteers training for a community policing force.
Thirty militants killed in Swat clashes: army

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani soldiers killed at least 30 Taliban militants in overnight gun battles across the northwestern Swat Valley after a suicide bombing on a police station killed 17 cadets, the military said Monday.

The al-Qaeda-linked insurgents have vowed to avenge the army's recent offensive to retake the Swat Valley and the death of their top leader in a US missile strike near the Afghan border.

Sunday's suicide attack in Swat was the deadliest attack since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Soldiers looking for militants after the attack encountered resistance in several areas, and battles raged overnight into early Monday, army spokesman Col. Akhtar Abbas said.

A separate army statement said one soldier was killed in the fighting in three separate areas of the valley.

The military has said it is restoring security in Swat after its three-month offensive ended the Taliban's rule over many areas there. But suicide attacks and skirmishes continue.

The death toll in Sunday's suicide attack rose to 17 on Monday as one of the wounded died, local hospital official Ikram Khan said.

The bomber sneaked into a police courtyard in the valley's main town of Mingora and detonated his explosives next to a group of volunteers training for a community policing force.

Pakistan army kills 45 Taliban; border reopens - Press-Telegram

Pakistan army kills 45 Taliban; border reopens

By The Associated Press
Posted: 08/31/2009 09:55:48 AM PDT

ISLAMABAD - Pakistani soldiers killed at least 45 Taliban militants in scattered gunbattles across the northwestern Swat Valley after a suicide bombing on a police station killed 17 cadets, the army said Monday.

Hundreds of miles (kilometers) away, a southwestern border crossing with Afghanistan reopened after an administrative dispute culminated in an attack on a line of waiting NATO fuel tankers. One driver was killed and 16 trucks destroyed when the fuel caught fire.

Taliban militants were suspected in both the police station bombing and the attack on the trucks, which came hours apart.

The insurgents have vowed to avenge the army's recent offensive to retake the Swat Valley and the death of their top leader in a U.S. missile strike near the Afghan border in early August.

Sunday's suicide bombing in Swat was the deadliest attack since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Soldiers looking for militants after the attack encountered resistance in several areas, and battles that raged into early Monday left 30 dead, army spokesman Col. Akhtar Abbas said.

Separate army statements Monday said 15 more militants were killed in security sweeps of five other areas over the previous 24 hours and two soldiers had died.

It was not possible to independently confirm the death toll provided by the army.

The military has said it is restoring security in Swat after its three-month offensive ended the Taliban's rule over many areas there. But suicide attacks and skirmishes continue.

The death toll in Sunday's suicide attack rose to 17 on Monday as one of the wounded died, local hospital official Ikram Khan said. The bomber sneaked into a police courtyard in the valley's main town of Mingora and detonated his explosives next to a group of volunteers training for a community policing force.

The other bomb, near the border crossing, ripped through a line of NATO fuel trucks backed up by a two-day closure resulting from a dispute over fruit inspections. At least one driver was killed and 16 trucks destroyed on the Pakistani side of the Chaman crossing, police official Gul Mohammad said.

The border crossing reopened Monday, he said.

Chaman is one of two main crossing points for supplies for American and NATO troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. The foreign troops get about 75 percent of their supplies through Pakistan.

Pakistani customs officials said their increased and lengthy inspections of Afghan trucks carrying pomegranates and grapes prompted Afghan officials to close the border.

Officials had warned the closure was a security risk because it left nearly 1,000 trucks, many of them carrying supplies to international troops, exposed. The Taliban's Afghan heartland of Kandahar is just across the border.

Customs and security officials from both sides agreed to end their dispute Monday, Mohammad said.
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

Pakistan army kill 15 militants, arrest 22 in operations

Pakistan army kill 15 militants, arrest 22 in operations

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) — Pakistan’s security forces killed 15 militants and apprehended 22 others in the continued search and clearance operations in northwest Pakistan’s Swat and Malakand districts during the last 24 hours, the army said Monday.

The army said in a daily update that the security forces conducted search operation at Allahabad near Charbagh in Swat and killed five militants in exchange of fire and one soldier was killed.

According to sources, there is an environment of mourning in Mingora after killing of 16 security officials in Sunday’s suicide attack.

Meanwhile, reports said 29 bodies of militants killed during operation have been recovered from tehsil Char Bagh as search operation continues in Haji Baba and Malukabad areas of Mingora, the main town in Swat.

Security forces demolished houses of five militant commanders in Charbagh. In another incident, two militants were killed during clash between forces and militants. Swat media center said weapons also recovered in the action.

On relief activities, the army said, so far 278,620 cash cards have been distributed amongst the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of Malakand.

Over 1,600 militants have been killed since Pakistani security forces launched the military operation against Taliban militants late April after militants in early April entered the Buner district from the neighboring Swat district and refused to vacate the area despite their pledge to do so.
105 terrorists surrender, 2 killed: ISPR

Updated at: 1720 PST, Tuesday, September 01, 2009
ISLAMABAD: At least two more terrorists were killed while around 105 others including a local commander voluntarily surrendered and 19 others were apprehended by the security forces in Swat and Malakand Division.

The ISPR giving details about the operation Rah-e-Raast on Tuesday stated that around 104 terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Kanju while a local terrorist commander (close associate of Fazal Ullah) also surrendered to security forces at Garai near Sakhra.

Security forces conducted search operation at Akhun Kille where two terrorists were killed while in a separate search operation at Kokray, Janbeel 15 terrorists were apprehended by security forces which also recovered cache of arms and ammunitions.

As result of another search operation at Kharairai near Mattaand Amankot the security forces apprehended four terrorists.

So far 280,580 cash cards have been distributed amongst the IDPs of Malakand who have withdrawn Rs 6.5 billion.

105 terrorists surrender, 2 killed: ISPR
More details on the above mentioned surrender:
SWAT: The commander of the operation against militants in the area of Swat, Kanju underlined that 105 militants have laid down their arms during search and clearance operations.

During a Press Briefing, Brigadier Suleman said the operation is moving in the right direction and as a result of it 105 militants have laid down their arms, out of which 18 were most wanted.

In response to a question, he said the militants will be presented before Qazi Courts adding that their future will be decided by the courts rather than the army. He said that those militants who will not lay arms will face will be killed.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | More than a hundred militants lay down arms

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Love this photograph:

More details on the above mentioned surrender:

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Love this photograph:

Well its an amazing sight to see such photographs, this kind of picture tells the commitment the PA & other local SF have & willing to give their lives. Have seen many other such photos where SF people have written different patriotic slogans.

May Allah give them the courage to fight this evil & success in eliminating them. Ameen
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Swat diary: 'Bright future ahead'

Swat diary: 'Bright future ahead'

Swat residents face many checkpoints and curfews

Munir (not his real name), an administrator in the Swat region of Pakistan, has returned to his home in Swat three months after his family fled the conflict there. He describes the challenges of daily life with optimism about the future.


We returned to Swat on 2 August. We were very excited. We were desperate to go to our village, but we were told by other villagers over the phone that people were not allowed to enter the village without a special pass.
Therefore we had to stay near Mingora for two days to obtain such passes before we could return to our home village. More than two feet grass had grown while we were away. Everything seemed to be in its place, nothing was stolen.

See a map of the region

After a few days staying at home I went out for a walk around the village. I found many houses badly damaged in the fighting. Our relatives' houses were among the damaged ones. Electricity wires and phone cables were lying scattered on the ground, although we do have power and our phone is working.

Many houses and shops were plundered. I saw three shops completely emptied. One shopkeeper told me that 200 sacks of rice had been stolen from his shop.

Three or four houses belonging to militants were completely razed to the ground. The army is still coming to our village to destroy houses known to belong to militants.

'Militants defeated'

I saw the hairdresser in my village openly and bravely shaving people. I heard songs in the streets and in the shops for the first time after a long while.

About 80% of the people from our village have returned. Life is getting back to normal, but there are problems.

Many people are without jobs due to the curfews and people can't move easily inside Swat. Swat is like a jail for us now - there are many checkpoints and curfews are imposed all the time. People are sick of them.

I am very happy of the way things have turned up... I see that the militants have been defeated.

Electric power is another big problem. It is so weak, that we can't switch on the motor to pump water up and we can't turn on the refrigerator to cool things. Power cuts can happen any time.

People are a little bit worried again as several suicide attacks occurred in the last few days. But as a whole, people are happy and satisfied with the operation in the area.

We are very happy with the army: people pat soldiers on the back and give them food and gifts - something that had never happened in the past. The army has regained its popularity. People feel indebted to the army also because it has reduced the price of bread from five to two rupees.

Everyone is pleased to be back home, though most people, including me, are anxious that leaders of the militants still haven't been arrested or killed.

You hear about bodies of militants turning up these days. Many people are of the view that the security forces are behind this.

But regardless of who's responsible, people get really happy when they hear that militants have been killed, because their dear ones were brutally killed by those militants. I have so many stories of the cruelties happening in our lands. I hope I will write them down one day.

I am myself very happy of the way things have turned up. I am optimistic about the future because I see that the militants have been defeated.

They can't hold such a powerful position here again. Swat has a bright future because its people have learnt the importance of peace and education. They have become united.

I am now thinking about my wedding, which will take place soon after the Eid, before October.
Gaziantep Haberleri,Nizip,Nurdaðý,Araban,Islahiye,Karkamýþ, Þehitkamil [ Pakistan army kills 30 militants in Swat ]

Pakistan army kills 30 militants in Swat

The Pakistani army says it has killed at least 30 militants in the troubled Swat valley, situated in the country's restive northwest.
01 Eylül 2009 Salı 18:13

The armed encounter between the militants and the army came just hours after a suicide bomber on Sunday killed 17 police cadets in the town of Mingora in the Swat valley, a Press TV correspondent reported citing military statements late on Monday.

The Sunday bombing at a police academy was the deadliest since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Fighting spread to several areas overnight and continued through early Monday. At least 30 militants were killed in Allahabad and the adjoining areas, Akhtar Abbas, a spokesman in Swat valley told reporters.

A Pakistani service member was also killed in the fierce fighting in Amankot area

[/COLOR]Love this photograph:

Speaking frankly these kinda (or similar) actions were discouraged in our Army. i mean the stuff like tucking a cigarette pack up your steel helmet, writing slogans (sarcastic and funny) behind your big packs, writing 'something' on the back of your boots was kinda forbidden, but then now it is guud to see many and many soldiers (to inculde officers and men) have written motivational slogans on their BP jackets, bandoliers etc etc which shows their motivation level, determination and the will to save Pakistan from the menace of terrorism. And i dont see anyone minding it on the name of discipline :)
I think these slogans are fine, they should write some other funny and witty ones as well, some catch phrase from a bus or rikshaw might be considered going too far but imagine reading "deakh magar pyaar say" on a soldier's jacket or vest etc lol

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