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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

While these 2 videos were posted by an Afghan to defame Pakistan (and he failed to do so), they are in fact good excerpts of a clearing op in Buner by army and SSG and firing range practice by FC.

Defame. I feel like the videos are nice. And i am going to upload them on youtube. :Cheers:. That afghani need to work hard if he want to defame our army.
Defame. I feel like the videos are nice. And i am going to upload them on youtube. :Cheers:. That afghani need to work hard if he want to defame our army.
Yes, the Afghan question is an idiot.

If you find the original source and full video also, please post it.
Top Taliban commanders arrested in Thall

PESHAWAR: Security forces have arrested seven militants including two top commanders of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan from the Thall region, DawnNews reported.

One of the commanders, Maulana Rafi Uddin is considered to be the right hand man of TTP commander Hakeemullah Mehsud. Rafi Uddin was swapped in July last year in exchange for ten kidnapped government officials.

The other top commander held on Saturday was Haji Gulzar who was running training camps along the area bordering Hangu, Orakzai and the Kurram Agency. Both have been shifted to an unknown location amid tight security for interrogation.

The two top commanders were arrested at the Shawa military check post in Spin Thall area after they managed to cross over into Waziristan from Hangu.

Terrorist Masterminds

Rafi Uddin had earlier patrolled the Kohat-Hangu highway along with a large number of heavily armed accomplices. Following his previous arrest, militants captured more than 60 government servants including 35 police, who also beheaded seven of them to put pressure on the government for the release of Maulana Rafi ud Din and his five accomplices. The militants also laid siege around the Doaba police station and killed 12 officials of frontier constabulary including the district head by putting them before a firing squad.

The other top commander held on Saturday was Haji Gulzar who is said to be running camps astride the borders of Hangu with Orakzai Agency and Kurram Agency. Both were shifted to unknown location amid tight security for interrogation.


Maulvi Rafi ud Din and Haji Gulzar were arrested at a Shawa military check post in Spin Thall area when they had crossed into Waziristan from Hangu early on Saturday. They were going to North Waziristan Agency carrying huge quantity of heavy and small weapons. The officials termed their arrest as a great triumph for the security forces as both had let loose reign of terror and were wanted for killing of many government officials. The two are accused of sending suicide bombers and planting IEDs along the Kohat-Parachinar highway to disrupt troop movemens. They also masterminded several attacks at the families of the police officials.

Officials said that a third important TTP leader Aziz and other four militants were held from Shahu Khel area of Hangu district. The said area was captured by the security forces a fortnight back after a tough week long battle. Earlier it remained under the control of the TTP for eight years and the police was not allowed to enter the area.— DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Top Taliban commanders arrested in Thall
First of the Incidents around Wana


Dozens of militants attack Pakistan army checkpoint

WANA: Up to 40 militants attacked an army checkpoint, killing one soldier, a security official said on Saturday, after suicide bombers and gunmen killed dozens at a mosque near Pakistan’s military headquarters.

Soldiers at the checkpoint on a bridge in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, retaliated after coming under fire on Friday night, said the security official.

‘There were 30 to 40 militants who first fired rocket-propelled grenades at our post and then opened fire with AK-47 rifles which killed one of our soldiers. But we retaliated and killed six militants,’ a security official in the region, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.

An intelligence official said helicopter gunships also hit militant positions in the battle.— Reuters
First of the Incidents around Wana


Dozens of militants attack Pakistan army checkpoint

WANA: Up to 40 militants attacked an army checkpoint, killing one soldier, a security official said on Saturday, after suicide bombers and gunmen killed dozens at a mosque near Pakistan’s military headquarters.

Soldiers at the checkpoint on a bridge in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, retaliated after coming under fire on Friday night, said the security official.

‘There were 30 to 40 militants who first fired rocket-propelled grenades at our post and then opened fire with AK-47 rifles which killed one of our soldiers. But we retaliated and killed six militants,’ a security official in the region, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.

An intelligence official said helicopter gunships also hit militant positions in the battle.— Reuters

This is Mullah Nazir territory isn't it?
This is Mullah Nazir territory isn't it?

Yups, that is why i said, first of the incidents. But i believe these to be TTP guys, not his men, otherwise his men would have done something like that way before in the start when it mattered most.

I think it as a try to get PA and Wazir militants into battle, fake flag operation in other words.

Divert the attention from Mehsud area.
Haji Gulzar and his men were the bane of the existance of Kurramis. They blocked the road leading from Lower to Upper Kurram towards Parachinar. As a result, the locals were not getting medicines and other essential items. They were also occasionally sabotaging the electricity lines.

The Turri and Bangash Shiias were often the target of these men. Turri being fighters, they took care of the problem. But a lot of new people are trying to come into Kurram due to the effects of war in SWA.

This cannot be allowed. PA should work with Bangash and Turri tribesmen. These 2 tribes have for the most part set aside their differences --which were mostly sectarian/resource based.

Friendship tunnel, and all other roads/highways from Kohat onwards leading towards Kurram should be flushed clean.
Defame. I feel like the videos are nice. And i am going to upload them on youtube. :Cheers:. That afghani need to work hard if he want to defame our army.

probably just some disgruntled "afghan" tajik immigrant sitting comfortably in denmark or sweden

they come, and they go. :whistle:
Soldiers airlift poor SWA family to DI Khan
Sunday, December 06, 2009

WANA: A poor man who could not afford migration from South Waziristan owing to high fares of vehicles was airlifted to Dera Ismail Khan by the officers of Pakistan Army in a helicopter along with his aged and frail mother on Saturday.

Sources said when the military Operation “Rahi-e-Nejat” was launched against Hakimullah Mahsud-led militants, almost all residents in Ladha and Sarwekai tehsils left their villages for safer places.

However, Mirzali Khan Burki, 26, along with his old mother and family preferred to stay at his home in Kaniguram as he could not afford the high fares of the vehicles.

When the security forces reached the area, there was only one house from where they saw smoke wafting in the air in lower Kaniguram valley, sources said. When they knocked at the door, Mirzali appeared and narrated the reasons behind his staying behind, the sources said. The officials immediately arranged a helicopter for the desperate man and his family including his frail mother to shift them to Dera Ismail Khan where the IDPs from the area were staying.

Soldiers airlift poor SWA family to DI Khan
Yups, that is why i said, first of the incidents. But i believe these to be TTP guys, not his men, otherwise his men would have done something like that way before in the start when it mattered most.

I think it as a try to get PA and Wazir militants into battle, fake flag operation in other words.

Divert the attention from Mehsud area.
We can't be sure of this, but I hope you are right. Back-channel communications probably exist between the so far neutral miscreants and the ISI/Army. I am sure if it is a false flag op, it will be cleared up on the back-channels and will never come out in the open. It could, if you believe in such theories, be a ruse to try and get the PA to expand the offensive (we know who'd love that, don't we?).

Otherwise, if this were truly the Nazir militia waking up to support their "brothers", this might not be such a good sign. Eventually, one can predict, they will have to be taken on, but the so-called "good Taliban" should be contained for now.
God bless them all. May all the war affected people be comforted.

It is duty of all Pakistanis not just to keep them in their hearts, but to take action.

If we can't make military service mandatory for all Pakistanis, why we don't make community service (5-6 months) mandatory? Everything from cleaning up litter, to distributing relief packets

its good for people to people contact --people from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Of course -- when things get more peaceful and it is safe.
God bless them all. May all the war affected people be comforted.

It is duty of all Pakistanis not just to keep them in their hearts, but to take action.

If we can't make military service mandatory for all Pakistanis, why we don't make community service (5-6 months) mandatory? Everything from cleaning up litter, to distributing relief packets

its good for people to people contact --people from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Of course -- when things get more peaceful and it is safe.

Military service, in my opinion, should remain voluntary. Community service, however, should be mandatory for all youth, at least. The rule here in Ontario, Canada is 40 hours of community service in High School, and if you do over 100 hrs, you get a special certificate. But, that's not enough, not nearly. Approximately 40 hrs of community service per year should be mandatory if somebody wants to graduate high school (or equivalent), that is, 2 hours of community service for 20 days out of the year. This should not include work for political parties or campaigns, or professional work experience; it should be things like volunteering in a hospital, organizing community events, etc. And, in the end, those who exceed in community service should be eligible for government scholarships towards higher education.

There are just so many things we can do to get the ball rolling. What we need, before all of this, is a few honest people high up in the government. Whether that will ever happen, Allah knows best.
Military service, in my opinion, should remain voluntary. Community service, however, should be mandatory for all youth, at least. The rule here in Ontario, Canada is 40 hours of community service in High School, and if you do over 100 hrs, you get a special certificate. But, that's not enough, not nearly. Approximately 40 hrs of community service per year should be mandatory if somebody wants to graduate high school (or equivalent), that is, 2 hours of community service for 20 days out of the year. This should not include work for political parties or campaigns, or professional work experience; it should be things like volunteering in a hospital, organizing community events, etc. And, in the end, those who exceed in community service should be eligible for government scholarships towards higher education.

There are just so many things we can do to get the ball rolling. What we need, before all of this, is a few honest people high up in the government. Whether that will ever happen, Allah knows best.

and that's why Canadians are cool people, and quite civilized in my opinion. I've had limited interaction with Candians, but when i did meet them they were very friendly. I didnt realize there was some kind of limited 'animosity' between North Americans and Canadians though

to get back on point, community service is a good idea. Or at least internships at NGOs for a certain number of months....it's good to think ahead and work towards building the nation strong in the meantime.
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Can anyone explain to me one thing which i have failed to understand...
Whenever someone in a family dies... or is killed there is resentment against the killer in the family and all the members really want to see the killer dead.... i hope i am right so far...

similarly whenever a soldier is martyred his colleagues his friends and his family members feel the same .. and those who are in forces would be feeling more adrenaline in their blood ... right

now if a miscreant is dieing the same would be the case with their families... brothers and friends.. so isnt it that with the death of each miscreant each terrorist we are making their families and friends ... and even tribes men more vulnerable to being brainwashed by the foreign elements and could easily be converted into suicide bombers by easily misguiding them against the army and by manipulating through money ....

so with each such death are we not converting more suicidal bombers...
i would like to see them dead... but will it be the end.. .isnt it what our foreign enemies desire .. that we keep fighting the miscreants.. and keep this battle running...
please i need sincere advice ..
Top Taliban commanders arrested in Thall
Saturday, 05 Dec, 2009

One of the commanders, Maulana Rafi Uddin is considered to be the right hand man of TTP commander Hakeemullah Mehsud. Rafi Uddin was swapped in July last year in exchange for ten kidnapped government officials.

The other top commander held on Saturday was Haji Gulzar who was running training camps along the area bordering Hangu, Orakzai and the Kurram Agency. Both have been shifted to an unknown location amid tight security for interrogation.

The two top commanders were arrested at the Shawa military check post in Spin Thall area after they managed to cross over into Waziristan from Hangu.

Terrorist Masterminds

Rafi Uddin had earlier patrolled the Kohat-Hangu highway along with a large number of heavily armed accomplices. Following his previous arrest, militants captured more than 60 government servants including 35 police, who also beheaded seven of them to put pressure on the government for the release of Maulana Rafi ud Din and his five accomplices. The militants also laid siege around the Doaba police station and killed 12 officials of frontier constabulary including the district head by putting them before a firing squad.

The other top commander held on Saturday was Haji Gulzar who is said to be running camps astride the borders of Hangu with Orakzai Agency and Kurram Agency. Both were shifted to unknown location amid tight security for interrogation.


Maulvi Rafi ud Din and Haji Gulzar were arrested at a Shawa military check post in Spin Thall area when they had crossed into Waziristan from Hangu early on Saturday. They were going to North Waziristan Agency carrying huge quantity of heavy and small weapons. The officials termed their arrest as a great triumph for the security forces as both had let loose reign of terror and were wanted for killing of many government officials. The two are accused of sending suicide bombers and planting IEDs along the Kohat-Parachinar highway to disrupt troop movemens. They also masterminded several attacks at the families of the police officials.

Officials said that a third important TTP leader Aziz and other four militants were held from Shahu Khel area of Hangu district. The said area was captured by the security forces a fortnight back after a tough week long battle. Earlier it remained under the control of the TTP for eight years and the police was not allowed to enter the area.— DawnNews
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