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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

So, how much more time should we expect for the operation to go on ?
Will we ever be able to completely control the area and prevent anti-state elements to re group in the future.
Troops kill 20 militants in tribal areas
Friday, 11 Dec, 2009

PESHAWAR: Pakistan's military on Friday killed 20 insurgents and destroyed hideouts in northwest regions where they are pressing an ambitious offensive against the Taliban, officials said.

Armed forces this year launched multiple operations across the northwest tribal belt bordering Afghanistan, the stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban and a haven for Al-Qaeda fighters and other militants.

In Orakzai district in the centre of the tribal belt, nine militants were killed and two hideouts destroyed in airstrikes on the villages of Ghiljo and Mamoonzai, paramilitary force spokesman major Fazalur Rehman told AFP.

The UN said Friday that more than 40,000 civilians had fled the military operation in Orakzai and were in need of humanitarian assistance.

In neighbouring Khyber district, which is on the main land route to Afghanistan, seven militants were killed in a shoot-out with Pakistani troops at Shalobar village, officials in the area said.

Separately, in northwestern Swat valley outside the tribal belt but also the focus of a military offensive, troops killed four militants.

They included a man named as a local militant commander, Bacha Akbar, military spokesman Major Mushtaq Khan told AFP.

The army claims to have cleared Swat valley of the militant threat in a spring offensive, although sporadic militant attacks and clashes continue. -AFP
Thank you, All-Green, for that explanation. But please, could you point out the significance of the term "Pakhtunkhwa"? Why is it such a taboo topic in the political circles?

As far as I am concerned, they should have the right to choose the name of their own province, not the name the British used for them.
'The Paks, I think, are doing a good job of putting pressure on their side of the border and we're obviously going to do an even better job of putting pressure on the Afghan side the border,' Gates said, referring to US President Barack Obama's decision to deploy 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
Time will tell, Mr. Gates. For now, these are mere claims.
Watch this pic closely. This is from a wall on suicide training facility in Makeen, South Waziristan. The paintings are designed to present Jannat and the young minds are made to see them over and over to program them. There are many other pics as well where they have shown "hoorain","bagh" and "doodh ki nehrain".But this one is the most stunning one. The house in Jannat is shown as "Pakhtunkhwa Rest House". This name for NWFP is only used by ANP!!! No Muslim especially if they are real Mujahideen would ever use this name !!!!!
yeah I saw this and some other similar pictures on Dawn TV. They said this strategy was similiar to a man named Hassan Bin Sabah's. Nearly a thousand years ago Sabah fought against the kings and shahs of the middle east. Sabah brainwashed Persian peasant boys by giving them hashish until they fell asleep, when they'd wake up they'd be in a fake garden, made by Sabah, full of girls (hoors) they would spend some time in the garden then the girls would slip them hashish and they'd wake up back again in the real world. The boys would then be told they had been to Janat and if they wish to return they have to fight for Sabah and give their lives.
Artificial Jannat (heaven) established by the terrorists as training centre for brain washing of the suicide bombers has been captured
December 11, 2009

Artificial Jannat (heaven) established by the terrorists as training centre for brain washing of the suicide bombers has been captured by the security forces in South Waziristan Agency.

The Jannat at Nawaz Kot area of SWA was shown to the visiting team of the Peshawar based journalists by the ISPR authorities who were taken to the site in a heli Friday morning. The visiting team of the journalist was given a round of the ‘Jannat’ and briefed about the modus operandi of the terrorists for preparing the suicide bombers for the terrorist actions in the country.

The fake Heaven consisted of four rooms and each room containing beautiful paintings of running canals of milk and honey, paintings of the beautiful scenic valleys surrounded by the ‘Hoors’. The religious teachers in the training centre used to give a round of the Jannat to the would be bombers and made to convince that after their death in the suicide hit their status would be equal to Sahaba-e-Karaam and they will enjoy the close company of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

The young and immature brains were to be given a round of the Jannat by the terrorists led by Hakimullah Mehsud and they were told that after suicide attack they will go straight to Heaven and live there in peace and harmony in the close company of beautiful ‘Hoors’, said Major Saleem conducting officer at the site of the Jannat.

He informed that suicide bombers aging between12-18 were prepared in this training centre (Jannat) direct under the supervision of Hakeemullah Mehsud. The TTP Chief instigated the bombers about their never ending good days in ‘Jannat’. The bombers were to be told that they will live in close company of the Hoors besides benefiting forever from canals of milk and honey. He said this training centre (Jannat) has also a Slaughter House where the kidnapped security officials were to be killed.

Major Saleem said the training centre has also a torture cell where the security officials were severely tortured and they were to be chained and injected drugs. The security forces, he said have also captured huge cache of arms and ammunition from the training centre. He further told that the people working against terrorists and issuing decrees against them were also to be brought in the centre and slaughtered. The walls of the Slaughter House were inscribed with the blood that “those opposing us will meet the same fate”.

In response to a question, Major Saleem said, they security forces faced tough resistance while capturing this stronghold of the militants and added that after its capture, two bombers and their trainers were also arrested from the training centre. The journalists were also shown some vulgar literature, CDs seized from the training centre besides Hashish and other drugs recovered from the adjacent mosque.

The literature in Uzbek, Arabic and Pushto languages were confiscated during the operation. Later the visiting journalists were taken to Makeen and Ziarsar area of Spin Kamar. Colonel Asif Mehmud operation commander briefed the journalists and said the Makeen was considered to be the hub of the Taliban and the forces during operation Rah e Nijat faced stiff resistance while capturing it.

The Makeen School was training centre of the Baitullah Mehsud while he was living in the residence of his uncle close to the school. The forces have captured all the hill tops and strengthened its position in the area, he added. The area has been purged of the militants. On this occasion the arms seized was also shown to the journalists that included anti tanks mines, rockets, missiles and other foreign weapons.

KIRKUK: US intelligence shows militants linked to al Qaeda and other groups have been fleeing South Waziristan in the face of a Pakistani military offensive, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Friday.

'We see some evidence in the intelligence that they (Pakistani forces) are forcing al Qaeda and some of the other terrorists out of South Waziristan and they're fleeing, and some of them are talking about going back into Afghanistan,' Gates told US troops during a visit to the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

'They've kind of stirred up the nest there, and I think that's a good thing.'

Gates praised what he called 'significant military operations (by Pakistan) that have only increased in size and tempo' in recent months.

'The Paks, I think, are doing a good job of putting pressure on their side of the border and we're obviously going to do an even better job of putting pressure on the Afghan side the border,' Gates said, referring to US President Barack Obama's decision to deploy 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

The Pakistani army is battling militants linked to al Qaeda in South Waziristan. Militants have hit back with attacks in Pakistani cities.

hope it will translate into action!:pakistan::usflag:
Just knowing abt current Affairs. This operation Rah e Nijat is going good. Plz comment on the current situation in Peshawar. Is it bcoz of this operation or something else? If there is some saperate thead kindly reffer.

Just knowing abt current Affairs. This operation Rah e Nijat is going good. Plz comment on the current situation in Peshawar. Is it bcoz of this operation or something else? If there is some saperate thead kindly reffer.


Well as for Peshawar, the kidnappings have gone to nearly Zero, rather haven't seen kidnapping news in urdu newspapers for quiet sometime now due to the operation in Bara Tehsil of Khyber Agency but as for Bomb blasts and fear, it still remains and factors of operations in SW and some external factors both are the reason for it.

But hopefully as time passes by, the fear and frequency of blasts will reduce, InshAllah. :pakistan:
Well as for Peshawar, the kidnappings have gone to nearly Zero, rather haven't seen kidnapping news in urdu newspapers for quiet sometime now due to the operation in Bara Tehsil of Khyber Agency but as for Bomb blasts and fear, it still remains and factors of operations in SW and some external factors both are the reason for it.

But hopefully as time passes by, the fear and frequency of blasts will reduce, InshAllah. :pakistan:

Inshaw Allah. May Allah shower HIS blessings on our beloved country.
Has Army/Govt some plans to come to Peshawar to controll the current Bomb Blasts situation??
Well as for Peshawar, the kidnappings have gone to nearly Zero, rather haven't seen kidnapping news in urdu newspapers for quiet sometime now due to the operation in Bara Tehsil of Khyber Agency but as for Bomb blasts and fear, it still remains and factors of operations in SW and some external factors both are the reason for it.

But hopefully as time passes by, the fear and frequency of blasts will reduce, InshAllah. :pakistan:

Sir i think overall the Police in Pakistan has improved alot ever since this WOT got ugly. Kidnappings, Dakay, Stealing Automobiles on gun point or Cell Phone/Purse Snatching used to be a huge problem in Lahore but recently i have seen the police has cracked down on these criminals and the results can be seen. The crime still exists nodoubt about that but the graph has certinely gone down. There were a couple of robberies in my neighbourhood in Lahore and i was surprised how fast the police was on top and nabbed the criminals. Even though Human Right Groups might accuse them of using Extreme Measures :D, i think its necessary.
Inshaw Allah. May Allah shower HIS blessings on our beloved country.
Has Army/Govt some plans to come to Peshawar to controll the current Bomb Blasts situation??

Ameen. Well army is already in place protecting the cantt area, police is doing a rather decent job manning the city area and areas around the city.

But its not an easy task to identify a suicide bomber, sometimes they get success, sometimes they don't.

It will be a long war, but hopefully we will be getting an upper hand with the passage of time.
Sir i think overall the Police in Pakistan has improved alot ever since this WOT got ugly. Kidnappings, Dakay, Stealing Automobiles on gun point or Cell Phone/Purse Snatching used to be a huge problem in Lahore but recently i have seen the police has cracked down on these criminals and the results can be seen. The crime still exists nodoubt about that but the graph has certinely gone down. There were a couple of robberies in my neighbourhood in Lahore and i was surprised how fast the police was on top and nabbed the criminals. Even though Human Right Groups might accuse them of using Extreme Measures :D, i think its necessary.

Yeah Lahore is doing good in these cases, but i may be wrong, but i believe whenever Shahbaz comes as CM, Punjab Police becomes very active, even the encounter rate goes up and lot of encounters with dead culprits take place.
Yeah Lahore is doing good in these cases, but i may be wrong, but i believe whenever Shahbaz comes as CM, Punjab Police becomes very active, even the encounter rate goes up and lot of encounters with dead culprits take place.

then whats the difference between 'missing persons cases' under musharraf and 'encounters' under democratic govt.? human rights are being 'violated'!!!
Well unfortunately for your theory, Muslims, both terrorists and in the ANP and its allies, use the name 'Pakhtunkhwa'.

Stop hiding from the fact that these acts are committed by Pakistanis and Muslims. You can call the acts 'un-Islamic' if you like (which they are), but the identity of these people is not in doubt.

IMO the reason the terrorists are using the term Pakhtunkhwa is so that they can try and use ethnic nationalism as an additional motivating factor in brainwashing these young souls.

Their narrative then becomes more than just 'fighting for Islam and against injustice against Muslims', it is also 'a fight against those who persecute and massacre the Pakhtun'.

To me the name NWFP is more of a symbolic name chosen by one of our founding father Ch. Rehmat Ali in his pamphlet Now or Never in 1933. Of course people should have the right to choose the name of their own province but the fact that ANP has leaders, whose forefather Ghaffar Khan was one of the staunchest supporter of British India so much so that he was nicknamed "Frontier Gandhi", does make this thing seem like an unholy alliance. Just my 2 cents. :coffee:
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