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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

U make your own rules of what should a democracy should be in India, as compare to how the democracy work for all people all the times, Canada accommodated those who were objecting to the union and thought it was forced upon them in previous times, Canada unlike your ideas who wants tio go by the book and use it to full fill your desires, Canada on the other hand fullfiilled the desires of the people of Quebec.

Buddy your thought about Democracy are very flawed as u do not know that Democracy is for the people. and if people are not happy, u do allow people to choose rather than killing them and forcing your kind of Democracy on them, if take referendum as it was done Quebec to Make people be part and be proud of the Democracratic system they live in.

Your Democracy is that if someone has grievances and objects, you kill them instead of allowing them some relief by being considerate and compassionate about their feelings and allow them a referendum or a plebiscite, now u r members of U.N. and U.N,. has asked u to apply resolutions passed by it, u refuse to apply resolutions passed by an international body/court than u Buddy are not Democratic, only you think u r.

Canada has earned respect from all Quebecois and Indian has taken upon killing Kashmiris and Sikhs to force your kind of Democracy upon them.

U guys think u r legends, only in your own minds. buddy
Yes Democracy has got wider meaning ..But through voting rights of people they can express their intensions ..however extreme those intension may be..
And in democracy there is no other way to know what people are willing other than their voting rights..Punjab being disscussed as a problem in this forum only.. 95%young Indians may laugh at us for this topic..Kashmiri people given their verdict for national parties with voting of over 60%..Now who should general public believe..Your opinion or those voters opinion..?
A mere vote does not a democracy make.
A mere vote does not a democracy make.
But as I said earlier there is no other way in democracy to view people intention other than their vote..
I have shown u the other way Dude in previous posts I have talked about Canada and how it generously allowed people of Quebec a referendum thereby not only earned their respect but their admiration for its Democracy.

And that my friend is a Democracy at work.

Hooray for Canada. Here is Canada's national anthem.

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A mere vote does not a democracy make.
a mere vote is wat an entire democracy depends upon. if kashmiris really wanted azadi with as much fervour as you are portraying then they would have boycotted election heeding the call of separatists. this did not happen and separatists are slowly realising their mistake.
I think you will see a marked change in separatist attitude as well in the next decade.
I have shown u the other way Dude in previous posts I have talked about Canada and how it generously allowed people of Quebec a referendum thereby not only earned their respect but their admiration for its Democracy.

And that my friend is a Democracy at work.

Hooray for Canada. Here is Canada's national anthem.

QZtfphBDp-w[/media] - Canada's anthem with lyrics

your definition of democracy is not shared by india since it is against indian constitution but if you are so impressed by canadian democracy giving its ppl freedom to chose their country, then I suggest you conduct a plebiscite in balochistan as well since you are also a democracy now. lead by example, mate.:frown:
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WOW. U guys are again interfering, the usual Indian style of being the bully of the block.
Listen buddy be mindful of what to say and when, u Indians are very annoying to say the least, u r using your guest privileges way over and above the norms.

u right away Indian constitution is made to benefit, understood and implemented by those in control, it is not for common man,

u donot realize that according to U.n. report 90,000 have been killed, 10,00 women have been raped including a grand mother of 60 years, what kind of voting u r talking about, who were these people killed and women raped.

When India is going to accept the truth and follow the civilised world by stopping the atrocities in Kashmir.

A Catalogue of Indian Atrocities in Kashmir

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lets not make this another Kashmir debate. BAck to the topic.
The recent young boys you see in the streets of Birmingham, Southall, Frankfurt, and other places are 90 percent asylum seekers (I've not been to Toronto).

I have been to Soho Road and Glassy Junction. Most of the "Khalistanis" are in Wolverhampton near Birmingham. They are still stuck in a time wrap.

I have met many many sikhs who have recently migrated, and a lot of them talk about many "hastian" being killed by Bharati forces.

Bharati ? "hastian" ?

Btw the latest modus operandi to emigrate is to reach the destination airport, destroy passport, speak Pashto and claim to be an Afghani Sikh.

You must admit, Khalistani fervour is strong outside Bharat.

The "fervour" has pretty much died down. But what matters is that Sikhs in India are anti-Khalistan. Much the same way Muslims in India are pro-India.

Some people because of suspicions, mistrust, myopic viewpoint or propaganda are not ready to believe facts contradicting reality.

But it cannot be denied, there are still many aggrieved sikhs out there, who are bitter about the events of the 80s.

There are many aggrieved brahmins, muslims, christians, dalits, rajputs, gujjars, kashmiris, bengalis, assamese etc too.

Sikhism teaches one to be in "Chardi Kala" that is be ever positive no matter what.
HAve you read Zafarnama ?
Did you know that Sikh Gurus and Kings built mosques and mandirs ?
do you know Master Tara Singh called Sikhs and pathans as brothers ?
We can go on, Flint. As a lahorite, I have the baggage of what Ranjit Singh, and before him the Ghakkars did to us. Even Nadir Shah and Abdali.

aren't these (excl Ranjit SIngh) celebrated heroes of Pakistanis ?

As the grandson of a Jallandar migrant (grandmother), I have hear eye witness accounts of 5 siblings being butchered to death.

there are similar tales in delhi too.

I have accounts of my great great great grandmother talkign about muslim women jumping in wells when the sikh rule in PUnjab and AFghania started.

on what account ?? AFAIK, Ranjit Singh was quite a tolerant ruler.

We have issues with the Maratha horse riders who terrorised the settled populations of India and Deccan.
So does that mean, I should let these histories consume me? Should I let the crusades consume me? I think not.
Don't forget the past, but let it not have an effect upon you. Thats what i believe.

It is impossible to not allow history to have an effect on one's present or even future.
Gautam Buddha said it is imperative to have correct knowledge about events.
Btw the latest modus operandi to emigrate is to reach the destination airport, destroy passport, speak Pashto and claim to be an Afghani Sikh.

what do u think of foreign Govt. say in Europe or north America as to be idiots that they cannot check the authenticity of those mimiking Pashto.

ou must admit, Khalistani fervour is strong outside Bharat.

And why is that, let me tell you why,

During the agitations by Sikhs u guys killed them in fake encounters without impnity as no one was allowed to check how u guys killed these poor Sikhs. So they ldft for the fear of their life's snd donot liked to be killed in fake encounters. Waht a Democracy.

There are many aggrieved muslims, christians, dalits, rajputs, gujjars, kashmiris, bengalis, assamese etc too. who were using there right under the democratic rights they thought they had.

Truly spoken like a superior race to all the above. See u are not willing to see the problem, but to shove it off as another disgruntled, uneducated group to witch no consideration is needed. Just fake encounters.
Btw the latest modus operandi to emigrate is to reach the destination airport, destroy passport, speak Pashto and claim to be an Afghani Sikh.

what do u think of foreign Govt. say in Europe or north America as to be idiots that they cannot check the authenticity of those mimiking Pashto.

You are free to draw your own conclusion

ou must admit, Khalistani fervour is strong outside Bharat.

And why is that, let me tell you why,

During the agitations by Sikhs u guys killed them in fake encounters without impnity as no one was allowed to check how u guys killed these poor Sikhs. So they ldft for the fear of their life's snd donot liked to be killed in fake encounters. Waht a Democracy.

which agitation ? me ? fake encounters ? poor sihs ? check emigration patterns and get back .

There are many aggrieved muslims, christians, dalits, rajputs, gujjars, kashmiris, bengalis, assamese etc too. who were using there right under the democratic rights they thought they had.
Truly spoken like a superior race to all the above. See u are not willing to see the problem, but to shove it off as another disgruntled, uneducated group to witch no consideration is needed. Just fake encounters.

Thanks. I am not here to solve people's problems. If they have issues go to the courts or shut up. I don't care about my family/community/religions' lost lands, properties, power or prestige.
PS: I endorse fake encounters in India and Pakistan. Incidentally Pakistan is as much notorious for its fake encounters.
I am not here to solve people's problems. If they have issues go to the courts or shut up. I don't care about my family/community/religions' lost lands, properties, power or prestige.
PS: I endorse fake encounters in India and Pakistan. Incidentally Pakistan is as much notorious for its fake encounters.

And two wrongs do not make it right.

Spoken like a true racist,
I know Karala very well tourist place could become trade and industrial hub ,highest percentage of educated population in whole india ,could become silicon valley of india ,they never supported BJP or Congress that is reason dont have industry most karlats working abroad ,if they got independence they can build their state as they wish ,no need to go out side from your country if you have enough bread and butter and justice :enjoy:
First.. pls its not "karala", its "Kerala".
they never supported BJP or Congress
Totally wrong mate...
its true that BJP is not able to win a single assembly seats till now. But they have their presence in panchyath, Corporation elections and they are still a strong hold in some pockets.
About congress.. you are entirely wrong here.. The nature of Kerala politics itself is based on two front UDF (united democratic front) lead by congress and LDF (left democratic front) lead by left communist parties. At present LDF is ruling the state and even a small child in the state knows that in the next assembly election its UDF's turn. Becoz we never give any front a chance to rule us continuously for more than 5yrs. The present defence minister A.K Antony was the chief minister of previous UDF gov.
if they got independence they can build their state as they wish
We are very happy and proud to be known as an Indian state rather than being independent. And we are not behind anyone in building our state. We are ahead in several fields and equivalent to some of the European standards.
First.. pls its not "karala", its "Kerala".
Thanks mate ,great correction

Totally wrong mate...
its true that BJP is not able to win a single assembly seats till now. But they have their presence in panchyath, Corporation elections and they are still a strong hold in some pockets.
About congress.. you are entirely wrong here.. The nature of Kerala politics itself is based on two front UDF (united democratic front) lead by congress and LDF (left democratic front) lead by left communist parties. At present LDF is ruling the state and even a small child in the state knows that in the next assembly election its UDF's turn. Becoz we never give any front a chance to rule us continuously for more than 5yrs. The present defence minister A.K Antony was the chief minister of previous UDF gov.

Your are really incredible ,first declaring my statement entirely wrong and then you admittng that BJP could not win any seats till now, you are proving your self wrong :crazy::rofl:

We are very happy and proud to be known as an Indian state rather than being independent. And we are not behind anyone in building our state. We are ahead in several fields and equivalent to some of the European standards.

If Kerala people are happy then why their majority is working in Gulf :lol:
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