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Onus on India to show commitment to Pakistan ties: Daily

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Jun 24, 2012
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Islamabad, July 8 (IANS) The onus is on the Indian leadership to demonstrate its commitment to far-reaching changes in the Pakistan-India relationship, said a leading daily Monday.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's avowed intention to move forward on improving ties with India has manifested itself in the meeting between newly appointed Track-II point man, Shaharyar Khan, and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, said an editorial in the Dawn.

"Early days yet these may be, but it is a good sign that Sharif seems both committed and willing to take up where he left off in 1999. Of course, as the Pakistani prime minister and Khan will be aware, times have also changed since the last time the PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz) supremo attempted a strategic breakthrough with India."

The daily noted that while Sharif has political capital to spend after his strong showing in the recent general elections, Manmohan Singh has "no such luxury".

"Hobbled by various crises and scandals at home and seemingly on the ropes against their BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) rivals, the Congress-led government in India has little room to manoeuvre ahead of next year's elections," it said.

"Second, in the post-Mumbai era, the Indian government will still want some kind of gesture from Pakistan to help put that traumatic episode behind it. In essence, that has come down to either expediting the trial of suspects linked to the Mumbai attacks or muzzling the anti-India ****** leadership that roams Pakistan freely," it said.

The editorial wondered how much progress will be possible in that fraught environment is the question at the moment and "real diplomacy and statesmanship will be needed to overcome the tension".

The daily went on to say that the "Pakistani establishment's reluctance and recalcitrance notwithstanding, particularly with the post-2014 Afghan scenario at a critical stage of being shaped, there is also an onus on the Indian leadership to demonstrate its commitment to far-reaching changes in the Pak-India relationship".

"...Singh has declined repeated invitations to visit Pakistan in recent years; a visit that would have gone a long way in improving at least the optics of the relationship."

It said that if a visit is still not feasible for the Indian prime minister, "perhaps his team handling relations with the Sharif government should seek to establish a dialogue process that factors in the possibility of a change in government in India next year".

"...the Congress-led government has options to ensure the sustainability and continuity of a dialogue with the Sharif government. As ever, statesmanship is the necessary ingredient, one lacking for far too long on both sides," the editorial added.

Link - Onus on India to show commitment to Pakistan ties: Daily
We have nothing to gain with improving relations with India. The enmity with India works in Pakistan's favour. I like things as they are and all this talk about Improving relations and expanding trade is utter nonsense. The benefits of Trade accrue to India and not Pakistan so please stop trading. I prefer trade with 'China, Europe and America.

BTW, in our trade with the USA and Europe we have a Trade Surplus.

With India we will always have a Trade Deficit and they will be sucking life blood out of us.

Close the borders with India Permanently and build a deep and wide TRENCH along the Indian Border.

Keep India away from Pakistan. This is why e created Pakistan - to get away from these guys, remember ?

We have nothing to gain with improving relations with India. The enmity with India works in Pakistan's favour. I like things as they are and all this talk about Improving relations and expanding trade is utter nonsense. The benefits of Trade accrue to India and not Pakistan so please stop trading. I prefer trade with 'China, Europe and America.

BTW, in our trade with the USA and Europe we have a Trade Surplus.

With India we will always have a Trade Deficit and they will be sucking life blood out of us.

Close the borders with India Permanently and build a deep and wide TRENCH along the Indian Border.

Keep India away from Pakistan. This is why e created Pakistan - to get away from these guys, remember ?


Pakistan has no need to join India. But why prevent any trade? India has something to offer. Such as tech support.
Pakistan has no need to join India. But why prevent any trade? India has something to offer. Such as tech support.

Trade with India gives Pakistan trade Deficit.

That means wealth is going out of Pakistan to India.

As for Tech support we got our Buddy China to give us far better TECH Support than India.

India is Enemy, we don't want to provide Jobs and add to Indian Economy.
Exactly what India has done to the perpetrators of Kashmiri genocide.

What can be done to an event which has never occurred?. The massacre of Bengalis in 1971 can be called a Genocide, but whats happening in the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir today is at best can be called a conflict. Its completely an internal matter to India.
We have nothing to gain with improving relations with India. The enmity with India works in Pakistan's favour. I like things as they are and all this talk about Improving relations and expanding trade is utter nonsense. The benefits of Trade accrue to India and not Pakistan so please stop trading. I prefer trade with 'China, Europe and America.

BTW, in our trade with the USA and Europe we have a Trade Surplus.

With India we will always have a Trade Deficit and they will be sucking life blood out of us.

Close the borders with India Permanently and build a deep and wide TRENCH along the Indian Border.

Keep India away from Pakistan. This is why e created Pakistan - to get away from these guys, remember ?


By that logic, Pakistan should not have any trade with China too...

BTW.. I too agree with you that its best for India, that it keep Pakistan at a distance, but for other reasons and not the ones cited by you.
By that logic, Pakistan should not have any trade with China too...

No it does not.


China is Friend , we don't mind Trade Deficit with China as it helps us in so many other ways.

You on the other hand are ENEMY NUMBER ONE of Pakistan. We don't like Trade Deficit with an Enemy.

What part of this simple logic you have difficulty understanding ?

We don't want anything to do with you GUYS.


NOW SHOO.......
Trade with India gives Pakistan trade Deficit.

That means wealth is going out of Pakistan to India.

As for Tech support we got our Buddy China to give us far better TECH Support than India.

India is Enemy, we don't want to provide Jobs and add to Indian Economy.

China do not do tech support. Tech support in terms of fixing your PC if you call in. Or when you buys something from amazon.com and they screw you, you will need to talk to an Indian. That kind of tech support is specialized by India.
China do not do tech support. Tech support in terms of fixing your PC if you call in. Or when you buys something from amazon.com and they screw you, you will need to talk to an Indian. That kind of tech support is specialized by India.

We can fix our own PC's in Pakistan.

And Pakistanis don't buy anything from Amazon.com

so we Pakistanis don't need you.

So get lost, we don't need you.
We have nothing to gain with improving relations with India. The enmity with India works in Pakistan's favour. I like things as they are and all this talk about Improving relations and expanding trade is utter nonsense. The benefits of Trade accrue to India and not Pakistan so please stop trading. I prefer trade with 'China, Europe and America.

BTW, in our trade with the USA and Europe we have a Trade Surplus.

With India we will always have a Trade Deficit and they will be sucking life blood out of us.

Close the borders with India Permanently and build a deep and wide TRENCH along the Indian Border.

Keep India away from Pakistan. This is why e created Pakistan - to get away from these guys, remember ?


trade surplus with USA and Europe ....figures would help
What has Pakistan done to the planners and perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attacks?

Why would they want to open their Pandora box of lies and deceit?

It is a big sham they are trying to portray to the world that they have a justice system, but we all know how effective they are...Hafeez saheed is still roaming freely and his LeT is still intact and active.
What alternate world do these Pakistanis live in? they are in a mess and are frantically looking for aid and any kind of help that comes their way and they say that the onus is on India? LOL

What does good relations with a broke and battered Pakistan translate into for India? you guessed it - nothing.

Its India that will have to climb down to even talk to them and they point out at our inconsistency? LOOL again.

Begging with pride is an art perfected by our dear neighbor - Aid us, help us out but on our terms. LOL
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