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Only 2pc of GDP spent on education

Your criticism of financially sick public organizations is valid and indeed theyir situation should be sorted out. But I always find it amazing how people complain about the burden of parliamentarian salaries, which is simply astonishing for it has no basis. Parliamentarian pays are lower than the MP-I scale pays for technocrats. This does not mean that they're underpaid or anything for it's a handsome salary anyways but people blow it out of proportion (mostly because they received that fictitious chain mail). I'll attach the latest version of the Allowances and Privileges. Act, 1975 if you want to (and please don't give the corruption on the development allowance line for I'm strictly talking about allocated expenses here).

Also remember Defence expenditure exceeded allocation by 23bn (i.e 7% of allocation). And keeping in mind the overdrafts when it comes to defence expenditure it will exceed this year's allocations as well.

I was reading ICT Police's audits and it turns out after paying salaries and allocating funds for security of Diplomatic Enclave, Red Zone and VIPs, they had spent 96% of their budget with only 4% left for operational expenses. Who the hell can run an investigation, help prosecution, keep crime down and control terrorism in such meager budgets.

And sick public organizations are no defence for our exhaustive defence expenditures in times of peace. Military needs to cut its own luxury expenses (golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts, the whole lot and continuous renovation of offices) and tighten its belt as well. It's time every state body tightens its belt, including the military.
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No, not in our case.

For example, last year budget was 100B, and this year it becomes 150B.

So the net raise in total budget is 50B.

Now defence may get 20B additional, rest of the 30B is there to other sectors to be distributed.

Health and education can both get whatever govt wants to give them out of the 30B, the hike in defence budget has not taken the share of the health and education.

What you said only happens during wars, when everything is diverted to defence and other sectors see their shares get reduced or when economy collapses and defence is of dire consequences.

In normal circumstances, defence doesn't takes others share.

Yet Pakistan right now is waging a low intensity war.
Hence not all resources but only a part of these is being diverted to this war ..had this war was not being fought , then allocation to the defence budget would have been somewhat lower.

And what ever Pakistan is spending is beyond its means and hence has to borrow from various institutions.
Yet Pakistan right now is waging a low intensity war.
Hence not all resources but only a part of these is being diverted to this war ..had this war was not being fought , then allocation to the defence budget would have been somewhat lower.

And what ever Pakistan is spending is beyond its means and hence has to borrow from various institutions.

It would have been much lower, as due to this war, we had to give a raise to the soldiers, extra allowances to be exact, we have to borrow money from other sources till the coalition support funds are released, and the cost is on us, we have to make development work in those militant areas for goodwill and so many other costs related to these operations.

My guess is the defence budget would have been less then 50B or may be even more if such operations had not been going on.

And Pakistan can spend within its means, but as said if we have people sensible enough and who care for the country and nation, but as we are having Oligarchs running this country, we can't spend within our means as these Oligarchs don't think about the country and nation.

Our bad luck and fate.
Your criticism of financially sick public organizations is valid and indeed theyir situation should be sorted out. But I always find it amazing how people complain about the burden of parliamentarian salaries, which is simply astonishing for it has no basis. Parliamentarian pays are lower than the MP-I scale pays for technocrats. This does not mean that they're underpaid or anything for it's a handsome salary anyways but people blow it out of proportion (mostly because they received that fictitious chain mail). I'll attach the latest version of the Allowances and Privileges. Act, 1975 if you want to (and please don't give the corruption on the development allowance line for I'm strictly talking about allocated expenses here).

Also remember Defence expenditure exceeded allocation by 23bn (i.e 7% of allocation). And keeping in mind the overdrafts when it comes to defence expenditure it will exceed this year's allocations as well.

I was reading ICT Police's audits and it turns out after paying salaries and allocating funds for security of Diplomatic Enclave, Red Zone and VIPs, they had spent 96% of their budget with only 4% left for operational expenses. Who the hell can run an investigation, help prosecution, keep crime down and control terrorism in such meager budgets.

And sick public organizations are no defence for our exhaustive defence expenditures in times of peace. Military needs to cut its own luxury expenses (golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts, the whole lot and continuous renovation of offices) and tighten its belt as well. It's time every state body tightens its belt, including the military.

Agreed, that military needs to cut its share of extra unneeded expenses too, which they have done in last 2 years, but should do more. And Sir, many of these golf courses and swimming pools become viable projects after they are made and run themselves without military employing its own budget.

I live in Peshawar, there is Peshawar Services Club, its admn and operationally under army, but it is running on its own revenue, similarly army has rented out many placed which have commercial activities being run on them and they are getting money from them rather then spending the budget out of military.

But yeah agreed, there might be few instances which need attention and Sir, even Army officers pay for these gold courses and swimming pools and other recreational activities, its not free of cost. Generals may be :)

And Sir, as for politicians, its not just their salaries, their salaries may be less, but their extra benefits are huge. I have worked in a bank in Isb, where we used to receive vouchers of railways and PIA which are given to these members of parliaments and you have no idea how much amount we daily used to reimburse them. In Isb, each senator has a brand new parado and other very expensive cars under them, all latest models and many are imported ones. Their staff which they get from their hometowns and who work in their houses, are all govt paid. They have extra vehicles in the villages with govt paid drivers. Free electricity, free gas, free telephone not just one number, rather 2-3 numbers at one house, then mobile bills, and God knows how much more extra benefits. Those who don't get govt houses, then get rented houses in Isb and the rent is paid by the govt, and I believe you have a good idea what a house rent would be in the Post F or E sectors of Isb, of Kanal or more area houses.

In the end, my point is, that we should have across the board accountability and cost saving measures if we want to stand on our feet.

These are all the costs which add up and make up billions.
Agreed, that military needs to cut its share of extra unneeded expenses too, which they have done in last 2 years, but should do more. And Sir, many of these golf courses and swimming pools become viable projects after they are made and run themselves without military employing its own budget.

I live in Peshawar, there is Peshawar Services Club, its admn and operationally under army, but it is running on its own revenue, similarly army has rented out many placed which have commercial activities being run on them and they are getting money from them rather then spending the budget out of military.

I would like not to indulge in a a meaningless debate for most people consider it an ideological rather than a legal debate but there are SC precedents as to how a state body can "manage" a corporate entity or organization. I won't go into details but I'll tell you that the way these clubs/schools/services are managed are entirely in violation of established code. Our "educated class" does not believe in the rule of law at all, hence its the "taika" game that goes on.

But yeah agreed, there might be few instances which need attention and Sir, even Army officers pay for these gold courses and swimming pools and other recreational activities, its not free of cost. Generals may be :)

I never mean to say that these were free but they way arm twisting is done to acquire land is known to all (use of eminent domain to acquire land of recreational purposes is arm twisting)

And Sir, as for politicians, its not just their salaries, their salaries may be less, but their extra benefits are huge. I have worked in a bank in Isb, where we used to receive vouchers of railways and PIA which are given to these members of parliaments and you have no idea how much amount we daily used to reimburse them. In Isb, each senator has a brand new parado and other very expensive cars under them, all latest models and many are imported ones. Their staff which they get from their hometowns and who work in their houses, are all govt paid. They have extra vehicles in the villages with govt paid drivers. Free electricity, free gas, free telephone not just one number, rather 2-3 numbers at one house, then mobile bills, and God knows how much more extra benefits. Those who don't get govt houses, then get rented houses in Isb and the rent is paid by the govt, and I believe you have a good idea what a house rent would be in the Post F or E sectors of Isb, of Kanal or more area houses.

I was talking about real salary not the cars that they manage to get on state expense which is entirely illegal as no MP/MPA is allotted a car on state expense. No driver, no cooks no nothing on state expense. If they have it, then it's corruption. Each MP is allowed a personal assistant, legal assistant, house assistant and tow other clerks/handymen for office purposes. Anybody more than this on state expense is again illegal. Electricity isn't free (kunda is free), mobile bills are compensated to 4,500 PKR on 1 line only. Land line has a ceiling of perhaps eight thousand. Traveling expense is allowed on visits for parliamentary attendance only (Fazl ur Rehman was caught selling his back in the '90s)..

As you've said that you have handled reimbursements, it would be great if you could once in a while send me a couple of copies (in the wider public interest). I'll check with the attendance rosters and will file an accountability appeal if they never attended the assembly session. It is your and my duty to grab corrupts bastards by the neck.

In the end, my point is, that we should have across the board accountability and cost saving measures if we want to stand on our feet.

That should involved making our accountability boards more comprehensive. The new accountability law is pretty good except the fact that it still is prohibited from checking into the details of judicial and military corruption. The CBI's ACB in India has wider jurisdiction and the cases it uncovers are known to us through the media. The new AC should have the powers to investigate into the accounts of the military and judiciary. For too long have they controlled their ranks by protecting their own and not letting the public know about the level of corruption.
Your criticism of financially sick public organizations is valid and indeed theyir situation should be sorted out. But I always find it amazing how people complain about the burden of parliamentarian salaries, which is simply astonishing for it has no basis. Parliamentarian pays are lower than the MP-I scale pays for technocrats. This does not mean that they're underpaid or anything for it's a handsome salary anyways but people blow it out of proportion (mostly because they received that fictitious chain mail). I'll attach the latest version of the Allowances and Privileges. Act, 1975 if you want to (and please don't give the corruption on the development allowance line for I'm strictly talking about allocated expenses here).

Also remember Defence expenditure exceeded allocation by 23bn (i.e 7% of allocation). And keeping in mind the overdrafts when it comes to defence expenditure it will exceed this year's allocations as well.

I was reading ICT Police's audits and it turns out after paying salaries and allocating funds for security of Diplomatic Enclave, Red Zone and VIPs, they had spent 96% of their budget with only 4% left for operational expenses. Who the hell can run an investigation, help prosecution, keep crime down and control terrorism in such meager budgets.

And sick public organizations are no defence for our exhaustive defence expenditures in times of peace. Military needs to cut its own luxury expenses (golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts, the whole lot and continuous renovation of offices) and tighten its belt as well. It's time every state body tightens its belt, including the military.

Here is another view :

Capital suggestion - Income and expenses : Dr Farrukh Saleem

The government of Pakistan says that its income will stand at around Rs2.3 trillion and that it already has plans to spend Rs3 trillion. Wow; a deficit of more than Rs700 billion - with bated breath our government offers wicked vows. To bridge that gap we must, therefore, beg, borrow or steal Rs2 billion a day every single day for the rest of the year. Remember, ‘he who borrows sells his freedom’.

Let’s talk about government income - 35 per cent from direct taxes and 65 per cent from indirect taxes. What that means is that 65 per cent of government income is regressive in nature - the poorer you are the more you pay. That’s how pro-poor our budget is going to be - let the poor die to reduce poverty. In other words, the destruction of our poor is their poverty not our government.

Let’s talk about government expenses. Staff, household and allowances of the president - Rs1 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. Prime Minister’s Secretariat - Rs1.2 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. Prime minister’s foreign travels - Rs3 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. National Assembly - Rs4 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. Senate - Rs2 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. Cabinet secretariat - Rs70 billion a year or Rs200 million a day every single day for the rest of the year. Take as much money as you can from the poorest of the poor and give them hope in return. Hope, after all, has always been the poor man’s bread.

Welcome VAT, another regressive tax. The government hopes to increase its income by a whopping Rs70 billion. Ain’t going to happen because ‘hope and expectation are a fool’s income’. We will, therefore, have a much wider deficit. To be certain, deficits are what our presidents and prime ministers spend today. And, why should we worry about that because it’s not us but our kids who would have to pay up the debts.

Many a nights I have cried alone. Remember; ‘his grief is real who grieves when no one is by’. Yes, there’s good news as well – the shares business is going to be taxed. Why can’t rich agriculturists and real estate barons be taxed as well? Or, why can’t our presidents and prime ministers stay where they are? Why let Malik fly while Cameron rides a bus?

What really is our real problem? Not America, Israel or India. It’s our own government failing to reconcile its gross habits with its net income. For 63 years we have been beating the big drum: CIA, Mossad or RAW behind everything evil in Pakistan? Remember; ‘a fool is like the big drum that beats fast but does not realise its hollowness’.

Of the 170 million Pakistanis this democracy of ours has benefited 70 ministers in Islamabad and some 200 ministers in provincial capitals. The other 169,999,730 are angry, hungry and poorer. Don’t be angry my countrymen - and women - because anger in this Land of the Pure can be an expensive luxury.

Nothing, they say, is certain but death and taxes. I always wanted to marry for money and then I was told I could borrow it cheaper. Ready to borrow always; who readily borrows, readily lies. So we begin our fiscal year begging, borrowing and stealing. Bad beginnings, bad endings.

P.S. PM’s entourage in Brussels: Hotel 60,000 euros; Limousines 120,000 euros; Dinner 25,000 euros. Total Rs20 million of borrowed money already spent.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com
Not my fault

bt my govt

Its not always governments fault in everything its our fault as well, dude my friend use to study in a government school, he likes reading newspapers, fiction novels, reader digest and any English related stuff, and his english is better then anyone whose native language is english, his SAT score was smthin like 2200 at first attempt!, tho his Urdu is weaker then u cud imagine:lol:
Not my fault

bt my govt

I have studied in public schools all my life except for an year and a half in a private school (not a fancy one at that). My family is not the insecure "ghar mein english bolo" family either. I can claim to have a good grasp on English as well as Urdu, the state was responsible for my learning as well.

The overall situation is bad though for our average students do not fare well, it's only the bourgeois kids who become achievers.
I heard from cousin living in Hyderabad (India), that the best school over there has tuition fees like 300/rs per month while in Pakistan is above 2000/rs at least per month for private schools
I heard from cousin living in Hyderabad (India), that the best school over there has tuition fees like 300/rs per month while in Pakistan is above 2000/rs at least per month for private schools

:what:.. Perhaps at the time of independence..not today.
These days a good private school easily charges upwards of Rs 3000/month.
:what:.. Perhaps at the time of independence..not today.
These days a good private school easily charges upwards of Rs 3000/month.

same is the case over here, but best private colleges for A levels cost at least above 10,000 per month, what a pity, education is more like a business over here
he is right, but the English of private school students doing A levels in Pakistan is bravo, and many of the students in Islamabad are doing A levels dono about other cities

Not really kids who are doing matriculation from good private schools have a good command in english..
Here in karachi students really want to get a good education and they are doing it besides working...There are some really hard working peolple here in karachi who dont have much time to sleep forget other stuffs..Definitely pakistan state doing nothing
Dont criticize govt,,actually pakistani state dont take it seriously whether military establishment, bureaucratic Establishment or poloiticians..
same is the case over here, but best private colleges for A levels cost at least above 10,000 per month, what a pity, education is more like a business over here

On the other hand govt run schools are free of cost and provide children with books and uniforms besides mid-day meals but the education there
is sub-standard compared to private schools

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