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Only 10% of India’s dirty water is treated

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Apr 5, 2011
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A UN report has described India’s water pollution situation as a “time-bomb.”

In a stinging remark on water administration in India, the report says India is able to treat just 10 % of its city sewage and industrial waste discharge, the most polluting source for rivers and water bodies.

“Presently, only about 10% of the waste water generated is treated; the rest is discharged as is into our water bodies. Due to this, pollutants enter rivers, lakes and the groundwater,” the Unicef’s water situation in India – situation and prospects report said.

The report also said the drinking water, which ultimately ends up in our households, is often highly contaminated and carries disease-causing microbes. And, its victims are mostly children. Government studies have shown that a major cause of under-five child mortality was water-borne diseases.

The report highlighted that water source for over half of the Indians living in two major river basis — Ganga and Brahmaputra — was highly contaminated. An evidence of that was rising number of arsenic-affected areas in Bihar and West Bengal despite the government spending crore of rupees. Situation in rich agriculture areas of India’s wheat bowl — Haryana and Punjab — is no better with high pesticide contamination.

The report said there was no model in India that shows best ways to tackle the waste water generated through the industrial and domestic sectors.

“The agencies responsible for checking industrial pollution have failed. Pollution contributes to water scarcity by contaminating freshwater resources,” the report said.

‘Only 10% of India’s dirty water is treated’ - Hindustan Times
Any specific reason why you decided to dig out an almost 8 months old news?
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Aaj kuch naya nahi mila hoga bhai ko...:woot:

Fair enough.

Anywho, before people start pointing fingers at India, this problem is not India specific. Developing countries have different priorities compared to developed countries. Water treatment unfortunately is not high on that priority list. As the countries get richer, their priorities will change.


Any specific reason you want to suppress the news?

I don't want to suppress the news, India doesn't believe in suppressing the news. And as mentioned above, this is not an India specific problem.
I don't want to suppress the news, India doesn't believe in suppressing the news. And as mentioned above, this is not an India specific problem.

India does believe in smearing the news and spreading disinformation, which you are doing an admirable job.
India does believe in smearing the news and disinformation, which you are doing an admirable job.

Obviously you got nothing to say on the topic, not surprised :lol: As always trying to pull a fast one eh :azn:
India does believe in smearing the news and spreading disinformation, which you are doing an admirable job.
Let me guess... you are a Chinese... who loves to dig out any news about India that shows India in bad light.

By the way.. to remind you : the source that you have is an Indian news paper... just goes out to show that there is no media censorship to control the kind of news that goes out to world at large.... unlike some country where outside media is not even allowed to peek.
A robot like you spewing garbage add anything of substance to the topic?

And according to you.. the most valuable addition would be ...India Poor...India toilet...India dirty... India rape... Right?
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