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One-way concessions to India

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Sami won't stop till the last Indian here starts hating Bangladesh! Good job Sami!
Ok , you post shows how stupid you are. Before 1971 , there was no bangladesh , so whatever you posted makes no sense anyway. So stop giving lame reasons for your failures and just accept the fact that you people overestimate your importance to us. We are not begging you for transit. Your government gives it to us , because it thinks that it will benefit your country as well. And yeah , your poor country full of slumdwellers and jute farmers needs us way more than we need you.
And if you don't like us getting free transit, then wake up during elections and choose a better leader for your backward nation

Lol. Read the article it clearly stated it is India which is asking for transit since 1972.... If it would be really beneficial then it would be given long ago even by al government in their term 96-01... Yes there would be some benefit if this transit would be based on duty charged on indian goods instead giving a free transit like this one without imposing any duty... N dnt talk about slum dweelers it is India which has the biggest slum in the world... Every one regardless of which government is in power will protest if it is against the interest of bd... If talking bd backward look at your ****** nation which still practice backward culture like caste system, drinking cow urine, marrying dog and giving marriage of lil girls to dog... The country which has still such practice has no right to call other backward and every one will call it the most backward country in the world.. Do not force me to proof for my claim.. Those even came to the international media...
Lol. Read the article it clearly stated it is India which is asking for transit since 1972.... If it would be really beneficial then it would be given long ago even by al government in their term 96-01... Yes there would be some benefit if this transit would be based on duty charged on indian goods instead giving a free transit like this one without imposing any duty... N dnt talk about slum dweelers it is India which has the biggest slum in the world... Every one regardless of which government is in power will protest if it is against the interest of bd... If talking bd backward look at your ****** nation which still practice backward culture like caste system, drinking cow urine, marrying dog and giving marriage of lil girls to dog... The country which has still such practice has no right to call other backward and every one will call it the most backward country in the world.. Do not force me to proof for my claim.. Those even came to the international media...
Please don't force me to tell you how **** your country is. More than half your population lives below the poverty line. And please give me 'international media links' for indians drinking cow urine. Backward culture is yours , where army officers assasinate their colleagues and rape their wives. And despite our poverty , millions of people from your poor backward country try migrating illegally and then you people cry when they get shot by the BSF.
Here we go, mudslinging again. Cut it out guys. Everyone here on the forum who has free time to come and blab on internet is definitely from an affluent background. Maybe thats why its hard for everyone to accept their country as "poor". I personally have been to Bangladesh and Pakistan. Poverty is all over the sub continent. As per my observation its in this order Pakistan<India<Bangladesh. Most of Bangladesh countryside looks exactly like the villages of West Bengal and Orissa and countryside of Pakistan Punjab that i got a chance to see looks like Indian Punjab countryside.

Point is countrysides across the sub continent are almost the same and relatively poor. I don't see why any sane person, would made a mockery of it :frown:
Lol. Read the article it clearly stated it is India which is asking for transit since 1972.... If it would be really beneficial then it would be given long ago even by al government in their term 96-01... Yes there would be some benefit if this transit would be based on duty charged on indian goods instead giving a free transit like this one without imposing any duty... N dnt talk about slum dweelers it is India which has the biggest slum in the world... Every one regardless of which government is in power will protest if it is against the interest of bd... If talking bd backward look at your ****** nation which still practice backward culture like caste system, drinking cow urine, marrying dog and giving marriage of lil girls to dog... The country which has still such practice has no right to call other backward and every one will call it the most backward country in the world.. Do not force me to proof for my claim.. Those even came to the international media...

Mate i really hope that you are not actually this delusional and you are just doing it for the sake of flaming things up. You should visit India sometime :cheers:
Please don't force me to tell you how **** your country is. More than half your population lives below the poverty line. And please give me 'international media links' for indians drinking cow urine. Backward culture is yours , where army officers assasinate their colleagues and rape their wives. And despite our poverty , millions of people from your poor backward country try migrating illegally and then you people cry when they get shot by the BSF.

If you want then you should search in the YouTube "Indian drink cow urine" ... There are tons of video.... If you want I can give that to you later... I am logging here from my iPad right now... It's difficult to post link now... But anyway why you ignored the other 2 part.... By the way now cow urine in India can be found in container.... Have fun by drinking some... ;).
If you want then you should search in the YouTube "Indian drink cow urine" ... There are tons of video.... If you want I can give that to you later... I am logging here from my iPad right now... It's difficult to post link now... But anyway why you ignored the other 2 part.... By the way now cow urine in India can be found in container.... Have fun by drinking some... ;).

Nah , i leave that for you. Millions of your people die of thirst and hunger. Cow piss will help you bangladeshis in times of famine and drought:cheers:
Nah , i leave that for you. Millions of your people die of thirst and hunger. Cow piss will help you bangladeshis in times of famine and drought:cheers:

You are wrong .... Instead of cow piss we are interested in cow meat... Sikh Kabab made of cow meat is just yummy... Along with it Magaj masala.... Hari kabob .... All are just awesome ... And made of. Cow meat .... You need tot worry about famine and drought... We are not interested to take your share of cow urine... Recently you government has also shown interest to market the product.... Wait... By tomorrow your cow drinking video will be here... If you say dog marrying indians video will also be here... Do not worry all are from international media...
do i need to post the transit payment structure here too Sami? Every time we debunk your idiotic claims, you just wait for a few days and open a new thread. Pathetic really.

How many times do we need to explain to you that GOB and private BD companies will be paid for the transit.

@Indian members please dont take the article at face value it's literally full of lies and false claims.

A brief summary for fellow members

Inland water-way use: fixed income for BD govt + shipment charge income for private BD companies (100&#37; indian shipments will use private BD vessels)

Railway usage: charges based on usage

As per WTO rules the charges shall approximately be equal to the cost of the services rendered and shall not be used for augmentation of revenue or for protecting domestic services.

Private BD income from indian shipments
2001-02: 2Crore TK
2009-10: 4.52crore TK

Ashuganj- Agortala road
&#8226; Improvement-augmentation costs borne by india
&#8226; Cost for setting up transshipment facility borne by india
&#8226; Ro-Ro ferry installed by india

I hope the above information pacifies the upset BD members. Clearly more shipments will mean more income for the govt (rail use) and private BD companies (water vessels)

You are wrong .... Instead of cow piss we are interested in cow meat... Sikh Kabab made of cow meat is just yummy... Along with it Magaj masala.... Hari kabob .... All are just awesome ... And made of. Cow meat .... You need tot worry about famine and drought... We are not interested to take your share of cow urine... Recently you government has also shown interest to market the product.... Wait... By tomorrow your cow drinking video will be here... If you say dog marrying indians video will also be here... Do not worry all are from international media...

self delete - no use replying to the begger
do i need to post the transit payment structure here too Sami? Every time we debunk your idiotic claims, you just wait for a few days and open a new thread. Pathetic really.

How many times do we need to explain to you that GOB and private BD companies will be paid for the transit.

@Indian members please dont take the article at face value it's literally full of lies and false claims.


I just can not stop laughing seeing your idiotic claim....

For the 1st part.... Bangladesh is not a transportation company.... That you are talking these idiotic claim... Even Indian ferries are going through bd water regularly ... I have never seen any where it is bd only ferry business... It is all about Indian vessel... If you can recall it or not ... Just few days back bd captured two Indian ferries after they refused to pay duty... N after Indian government made the demand... We will not pay any duty through the water bd government withdrew it... But no where I have seen bd only boat... N in business term it also does not make any sense... To change boat in the bd Indian border... So stop this sort of crap posting... Come to the reality .. Bd needs duty instead of opening transportaion company...

Regarding 4.5 cror Taka get a life... Even an apartment in Dhaka in many place cost more than that... So stop making you a laughing stock... By saying this yearly 4.5 cror fee..

Regarding agartola road... It has already been said in the article ... Bd people does not use Dhaka agartola road...this root is already in loss.....

Without imposing duty on Indian product it is always a great loss for bd to five unlimited free duty to India....but only thing where we can make compromise as it is indicated by others the duty should be imposed in such a way so that India will still save little through transportation through bd....then the chicken neck....another benefit that India will get is saving time... Through chicken neck it takes more then weeks to transportation goods but through bd it will take hours n from Chittagong port only 2 hours.... Without duty no country man will support this free transit.. So from next time do not post this sort of crap like 4.5 cror and transport business....by bd companies...
Regarding 4.5 cror Taka get a life... Even an apartment in Dhaka in many place cost more than that...

Wrong. For 4.5 crore Taka, you can only get apartments in satellite towns like Uttara. In most other places, 4.5 crore will get you a very tiny apartment. Forget about Gulshan/Baridhara/Banani.
Source: Relatives in the real estate business.
funny how the ones who are whining and crying left their own motherland and became arm chair nationalists :lol:

bottomline remains, since the current govt was elected by BD people actually living in BD, I'll believe their voting opinion more than the pseudo patriots living abroad.

If the current policies are indeed unpopular, BD people are welcome to change their govt at the next elections and fix these treaties.
No point in crying right now.
do i need to post the transit payment structure here too Sami? Every time we debunk your idiotic claims, you just wait for a few days and open a new thread. Pathetic really.

How many times do we need to explain to you that GOB and private BD companies will be paid for the transit.

@Indian members please dont take the article at face value it's literally full of lies and false claims.


Regarding your link.... Iajdhani posted a simple comment to debunk all of. Your big article... I am just pasting it...

"In one sentence he says BD will not charge anything more than the cost of transfering the goods and maintenance. In the next sentence he is saying BD will earn enormous amount of money. Is he an idiot or what? Did he forget the simple profit and loss equation?"

This is as simple as this... So far not a single Al member came up with the data how much bd is going to profit.... At one hand they are saying bd will earn a lots of money on the other hand they are saying they are saying bd is not going to charge anything more than the operation and maintenance cost...on top of it... They cancelled duty on goods transported through river... Which was made by national board revenue on last july...and they cancel it even after objection from board of ravenue...

So keep your this sort of bs article with you...
Mate i really hope that you are not actually this delusional and you are just doing it for the sake of flaming things up. You should visit India sometime :cheers:

Woops! Accidentally thanked you. :D

Well I actually do agree with you here. Instead of insulting each others countries, start getting personal.

Getting back to topic, can our indian friends here list the benefits provided to BD since AL came to power? Official agreements count. Exclude promises. Thanks in advance!:cheers:
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