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One-way concessions to India

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May 10, 2010
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One-way concessions to India

One-way concessions to India

Syed Jamaluddin

In bilateral relations, concessions are given by both parties for mutual benefit. Such benefits may not be mathematically equal but these should be visibly comparable. A bigger country may give more benefits to a small neighbour. The deals between the two countries have to be logical and rational.

India is many times bigger than Bangladesh. It surrounds Bangladesh from three sides. Bangladesh is no threat to India in any sense. It is a least developed country by UN definition and can expect Indian support in all areas. India can assist Bangladesh without any harm to herself. With Indian support Bangladesh can move faster economically and provide a market for Indian goods.

The year, 2010, was in fact a period when all the concessions were given to India unilaterally such as transit, corridor, using Bangladesh in controlling insurgency in the north-eastern states of India and use of Chittagong and Mongla ports. Ashuganj will be used as a port of call by India. All such concessions were given to Delhi by our Prime Minister during her visit to India in January, 2010. During the last year about 50 ULFA leaders were handed over to India. But Bangladesh, in return, appears to have got nothing except assurances. The unresolved issues between the two countries were not addressed.

No concrete measures have so far been taken by India to stop killings in the border, solve water sharing problems of common rivers, complete identification of border areas and exchange of enclaves, demarcate maritime boundary and reduce trade deficit. Although India has agreed to an interim agreement on sharing water of the Teesta river, nothing has been mentioned about the frame-work of the agreement.

In the past, India did not win any business in the power sector in the tendering process. But this time they have been given a project to build a 2,600-megawatt power plant without tender. This will enable India to establish their presence in the power sector. Bangladesh signed a transit agreement on river transport through Ashuganj and prepared rules for transit fees but India has refused to give transit fees. As a result, the government had to suspend the circular on transit rules.

As per rule, no structures can be built within 150 yards of the border. But India requested Bangladesh to allow them to build structures within 150 yards and they have been given this authority to do so. India is reportedly erecting barbed-wire fence around Bangladesh within 150 yards of the border.

Our Prime Minister mentioned in New Delhi during her visit that she had secured the interest of Bangladesh in negotiating deals with India. The arrangements were supposed to be more helpful for Bangladesh. But no explanation was given about the gains of Bangladesh. Our gains are more notional than real.

Because of pro-Indian policy of the government, the Muslim world has distanced themselves from Bangladesh. It is reported that our manpower export to many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, has stopped on account of our foreign policy failure. The Middle Eastern countries are recruiting labour from Nepal and avoiding Bangladesh. The Prime Minister has not said anything about foreign policy in her January 06 address to the nation.

According to the wish of India, an agreement on containing terrorism was signed between the two countries. By virtue of this agreement, India is utilising Bangladesh in tackling rebellion in the seven sisters. A committee of intelligence personnel of the two countries is now working on this issue.

India has given loan to Bangladesh on hard terms to build infrastructure for smooth operation of transit facilities, although this money should have come as grant because it will be utilised for the benefit of India. Borrowing money to promote Indian interest is ridiculous.

The last caretaker government gave air transit to India for flying to the seven sisters of India. Agartala -Dhaka bus service is also a one-way consession to India in the sense that few people go to Agartala from Dhaka. The bus service is losing money for want of passengers. The present government has also proposed Dhaka-Agartala train service. This will also be an uneconomic proposition.

The trade deficit with India has reportedly reached a figure of US$ 3.0 billion. But there is no progress in expanding our exports to India. Additionally, the government is going to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with India. There is a fear that trade deficit with India will grow further after the implementation of the proposed FTA.
Border haats are being opened to fulfil the wishes of India. India has proposed for motor vehicle agreement between India and Bangladesh which will allow both Bangladesh and India to ply their vehicles in the two countries. This is a long pending matter. Bangladesh was not enthusiastic about this proposal for many reasons. But the present government is likely to conclude this agreement with India.

It will appear from the above that Bangladesh has liberally given concessions to India without corresponding benefits. It is our hope that India will provide matching benefits to Bangladesh for better relationship between the two countries in the long run. The present government is extremely generous to India. Anti-Indian sentiment may become stronger in Bangladesh if Bangladesh is not compensated properly for concessions already given to India.

There are so many ways in which India can compensate Bangladesh. They can remove non-tariff barriers to increase our trade. They can allow our cheap labour to work in India. India may set up joint ventures in Bangladesh for mutual benefit. India can allow duty-free and quota-free export of our products to India as per World Trade Organisation (WTO) provisions. In matters of trade, Bangladesh should receive special and differential treatment from India as a least developed country. Indian support to Bangladesh in international forum will be valuable. India is capable to provide grant assistance to Bangladesh for implementation of development projects.

The writer is an economist and columnist. He can be reached at e-mail: syedjamaluddin22@yahoo.com
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It is reported that our manpower export to many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, has stopped on account of our foreign policy failure. The Middle Eastern countries are recruiting labour from Nepal and avoiding Bangladesh.

It has stopped because your corrupt government keeps handing BD passports to Burmese who declare ammenesty after arriving here and indulge in all kinds of crimes. After repeated warning by GCC gov and no action by BD government, as of now BD labour has been banned in Bahrain, Kuwait and KSA.
yes true one,trade shud be mutually shared equally.
i hope govt will take some serious steps to overcome this
I would like to thank the writer for pointing out many of the point that I was arguing with these indians.... such as many of the routes will not be used by bd people that much and mostly it will be used by indians only and bd is paying for these with interest for free transit... Thanks for pointing out that dhaka agartola route is not used by bd people that much...
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I agree with this article. India should help BD develop more rather than treating like it's her child.

the day BD got some active government and decided to turn to china and pakistan for help, that will be the worst nightmare for India.

so to india, it's still not too late.....

BD might be a small nation, but that's not what determine their capabilities!
I agree with this article. India should help BD develop more rather than treating like it's her child.

Listen India tries to treat bd like its vessel or client state thats the thing no one wants... India has done nothing for the development of bd instead so far has taken one way concession... N listen it is your india which tried to sabotage bd's garment sector as it is loosing business to bd... conducted mutiny in the BDR... so better not using analogy like parent child...

the day BD got some active government and decided to turn to china and pakistan for help, that will be the worst nightmare for India.

bd does not need to turn to pakistan or china for help... it ust can stop all sort of transit... without proper benefit and terms... unlike free transit which is now provided by AL ... do not forget the whole stake of NE indian state is in bd.... n bd people has already changed the demographics of assam... as claimed by your politicians... so green assam is never far away from bd's reach...

so to india, it's still not too late.....

yes as india needs bd more than bd needs india...
BD might be a small nation, but that's not what determine their capabilities!

yes it is a small nation but has 166 million population... its human resource is its biggest strength... n regarding concession... we know that india is a very poor country compared to USA, EU, Japan and much lagged behind than China... it has more poor people than 26 sub saharan african country combined... has the possibity that many of its state will be broken apart from it self... considering the above it is in no position to give benefit to bd like other countries do.... but if it wants concession from bd it should also give concession to bd on other side... else all those deal like free transit will be fallen apart in the future... n the looser will be india not bd...
India should just man up and build a freaking infrastructure corridor through the chicken neck. At least it will save us the constant moaning from BNP aligned Bangladeshis :hitwall:
Listen India tries to treat bd like its vessel or client state thats the thing no one wants... India has done nothing for the development of bd instead so far has taken one way concession... N listen it is your india which tried to sabotage bd's garment sector as it is loosing business to bd... conducted mutiny in the BDR... so better not using analogy like parent child...

bd does not need to turn to pakistan or china for help... it ust can stop all sort of transit... without proper benefit and terms... unlike free transit which is now provided by AL ... do not forget the whole stake of NE indian state is in bd.... n bd people has already changed the demographics of assam... as claimed by your politicians... so green assam is never far away from bd's reach...

yes as india needs bd more than bd needs india...

yes it is a small nation but has 166 million population... its human resource is its biggest strength... n regarding concession... we know that india is a very poor country compared to USA, EU, Japan and much lagged behind than China... it has more poor people than 26 sub saharan african country combined... has the possibity that many of its state will be broken apart from it self... considering the above it is in no position to give benefit to bd like other countries do.... but if it wants concession from bd it should also give concession to bd on other side... else all those deal like free transit will be fallen apart in the future... n the looser will be india not bd...

You've said enough crap , now don't push it. You people are insignificant to us. And before speaking about our poverty , always remember that your GDP per capita is less than half of ours. You people have created enough trouble by harboring militant groups and exporting people from your crowded country. We don't need anyone for our development, especially a country as small and poor as Bangladesh.
You've said enough crap , now don't push it. You people are insignificant to us. And before speaking about our poverty , always remember that your GDP per capita is less than half of ours. You people have created enough trouble by harboring militant groups and exporting people from your crowded country. We don't need anyone for our development, especially a country as small and poor as Bangladesh.

Love your attitude man.. This is how most people view us in India. therefore, there is no way they will ever benefit us in any way.
And there's 1 billion people in your country man. We have all seen the pictures how most people live there. A country where the gap between the rich and poor is so drastic, there is something horribly wrong.
Listen India tries to treat bd like its vessel or client state thats the thing no one wants... India has done nothing for the development of bd instead so far has taken one way concession... N listen it is your india which tried to sabotage bd's garment sector as it is loosing business to bd... conducted mutiny in the BDR... so better not using analogy like parent child...

bd does not need to turn to pakistan or china for help... it ust can stop all sort of transit... without proper benefit and terms... unlike free transit which is now provided by AL ... do not forget the whole stake of NE indian state is in bd.... n bd people has already changed the demographics of assam... as claimed by your politicians... so green assam is never far away from bd's reach...

yes as india needs bd more than bd needs india...

yes it is a small nation but has 166 million population... its human resource is its biggest strength... n regarding concession... we know that india is a very poor country compared to USA, EU, Japan and much lagged behind than China... it has more poor people than 26 sub saharan african country combined... has the possibity that many of its state will be broken apart from it self... considering the above it is in no position to give benefit to bd like other countries do.... but if it wants concession from bd it should also give concession to bd on other side... else all those deal like free transit will be fallen apart in the future... n the looser will be india not bd...

whatever floats your boat!!!!!!!!

India may be poor, but she definalty knows how to deal with arrogant people like YOU!
You've said enough crap , now don't push it. You people are insignificant to us. And before speaking about our poverty , always remember that your GDP per capita is less than half of ours. You people have created enough trouble by harboring militant groups and exporting people from your crowded country. We don't need anyone for our development, especially a country as small and poor as Bangladesh.

lol that is the reason your india is begging for transit ... every one knows who needs transit more... but the disturbing part is that your India is so poor and selfish that after getting the transit your india is now wanting it for free...

N regarding gdp I have talked about a lot in the last couple of days... your india was always poor and had much less per capita gdp then bd up to 1971.... only due to the liberation war bd suffered the set back... where all the infrastructure was destroyed and pakistan removed all the gold reserve and changed currency to destroy bd economically after the war....n as a result famine broke out in 1972 and bd started with only 35 dollar reserve... but bd did really well compaered to india and pakistan in many sector... more or less you can say bd suffered the same fate as present day iraq... Iraq had always higher per capita gdp then jordan and syria but due to war it has couple of times less per capita gdp then those 2 country but it does not change the reality that to the iraqis ...syria and jordan is poor and backward... same case is also... here..
Because of pro-Indian policy of the government, the Muslim world has distanced themselves from Bangladesh. It is reported that our manpower export to many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, has stopped on account of our foreign policy failure. The Middle Eastern countries are recruiting labour from Nepal and avoiding Bangladesh. The Prime Minister has not said anything about foreign policy in her January 06 address to the nation.

What a load of crock, so Saudi Arabia stopped bringing in Bangladeshi Laborers cause of the so called India-centric policies of the current government (guessing the logic being India is seen as a Hindu country by the Saudis). But Saudi Arabia didn't stop hiring Indian and Nepali laborers who happen to be Hindus predominantly :confused:

Its funny how few people on this forum always moan about how Bangladesh should have independent foreign policy, but the same people have no issue at all with Saudi Arabia dictating Bangladesh about its relation with India. Not just dictating, but blackmailing by banning the labor force coming from Bangladesh ("Apparently"):disagree:
India should just man up and build a freaking infrastructure corridor through the chicken neck. At least it will save us the constant moaning from BNP aligned Bangladeshis :hitwall:

lol.. if that would be so easy India would have done it long ago... :rofl::rofl::bunny:
lol.. if that would be so easy India would have done it long ago... :rofl::rofl::bunny:

It can't be that hard, we already have train lines up to Guwahati and Tinsukia and mind you this train line goes through the Silliguri corridor. I believe doubling and electrification of the line is going on. Once thats done a 4 laned highway network in the seven sisters, connnecting it to the rail head in Tinsukia will do the job just fine :yahoo:

Its just that India is going for the easier and the cheaper option right now (through Bangladesh :lol:). It will give the development work in the north eastern states a head start:cheers:
lol that is the reason your india is begging for transit ... every one knows who needs transit more... but the disturbing part is that your India is so poor and selfish that after getting the transit your india is now wanting it for free...

N regarding gdp I have talked about a lot in the last couple of days... your india was always poor and had much less per capita gdp then bd up to 1971.... only due to the liberation war bd suffered the set back... where all the infrastructure was destroyed and pakistan removed all the gold reserve and changed currency to destroy bd economically after the war....n as a result famine broke out in 1972 and bd started with only 35 dollar reserve... but bd did really well compaered to india and pakistan in many sector... more or less you can say bd suffered the same fate as present day iraq... Iraq had always higher per capita gdp then jordan and syria but due to war it has couple of times less per capita gdp then those 2 country but it does not change the reality that to the iraqis ...syria and jordan is poor and backward... same case is also... here..

Ok , you post shows how stupid you are. Before 1971 , there was no bangladesh , so whatever you posted makes no sense anyway. So stop giving lame reasons for your failures and just accept the fact that you people overestimate your importance to us. We are not begging you for transit. Your government gives it to us , because it thinks that it will benefit your country as well. And yeah , your poor country full of slumdwellers and jute farmers needs us way more than we need you.
And if you don't like us getting free transit, then wake up during elections and choose a better leader for your backward nation
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