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One in five women raped in US: White House report

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Right...Next it will be the Western media that created the caste system
You will be surprised to know that it was the British who codified the caste system into its present structure. Here more info on the man who did it. Herbert Hope Risley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Show us how India can lead the world in gender equality.

I gave you plenty of examples how India led the world in gender equality. We already had a woman prime minister. In fact most of South Asia with their Indian influence have had women as head of state, that is Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Now America can follow us and choose a woman for a president the next time. We understand US has a long way to go in gender parity, but you can start here.

Yeah...But is US who is the 'shame to the world'. If you are serious about self reflection, you would have gone after that comment instead of my response to that idiot.

All countries can do better and as you can see from the forum, Indian male are most worried about improving India. Sad, I have only seen denial from the Americans about their society.

Yes, you do and you have. Not in words, but pretty much in intent and that have been obvious.
No I did not.

Now please prove the readers that those stories I posted about the on going atrocities in your 'glorious' India are false.

What is there to prove? That rapes do not happen or murders or riots do not happen? Why would I do that. My contention has only been that as much as these are highlighted, Indian society has far less crime even compared to the developed countries of the world.

India is glorious.
You will be surprised to know that it was the British who codified the caste system into its present structure. Here more info on the man who did it. Herbert Hope Risley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did the British created the caste system? Codified the caste system into a set of laws or regulations does not qualify. The question is simple enough but apparently too difficult for you to answer. For you, everything must be blamed somehow and some degrees on the West, even if you have to tap dance around a simple question.

I gave you plenty of examples how India led the world in gender equality. We already had a woman prime minister. In fact most of South Asia with their Indian influence have had women as head of state, that is Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Now America can follow us and choose a woman for a president the next time. We understand US has a long way to go in gender parity, but you can start here.
A woman as head of state is a good thing, but it is not the definitive indicator of equality. That woman must appeal to all people, not just women and women's issues.

Yeah...I am still waiting for those long lines of American women around Indian consulates begging to enter India. :lol:

All countries can do better and as you can see from the forum, Indian male are most worried about improving India. Sad, I have only seen denial from the Americans about their society.
How have any American on this forum deny anything about the US? Pointing out worse situations in other countries in 'denial'?

No I did not.
Do not bother to deny it. If not in words, you effectively insinuated your fellow Indians as liars because they disagreed with you.

What is there to prove? That rapes do not happen or murders or riots do not happen? Why would I do that. My contention has only been that as much as these are highlighted, Indian society has far less crime even compared to the developed countries of the world.
What a pathetic understanding of statistics. What is a 'crime' depends on the law and how that law is worded. The Americans tried to educate you on that but apparently we failed. So if there are more laws in one country defining 'theft' than in another country, of course the other country will have less reported crimes about 'theft'. In the US, we have a broad definition of 'sexual assault', which encompasses rape and actually does not require penetration by a penis. So if country B have a narrower definition of rape, then acts of that would fall under our definition of sexual assaults would not be reported in country B.

Apparently, this is too much above your head.

India is glorious.
That is a laugh when you have 'holy men' eating rotten human flesh and they are feared and respected for that. But I guess what is 'glorious' is up to the individual.
You will be surprised to know that it was the British who codified the caste system into its present structure. Here more info on the man who did it. Herbert Hope Risley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I gave you plenty of examples how India led the world in gender equality. We already had a woman prime minister. In fact most of South Asia with their Indian influence have had women as head of state, that is Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Now America can follow us and choose a woman for a president the next time. We understand US has a long way to go in gender parity, but you can start here.

All countries can do better and as you can see from the forum, Indian male are most worried about improving India. Sad, I have only seen denial from the Americans about their society.

No I did not.

What is there to prove? That rapes do not happen or murders or riots do not happen? Why would I do that. My contention has only been that as much as these are highlighted, Indian society has far less crime even compared to the developed countries of the world.

India is glorious.
No Matter what you say, they will talk the same, the chinese trolls especially they cant be engaged in a logical discussion as they earn money by posts, so they keep posting things (so ignore them).
We know about our country, why do you need someone endorsing our country?are we that insecure that we need others to endorse us so we can assuage the insecurity?
Have some pride in your civilization,Religion and nation which is still standing when all others around world perished ..They can speak everything/anything but we will have the last laugh! :D
Just like a parent laughs at a kid who tries to talk first time and babbles things which seem cute.,funny..likewise think the same about them :D
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These are truly astounding statistics. What are the reasons behind it and how it can be tackle are more important question than ignoring it by saying that rape happen everywhere so its nothing to worry about
Did the British created the caste system? Codified the caste system into a set of laws or regulations does not qualify. The question is simple enough but apparently too difficult for you to answer. For you, everything must be blamed somehow and some degrees on the West, even if you have to tap dance around a simple question.

A woman as head of state is a good thing, but it is not the definitive indicator of equality. That woman must appeal to all people, not just women and women's issues.

Yeah...I am still waiting for those long lines of American women around Indian consulates begging to enter India. :lol:

How have any American on this forum deny anything about the US? Pointing out worse situations in other countries in 'denial'?

Do not bother to deny it. If not in words, you effectively insinuated your fellow Indians as liars because they disagreed with you.

What a pathetic understanding of statistics. What is a 'crime' depends on the law and how that law is worded. The Americans tried to educate you on that but apparently we failed. So if there are more laws in one country defining 'theft' than in another country, of course the other country will have less reported crimes about 'theft'. In the US, we have a broad definition of 'sexual assault', which encompasses rape and actually does not require penetration by a penis. So if country B have a narrower definition of rape, then acts of that would fall under our definition of sexual assaults would not be reported in country B.

Apparently, this is too much above your head.

That is a laugh when you have 'holy men' eating rotten human flesh and they are feared and respected for that. But I guess what is 'glorious' is up to the individual.
Say you are recruited into the army right?Why do you have ranks and hierarchy in army? WHY not make everyone soldier and kill enemy enmasse?Wouldn't that be ideal?

BTW,about our laws your ex- GF of 5 yrs ago can claim in court that you raped her for 4 years claiming you will marry her and you will face 7yrs jail time if convicted.
And About penetration, Indian law says touching of penis(erect/flaccid) to female genitalia can be construed as rape not exactly penetration which you call as rapes.. So, what is rape and sexual assault and consensual sex?
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Did the British created the caste system? Codified the caste system into a set of laws or regulations does not qualify. The question is simple enough but apparently too difficult for you to answer. For you, everything must be blamed somehow and some degrees on the West, even if you have to tap dance around a simple question.

Ancient Indian caste system is not the one you see today. It was not birth based distinction, but rather "guna" based, which is "innate quality." All it meant is if one has natural disposition to be a warrior, then one must be a warrior. If one has a disposition to be an artist, then that must be the line of action he must follow. Over a period of time it did get rigid and become birth based, but not as bad as portrayed. There was significant mobility across castes until the British came. There were plenty of lower caste guys who became Kings. The codification of caste structure was when it became "official" with political and economic gains to be made on preserving ones caste.

A woman as head of state is a good thing, but it is not the definitive indicator of equality. That woman must appeal to all people, not just women and women's issues.

Too bad Americans have not yet managed to produce a woman of quality who can lead them. South Asia, especially India seems to be doing far far better.

Yeah...I am still waiting for those long lines of American women around Indian consulates begging to enter India.
Please do not. That would be a nightmare scenario for India LOL.

How have any American on this forum deny anything about the US? Pointing out worse situations in other countries in 'denia

Almost all Americans here have done. As shown throughout this thread via various links and stats, the situation in US is far worse than in India and you seem to be in denial of it.

What a pathetic understanding of statistics. What is a 'crime' depends on the law and how that law is worded. The Americans tried to educate you on that but apparently we failed. So if there are more laws in one country defining 'theft' than in another country, of course the other country will have less reported crimes about 'theft'. In the US, we have a broad definition of 'sexual assault', which encompasses rape and actually does not require penetration by a penis. So if country B have a narrower definition of rape, then acts of that would fall under our definition of sexual assaults would not be reported in country B.
Apparently, this is too much above your head.

See more example of denial and word splitting. Considering all Americans delight in "cavity searches" by the American police which is institutionalized rape and then in the same sentence also claim that rape in America does not require penetration by penis, see the denial there?

So now there are more crimes in USA because there are more laws? Bizarre. Do you mean to say the definition of homicide in US is different than in India? And theft of course.

That is a laugh when you have 'holy men' eating rotten human flesh and they are feared and respected for that. But I guess what is 'glorious' is up to the individual.

Those holy men are out of the societal structure and what they do is far too complicated for you to understand.

Let me just share one video with you as to what some yogis in India can do. This is no meat eating yogi by the way.

No Matter what you say, they will talk the same, the chinese trolls especially they cant be engaged in a logical discussion as they earn money by posts, so they keep posting things (so ignore them).
We know about our country, why do you need someone endorsing our country?are we that insecure that we need others to endorse us so we can assuage the insecurity?
Have some pride in your civilization,Religion and nation which is still standing when all others around world perished ..They can speak everything/anything but we will have the last laugh!
Just like a parent laughs at a kid who tries to talk first time and babbles things which seem cute.,funny..likewise think the same about them

Much of my argument is for the Indians on this forum. I have seen the despondency in them and how quite a few of them buy all the nonsense sprouted by the American media. Want to dispel that more than convince the Chinese or Americans anything.
Ancient Indian caste system is not the one you see today. It was not birth based distinction, but rather "guna" based, which is "innate quality." All it meant is if one has natural disposition to be a warrior, then one must be a warrior. If one has a disposition to be an artist, then that must be the line of action he must follow. Over a period of time it did get rigid and become birth based, but not as bad as portrayed. There was significant mobility across castes until the British came. There were plenty of lower caste guys who became Kings. The codification of caste structure was when it became "official" with political and economic gains to be made on preserving ones caste.

Too bad Americans have not yet managed to produce a woman of quality who can lead them. South Asia, especially India seems to be doing far far better.

Please do not. That would be a nightmare scenario for India LOL.

Almost all Americans here have done. As shown throughout this thread via various links and stats, the situation in US is far worse than in India and you seem to be in denial of it.

See more example of denial and word splitting. Considering all Americans delight in "cavity searches" by the American police which is institutionalized rape and then in the same sentence also claim that rape in America does not require penetration by penis, see the denial there?

So now there are more crimes in USA because there are more laws? Bizarre. Do you mean to say the definition of homicide in US is different than in India? And theft of course.

Those holy men are out of the societal structure and what they do is far too complicated for you to understand.

Let me just share one video with you as to what some yogis in India can do. This is no meat eating yogi by the way.

Much of my argument is for the Indians on this forum. I have seen the despondency in them and how quite a few of them buy all the nonsense sprouted by the American media. Want to dispel that more than convince the Chinese or Americans anything.
That happens because they don't know about themselves first, forget this country or nation or the civilization, what can a person argue about if they know nothing?You don't need to dispel or teach anything we are already showing to the world with our sciences and advancements.Don't think you are ignored by other nations oh hell no, all eyes are on this nation now, why do you see so much interest and friends all of a sudden?
When you are poor you might have some two or three friends but if you become successful or on the way to success then everyone wants to be your friend.This is human nature.(But stick with those friends who were with you when you were poor and never forget them)
Try this experiment-- Say you are a Billionaire and you dress up as normal folk and walk into a exclusive only car showroom and start asking about the car prices etc. Just act as you do normally and again dress up as Billionaire go to the same showroom and see how they behave "BEFORE AND AFTER".
Likewise, no matter we say yes or no, the time has reached when no one can say "NO" to this nation.Embrace it we are here out of our own hardwork not someones charity!So whether you want to teach them or not, they will come and learn eventually about this nation.Cos success draws like moths to a light.
Umm might want to read the post again, I'm on the defensive for every nation, not just us.
buddy rape is a crime against humanity and it should be treated as such.this type of crime gets reported in countries like India,the U.S.A. or the U.K. as all of them are democracies.
whenever i hear that an innocent girl has been raped in my country i feel ashamed of being a man as we men are responsible for these heinous crimes.if i had power and authority to change the law then i would definitely make rape as a Capital offense.......
I have plenty of counter arguments to make: The Indians living and working here in the US. And then there is the Internet.

The Indian women engineers that I work with, my company do not care what caste they are and we will enforce our ways and our laws upon both Indian men and women within our jurisdictions. If an Indian man harass an Indian woman, he will be fired then turn over to the police, who will also care nothing for what castes they are back in India. So for all your comments about Americans being 'savages', it is we Americans who are civilizing you Indians, albeit one Indian at a time. Too bad for that considering the sorry conditions in India, from filthy rivers to slums, may be we should send our EPA over there and get things done. May be we should send our religious leaders over there and get your 'holy men' to clean themselves up, put on some clean clothes, and stop eating rotting meat.

In the US, if a man rape a woman, it is because he is an animal. In your India, if a man rape a woman, it is because of her, whether she is of a lower caste or a foreigner. Bodily searches are for security reasons as a last resort by a sophisticated state. Rape as an instrument of retaliation is reserved for primitives.

Seems you still need a lot of time to get civilized. You are just acting like a baboon here, the more X than X syndrome....

It is some individuals' opinion, no need to get your panties in a bunch.
Bigger shame than your kabaili Jirgas ordering women to be raped?

Pakistan's rights groups and even police expressed shock on Tuesday over the gang-rape of a girl one week ago under a ruling by a tribal jirga, or village council, in Punjab Province, as a means of punishing her brother.

IRIN Asia | PAKISTAN: Girl gang-raped as local punishment | Pakistan | Gender Issues

Don't try to drag India into everything.

Above all: You must decide whom you refer to as Kabailis because we here do NOT use this term for Punjabis. So it seems your bharati aka Indian frustration forced you to twist things ;)

On topic

1. Indeed its a bigger shame for us.

2. You forgot to post about Indian Kangroo aka Indian tribal court ordered rapping a woman and your Indian tribal court members gang raped her in front of entire village to be seen by even children and women few days back.

this is just to remind you that you are NOT entitled to speak about shame at all when you are carrying a bigger blot on your face.

3. Now coming to US and rapes: You Indians want to ban rape News on this forum but you are hiding behind such posting against US and other countries just to get some solace.

Anyway i still believe (You may differ) that US has much better environment for women that India-Pakistan.
^^ The news report mentions kabailis.

And it is not about India-Pak so let's not make it one.

I agree this kind of thing should not be used to bash countries, we all have our issues.

At the same time, many in the Western media had made a big deal of the protests in India about this issue and blown the issue out of proportion. That is also a fact.
But when an Indian called my country a 'shame to the world' despite US being flawed have done much good for the world, it should not begged a response from me?

That is like someone with a broken wooden wheel wagon laughing at someone with a flat tire. Highlighting our flaws give people temporary respite from the misery of wherever they are in and given the availability of the Internet, an American invention and good for the world, such escapes are inevitable and eagerly sought out.

First part ofmy statement was to indicate that, you were more than justified in your response.

And well the second part of it, its just a mere fact.

Anyways, this thread makes least sense - chest thumping in the name of rape. Kudos.
^^ The news report mentions kabailis.

And it is not about India-Pak so let's not make it one.

I agree this kind of thing should not be used to bash countries, we all have our issues.

At the same time, many in the Western media had made a big deal of the protests in India about this issue and blown the issue out of proportion. That is also a fact.

Rape happens in any country, but rape in India is on a different scale. This is fact. UN ranked India as the worst place for women. What's more shocking is the level of delusion and denial among Indians. Richard Lynn was right.
Rape happens in any country, but rape in India is on a different scale. This is fact. UN ranked India as the worst place for women. What's more shocking is the level of delusion and denial among Indians. Richard Lynn was right.

Again shows why you were running behind those four pests in your hundreds of millions quite recently. And why it was not an aberration.

Check the incidence of rape per 100,000 population for various countries and see where India lies. It may be too much to ask of you, yet just try it.
Again shows why you were running behind those four pests in your hundreds of millions quite recently. And why it was not an aberration.

Check the incidence of rape per 100,000 population for various countries and see where India lies. It may be too much to ask of you, yet just try it.

More than half of the rape were not reported, this is acknowledged by several indian organization.
The mother of all UN ranked India as the worst place for women, even Saudi ranked ahead of you :woot:
If UN compiled a denial and delusion ranking, you will rank ahead of the entire world :yahoo:
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