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One Aazan and 22 Moazzen

are you proud of Human rights violations in Kashmir? if you consider them as Indian subjects then do you also celebrate their deaths like the other idiot?

This is not a human right violation thread. This is a thread about some kashmir history we dont know about. Now all I want is a link to this story(i.e. source).
I am against human right violation anywhere in India, including kashmir, and I have said that elsewhere.
That does not give somebody right to tell lies, you cant counter one lie with another.

I have been to kashmir and talked to kashmir people, I will never paint a rosy picture. But the impression being given here from other side(marauding Indian soldier killing and raping at will like vikings or mongols) is basically caricatures kashmiri struggle, and puts off many Indians, because they know that is lie too.

I am sure you are not an idiot, and you know the truth.
Just to clarify, there is no restriction on Azans, reading Qurans or attending mosques in Kashmir or India for that matter today.

IF this story is true, it was definitely wrong on the part of the then King to do so. But linking the acts of the then King with Indians or GoI today is as utterly stupid as other people who link invasions of Mahmud Ghaznavi to Muslims living in Central Asia today or their govt.s
^^^وسوف يقدم تقرير لاستخدامك مثل هذه اللغة
^^^وسوف يقدم تقرير لاستخدامك مثل هذه اللغة

यह क्या है??????
If you hate us you can pack your bags and move to Pakistan. We will not miss you :wave:

The land of Kashmir stays with us.

why is ethnic cleansing always your first option?
19 April 1931

Dogra ruler Ranjeet Singh ordered to burn copies of Holy Qur'an officially and they burnt copies of Holy Qur'an.
This news spread as fire in jungle.Kshmiri Muslims started protesting against this satanic act of Dogras but remained fruitless.They started a movement and a young Kashmiri Muslim Muhammad Abdul Qadeer was leading this movement.Once he was addressing a rally and he said:
''We all should stand against Dogra government.''

Then Abdul Qadeer was arrested for urging people against the government.The movement of Kashmiri Muslims was continued and they were not stepping behind.On the other hand Abdul Qadeer was kept in Srinagar Central Jail.Leaders of that movement decided to protest in front of Jail for Abdul Qadeer and the burn of Qur'an on 14th July (1931).

Central Jail Srinagar
14th July 1931

Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims gathered in front of that jail and were chanting the slogans of Touheed. Dogra governor Rai Zada Singh was also keeping eye on that protest. Time of Zohr's prayer came and one man asked a man to say Aazan(call of prayer). He came and said:


Rai Zada ordered his forces to open fire on the man who was gonna say Aazan.Dogra forces opened fire on that man who was saying Aazan and he was shoot dead.

Another man came and said:


he was also shoot dead.

another man came and instantly said:


he was also shoot dead.

Sons of Touheed were coming and were saying Aazan and were being shoot dead by Dogra Forces.In this way 22 moazzen completed one Aazan.


That is why we Kashmiri say:
'Indians! you can kill us but can't break us.'

Worst stories can be told about Muslim Invaders. Child marriage started because of them. That does not mean Pakistanis did it.
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