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On The Tarmac:IAFs First C-17 Globemaster III Heavy Lift Transport Aircraft


Oct 4, 2012
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On The Tarmac: Indian Air Force's First C-17 Globemaster III Heavy-Lift Transport Aircraft

The first Indian Air Force C-17A (F-253/IAF-1) CB-8001 is bathed in the bright white light of the flight ramp flood lites on December 7, 2012 just hours after emerging from the production hanger at Long Beach Airport

This Boeing-built Aircraft was spotted recently in the open, indicating that its construction has been completed, paving the way for its maiden test-flight.

The Indian Air Force [IAF] will induct 10 C-17A 'Globemaster', that would eventually replace the vintage Soviet-era Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft it currently flies.


In preparation for its service in the IAF, an initial team of 100 airmen recently underwent training in the U.S. to learn how to carry out maintenance & upkeep of bird.

"During trials in Ladakh, in the oxygen-thin air of that hot summer day, the IL-76 was unable to land even without a payload. The C-17, to the IAF’s delight, landed and took off with 30 tonnes on board."

Based on how well it serves the IAF, another 6 of these may be inducted as a follow-on, bringing the total number of IAF's C-17 aircrafts to 16. Would be a folly to go back to the Russians for an aircraft for which it does not even have a production line - the existing factory found itself sitting in Uzbekistan, following the collapse of U.S.S.R. Any hypothetical Indian order will, therefore, inevitably include the cost of setting up the proposed production line in Russia. It goes without saying that any new production line will encounter the inevitable kinks & bottle-necks faced in the initial operation of all new lines, that are only resolved with the time & maturity of the line, leading to delays in delivery, something the IAF can ill-afford.

On The Tarmac: Indian Air Force's First C-17 Globemaster III Heavy-Lift Transport Aircraft - AA Me, IN
good news. but i think some members already posted the same news in PDF
Oops,I didn't know that.Where is it??

sorry i cant find the thread either in IAF news and disscussions or someother. but surely you can find it in 8th or 9th dec posted threads.
I suppose it will be nice for IAF to replace the soviet era fighters with new birds.
Excuse me are the handed to IA aviation fleet or IAF??
I suppose it will be nice for IAF to replace the soviet era fighters with new birds.
Excuse me are the handed to IA aviation fleet or IAF??

IAF, they will be stationed in various air bases in India.
"During trials in Ladakh, in the oxygen-thin air of that hot summer day, the IL-76 was unable to land even without a payload. The C-17, to the IAF’s delight, landed and took off with 30 tonnes on board."

Can someone explain why? Landing at that altitude should be no different than flying. Taking off should be a problem, but why landing?
They want 30 of these???

16 for now. 10 ordered, 6 will be ordered in a couple of years as the first few start coming in.

Dont know abt 30 but 16 of them will replace 17 IL76 currently in service and which are expected to retire in 2020

Cant say replacement. Maybe augmentation. They are in different weight classes altogether. C-17 is 70 ton. The Il's will be in service for a minimum a decade more.
Can someone explain why? Landing at that altitude should be no different than flying. Taking off should be a problem, but why landing?

No idea.Must be some thing to do with the nature of trial.IAF pilots does land IL 76 in Ladakh airfields.
IL 76 uses low bypass turbofan engines, C-17 uses high bypass turbofan engine.

You can look up the difference to know why high bypass turbofans give better thrust at lower speed.

But the question remains, the problem should be for taking off, why landing. The plane is already at speed, and is slowing down. It should be able to do it at lower thrust.

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