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On the brink of Third World War

WTH! In local South Asian languages China is known as Chi-n and people as Chi-ni.That's like us saying this "印度" is offensive :lol:
So blame it to the South Asians :wave:

Sure, pretending to be ignorant of the fact is perhaps the best diplomatic strategy for world peace. No wonder we're on such friendly terms here.
Blah blah. So you cant name any actions. Just slogans.

Here are events in chronological order:
1. Israel and Iran were in fine relationships.
2. After Islamic revolution Iran broke relationships with Israel.
3. Then Iran was attacked by Iraq and despite Iran broke ties with Israel Israel still provided help to Iran.
4. After the war Iran started massive support of terrorist groups against Israel, calling for destruction.
5. Iran started nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile program while keeping threats and supporting terror against Israel.
6. Israel said that if there will be no choice it will act against nuclear program of Iran.

So who is warmonger here?

Good point...;)
Huh? Only Syria? The Arab world:



Think outside the box mate, lol those are wanna be Arabs, but at night they are in bed with Israel and USA.
I posted a pictures of those arabs shaking hands with the enemy and dancing with enemy, and etc.
If Iran wants to destroy Israel, please leave Jerusalem intact. It is a very holy place.
I don't think 190 million Pakistan eleted you to talk in their names, its just your openion. Pakistan will stay at least neutral if it woudn't suppot Arabs. There are Pakistani police in Bahrain as you know.;)

you are right, we are nobody to interfere in your matters, arabs and iranian is a middle east problem

none of our damn business..

There won't be a WW3 because neither China nor Russia will intervene to save Iran. There is no military alliance against the West.

Mr. Nadir Mir needs to come back to reality.

i agree with you, there is no alliance, china needs peace time with such growth,it doesnt need to involve in some war,pakistan also needs peace, we dont support war, let the middle east if it calls war fight itself, this whole muslim brotherhood thing hope it doesnt come and we poke in someone's nose again

if iran feels it can mess with US,let it do alone, why would anybody else help them, and take trouble for unknown reasons?
I am a Zioinist and I dont mind Islamic Republic of Pakistan having nuclear weapons. :wave:

Yeah right, that's what you're saying to us in our face, but behind our backs we all know how much you want to disarm us of our strategic assets.

India Thwarts Israeli Destruction of Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb"


May 1995
There is some evidence that Iraq was not the only nuclear peril to Israel that Begin saw in the early 1980s. Nor was the Osirak reactor in Iraq his only intended target. He also feared the Pakistani nuclear effort because Israeli intelligence had found evidence that Libya and other Moslem states were helping Pakistan, supplying both money and uranium to their effort. (Note 52) Pakistan's leader, Bhutto, was therefore under some obligation to share the nuclear fruits of Pakistan's bomb effort with other Moslem states such as Libya.

According to an Indian official, Subramaniam Swamy, a former Janata Party member, Israel in 1982 asked him to sound out other Indian leaders to see if India would grant Israeli warplanes landing and refueling rights were they to undertake an Osirak-type raid against the Kahuta nuclear reactor in Pakistan. (Note 53) India refused, probably for a combination of reasons. As one expert on South Asia speculated:

"First, the Kahuta facility is well-protected and is thus a hard target to destroy. Second and more important, India expects that any first strike by India against Kahuta would be swiftly followed by a Pakistani attack against India's nuclear facilities. Such an exchange would leave India worse off, since any potential deterrent capability against China would thereby be eliminated. Finally, India would be wary of launching such an attack against Pakistan as it would cause not only great death and destruction to Pakistan, but could blow radioactive fall-out back over India. Such an attack against Pakistan would also alienate the Muslim Middle Eastern states whose amity India has assiduously cultivated." (Note 54)

In 1991, India and Pakistan signed a treaty pledging that neither would preemptively attack the nuclear facilities of the other.


52. See Steve Weissman and Herbert Krosney, Chapter 5, "Colonel Quaddafi's Bomb," and Chapters 11-13 on the Pakistani nuclear project in The Islamic Bomb: The Nuclear Threat to Israel and the Middle East (New York: Times Books, 1981),pp. 53-65 and pp. 162-223.

53. Based on an interview granted Neil Joeck by former Janata Party member Subramaniam Swamy, January 1984. See Neil Joeck, "Pakistani Security and Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia," in Joeck, ed., Strategic Consequences of Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia (London: Frank Cass, 1986) p. 89. See also, "India Said to Eye Raid on Pakistani A-Plants," The Washington Post, December 20, 1982, p. 9; "The Islamic Bomb," in The Wall Street Journal, January 17, 1983, p. 24; and, finally, in AFour Minutes to Islamabad," Pakistan Times, April 1, 1985, p. 6.

54. Ibid.


</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

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So people of Pakistan , i know there is a self proclaimed "enlightened & liberal" mob here [Including some TT's and a mod] who brush off concerns about Israel and even deny that Israel actually had an "operational" plan in place to attack and destroy our Nuclear facilities.What they believed was an "Islamic Bomb" hence a "threat to the security of Israel".

This report was published by the National Institute for strategic studies which is the primary research institution of National Defense University. Its fellows conduct research regarding national security policy and design and conduct strategic gaming exercises.

Because its goals for United States strategy aim for minimal conflict, the staff frequently hosts and visits the military research institutes of other nations, most importantly those of the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China, Japan, and the Russian Federation. The meetings are meant to foster collaboration and understanding.

To provide a forum for the research conducted, INSS also publishes the Joint Forces Quarterly, a magazine that covers the specific issues related to national security and military strategy.

Similarly, since the institute's establishment in 1984, the fellows have published hundreds of scholarly papers under the NDU Press imprint as well as other specialized journals and fellows frequently publish in the op-ed section of many papers.

Yes it is an American Military institute therefore obviously more credible than our " poor , undereducated and ill informed Ex Military brass." :rolleyes: Who have been beating the truth out for a while but this "particular mob" doesn't move.

So this is a "highly credible American source" saying the same damn thing , so either you should change your mind & stop lying to public and us youth in particular or take it as a slap in your ignorant face and shut up.

Israel is an enemy of Pakistan and they wont change , neither should we.

Have a good day.

Regards: Aeronaut

Original post: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...nt-attack-kahuta-think-again.html#post1950032
India Thwarts Israeli Destruction of Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb"

For one thing, it is hard to bomb knowledge, so bombing will only delay, but not remove the threat, unless backed up by a more comprehensive initiative.

Secondly, I don't think there was ever a serious Israeli plan. At that time the US was tacitly encouraging AQ Khan. When he was arrested in Europe for espionage, it was the CIA who bailed him out.
For one thing, it is hard to bomb knowledge, so bombing will only delay, but not remove the threat, unless backed up by a more comprehensive initiative.

Secondly, I don't think there was ever a serious Israeli plan. At this time the US was tacitly encouraging AQ Khan. When he was arrested in Europe, it was the CIA who bailed him out.

Maybe because the USA needed our assistance in Afghanistan against their only rival at the time the Soviet Union, which they considered to be a much bigger obstacle in their path to becoming the only "superpower" in the world, so the purposely turned a blind eye and did not want to anger us at that time. However if it were to take place now i don't think USA would have allowed Pakistan to develop.
So BLACKEAGLE thanking Zionist Israeli posts :woot::cheesy:


I think 500's post was actually pretty funny and real. If you need to call every Israeli who posts a Zionist, we, this forum, doesn't need your attitude nor your contribution to this hate fest.
Sure, pretending to be ignorant of the fact is perhaps the best diplomatic strategy for world peace. No wonder we're on such friendly terms here.

Listen you can check with the pakistani mods if that term is offensive. This forum allows using south asian language terms for nationalities, for example i'm called bharati - a term we don't use in India at all. I'm however all for using only english terms but I don't make the rules.

But the funniest bit it you completely misunderstood my hindutva comment. I was not saying Hindutva is an offensive term at all. What I meant VSDOC understood very well.

I was saying hateful posters here want to use Hindutva as an offensive term but when non hindus like VSDOC show them the mirror its awesome :)

so you say that china will just let the west arm taiwan and tibet japan and korea and do not do anything about this ?

Korea Japan and Taiwan are very well armed and the west has kept arming them continuously. China is not going to start a war for that. In return china has befriended every anti west parriah state. Thats all.

But what worries me is that your Tibet comment received three thanks. Apparently there are a lot of disgruntled people here who have let their anti Americanism take over their reason. Sure I see now why you would root for a war.
Listen you can check with the pakistani mods if that term is offensive. This forum allows using south asian language terms for nationalities, for example i'm called bharati - a term we don't use in India at all. I'm however all for using only english terms but I don't make the rules.

But the funniest bit it you completely misunderstood my hindutva comment. I was not saying Hindutva is an offensive term at all. What I meant VSDOC understood very well.

I was saying hateful posters here want to use Hindutva as an offensive term but when non hindus live VSDOC show them the mirror its awesome :)

However this is an international forum and we should use the international norm of English. I never claimed that you use the word 'chini' and you just happened to bump in to the conversation. So there are no issues between you and me. But many members here know the word is as offensive to us as the American form "chink", and yet they used it as flame bait against our young members here.

Part of the problem for both sides here is that we don't know how to debate civilly and using certain personal derogatory words can only make the situations worst.

But anyway, it just so we can understand each other. No harm done.
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