A very balanced article, and it's what I've been saying all along. We overestimated our importance and did not play our cards right. The first tragic move we made, siding with one camp, brought us to this point. As this retired Air Mashall said, we decided to become a "whipping boy" but failed to establish boundaries and a working framework early on. As a result, India's foreign policy was one of balance, a Ying/Yang of sorts, and they reaped benefits from both sides.
India is too far gone to catch up economically and militarily for Pakistan. The Kashmir strategy has been a disaster, but Sheik Abdullah also bears the burden for his debacle of siding with India during the 1948-1971 conflicts we've had with India to retain his seat for Kashmir. He made deals with the devil, and people backed him, as we have people in Karachi voting for MQM, Sindi's PPP, and Punjabi's PML-N.
The list is endless, but at this point, Pakistan's future isn't within its hands but dictated from outside.
A sad state of affairs.